Students--How Old Should They Be?

@yanzalong (18988)
August 4, 2012 2:13am CST
When we are talking about students, we imagine that they are still very young people. As we know there are also old people who are still students. Students can be at any age as long as they still want to learn. What about you? Are you still students? If not, do you still want to become students again just to remain active?
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23 responses
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
4 Aug 12
Umh..i am still student...and if i can graduate in the end of this year..i swear...i won't go back to school more..studying is so boring to me this time..and i don't want to spend much time in school also... Someone who loves studying don't throw a stone to me, please...
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
4 Aug 12
I don't think being a student is boring as long as you learn something you are after. Like me, for example, I am now studying a new field that will support my career. Besides, I love this field of study. So, it is never boring.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
4 Aug 12
Ryan, i understand life as a full-time student is very tough. I ever been through it before. Don't worry, i won't throw stone to you. But, you are always welcome to join the student life whenever you are interested to upgrade yourself to have a better earning.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
15 Aug 12
Uho, i have to work projects for my advisor to get money for my living expense, take classes, do research...and for sure i get much pressure from my advisor also. It is a reason why i swear i won't go back to school if i can graduate. Yes, learning new things is very interesting and i like it but i have to use it to do in practice, not just theory..that's why... Thank you, myfb. I will try my best to graduate soon..and earn money for living.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
4 Aug 12
Yanza, i agreed that student is not necessary mean for youngsters. Anyone can be a student as long they willing to continue learning. Although i am not officially a student but i am still interested to keep learning if i have the chance. I like learning since it can give me chance to upgrade my knowledge and perhaps helping me able to get a good job in future. After all, we should never stop learning as long we have the chance, right?
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
Absolutely right. Anyone can students either formally or informally. Learning can started at home. The problem nowadays is that when we look for a job, requirements often deal with formal education. In other words, your skills should be accompanied with formal education evidence.
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 12
Yes, when we have much more skills in hand, we have much better chance to land a better job, if given the chance. That's why, my parents always encouraged us to learn more whenever we have the chance.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
5 Aug 12
We all think of young people whenever we hear the word student. I am still a student and I am enjoying it as much as I can , so I can leave one day with no regret . I have many more years before I am finish with school and when I am finish I hope I will have no reason to return. My mother wanted to go back to school and that was a awkward moment (especially if its any where near me). I would not want to be a student after I graduate because I would have other activities to do like , join a club, work, and just enjoy life.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 12
Many who havr graduated from universities still want to continue higher education. It seems to me that they are thursty for knowledge. Some others think it is enough to have uni education and prefer finding jobs to earn a living.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 12
While still in school, can still be referred to as a student. I am now married and has one child, and not likely to return to school, and became student. I also do not want to, go back to the student. Because, I do not want to repeat all my difficulties, as a student. Because, I do not have enough money to pay for school.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 12
I know how hard it is to come back to school aftet many years of being absent from school, especially if you already have children.
@chum24 (569)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
i just graduated last march thats the end of my college life at age of 21 being student is not easy we should to be hard for our studies, remain active all the time, sometimes it is so boring to become student but i realize it is fun if we are still dtudent because we can do whatever we want we can get allowance to our parents but when we are not studying we are just in home so boring
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 12
Being a student is better than being at home. Many senior high school graduates just stay home because they failed to become uni students. If they have enough money they can enroll at private universities.
• Philippines
10 Aug 12
Yes I am still a student. I am currently a senior in my college. I personally do not think that there should be an age limit or an age requirement to study. Even though you are 60 years old and you still want to finish your college degree.. It does not matter. You just have to have the passion for it. Live your dream. Do not be afraid of others saying that your time has expired and you cannot fulfill your dream anymore. Those are just lies. Do what you want and have passion for it.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
11 Aug 12
Thank for your encouragement.That will be helpful for older people who have already despaired in life because they think they are too old.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
4 Aug 12
I don't think it is fair to put any age limits or restrictions om a student. I believe that as long as someone one is willing to take chances and wants to aquire the learning, then they should be alloed to do so and should be supported in their efforts.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
The best school for older people is an Open University, where students can study at home without having to the classroom. The Open University has fixed examinations and registration schedules.
