My lot Payments to paypal

Money - My is useful in day today life :P Cash is preferable
@Amil99 (29)
Sri Lanka
August 3, 2012 5:55am CST
HI all, I use this my lot thing for 3 days and I have no idea about the method of how money transfer to paypal account, and I want to know how can I receive money from paypal as cash..I guess expect all my friends to respond and help me how can I survive in might help other mylot users who just came in..please help..with blessings to all. :):)
4 responses
• India
5 Aug 12
Hello Amil, Hope you are doing great here. As Sri Lanka don't have paypal facility why don't you try alertpay. As you get amount in your paypal account use this site: It helps you to transfer paypal money to alertpay which is now payza. And payza have facility to bank transfer in Sri Lanka. All the best and keep up the good work.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
5 Aug 12
Excuse me but if SriLanka doesn't have Paypal (and putting a different country as your country if residence would lead to deletion of the account), how can myLot send the money if all they use is Paypal
• United Arab Emirates
5 Aug 12
The way around this is to have a friend in another country maybe U.S to get a paypal account for you and you use the country where he resides and paypal and postal address as your address on Mylot, I don't think they would mind that because they welcome new members from the whole world, All you need to do is to continue to work towards making your payout limit, mylot will still pay you and wouldn't care which country the paypal account is associated with.
@Amil99 (29)
• Sri Lanka
6 Aug 12
ya,i have bit similar idea.since paypal issue master debit card,i was wondering to have a paypal account which i sign up by using one of my friends address in US , Australia.then get issued debit card and mailed it so SriLanka.then i should be able to get money via ATM. still i do not know by that way i can get far as my knowledge it should work :) If its not going to work i have to use alert pay or moneybookers..m searching and i will post what i found to know other mylotters who is having same kind of problem...with blessings :)
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
3 Aug 12
Paypal is a payment processor, its more like creditcard in online world. So, you don't need a real cash to shopping in the online shop. If you want to withdraw your money, just connect your bank account. Go to Paypal and read their FAQ and TOS to understand it.
@Amil99 (29)
• Sri Lanka
3 Aug 12
hi devilova.its nice to have you responded in this query.i just 3days old in my lot and have to learn more and more.hope you are more thorough with this by now.its amazing when people help each other in a modern world via long distance unseen connections.see you around..byee
• United States
3 Aug 12
MyLot will pay you when you reach the minimum payout, unless you change what amount your payout is to cashout, you'll get $10.00 on the 15th of the month if you earn 10.00 by then.
@skjee10 (438)
• India
3 Aug 12
Hope you get your answer from previous response,i don't want to repeat again.As a mylot lover for 1 year,here is one small suggestion for you,don't look mylot as a earning site,it's a lot bigger than that.Here you can learn various new things,make lots of genuine friends,get help for any trouble.Happy mylotting.