@srjac0902 (1169)
• Italy
4 Aug 12
The one who pursues study is a student. Every learner is a student. Every person plays multiple role in life. It depends on the situations. He acts as a child or childish, he acts as a learner or a student and he also acts as a parent, teacher or a wise Professor with authority or expertise in some faculty.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
There are also teachers who are students.I mean these teachers need to study again to improve their positions as teachers. If fact, some teachers are already capable of doing the work at higher level but the problem is that teachers should have formal decumentation--certificates of higher educations.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
4 Aug 12
there is no age restrictions for it yanzalong,one can learn whenever they want and its all about perseverance and having the strong will to do it whenever we want and to follow our dreams and we can remain active
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
5 Aug 12
I think so my friend. I agree with you that we can learn at anytime. Age does not really matter. But to be accepted as a student at a certain university, age proabably becomes one of the problems.
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
4 Aug 12
Hi Yanzalong, there is some age limit in every country but actual thing is that there is no age limit to learn. We all are learning everyday something. So we all are student in the great sense. Our intention is main thing. Age is not a barrier to learn. Have a very nice day.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
Nowadays, formal certificates should be obtained in order that one can be placed in higher positions in the office. As far as learning is concerned, we can do it anytime, any where we want.Thank for the info. Happy mylotting.
• India
4 Aug 12
Hi friend, you are right, education don't have any age limitation and we can learn whenever we like. I am interested in learning more and more and wish to remain student throughout my life, now also i am learning a lot of things from good online sites.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
Yes, you are right, vidhyaprakash_2. There are many online sites, from which we can learn a lot. I also want to learn more about online marketing. It's a promising thing.
@paulli3 (312)
• China
4 Aug 12
i'm a student now. atually i'm a high students but i am not in school and i learn English now in order to get a good grade then go to university in America. i'm a chinese, most students are very young but i have seen some old students in chinese university, they are old, mabe 40 years old, but they want to learn more so they go to universities, i think they are so good.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
They are probably employees who want to improve their official positions by getting higher educational level. To study in America, you need a lot of money unless someone will sponsor your education there.
4 Aug 12
I dont think there is an age limit to being a student, you can be a mature student. I think it does not matter if you are 95, if you are happy to learn and bale to and want to then why not? I like to continually improve myself, and one way of doing that is to learn new things. I Dont mind being a student again.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
Me neither, my friend. It's always never old to learn. You know I like learning foreign languages. If possible I want to master all languages. What about you?
@caopaopao (12395)
• China
4 Aug 12
I am not a student any more, but I often admire the students so much. The college I went to was not so good, even now I often dreamed that I went to college again. Maybe it's because I don't just want to give up from the bottom of my heart.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
Yes, I also found many people were already too busy to study because they have jobs. Jobs are sometimes are very tiring. When you get home you are already tired.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
26 Aug 12
In my home country nursery age is three to four years old. Then primary school is from four years to eleven years old. Secondary school is from eleven to sixteen years old. Some students leave school after that amount of education. If they wish they can go to further education college from age sixteen to eighteen years old. Then at age over eighteen years old university is available. Some mature students study at university. I was a mature student when I began university at age 24 years old. Mature students can be any age as long as they wish to learn. It is never too late to learn. For fun in my thirties I did an A Level in Travel and Tourism. I did a Spanish Language Course.
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
25 Aug 12
No age for education a student may be young age or old age. If person interested then they can do the study at any age.
@Axai2012 (371)
4 Aug 12
I am not a student. But I have a new found interest that I am contemplating on going back to university. I don't think you need to be a student academically to remain active. Life itself is a continuing process of learning, don't you think?
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
4 Aug 12
You may be right about it but what I mean is that students have something to do with having certificates at the end of the term. Life, as you said, is a learning process that will add to the value of being students.
• Indonesia
4 Aug 12
I am a fourth semester student. I really felt the need for information and knowledge it will not be exhausted, both young and old still have to seek knowledge, because it is a provision for its next day.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 12
Very right, my friend. It's never old to learn. I guses learning can be done regardless of age as long as you are healthy enough to do it.
• United States
4 Aug 12
I am student still (a college student, specifically). To answer your main question, while there does seem to be a traditional age (18-22 for college in the USA), I think there are plenty of nontraditional students (myself included). These students should not be treated any differently, and I admire their effort and passion for learning, because they are pursuing an education even when most others are not at their age. As I get older, I hope I continue to have the desire that I have today to always learn new things.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
4 Aug 12
Hi, that's right. I was a student some years ago but now I feel I need to go back to university taking another field of study that I think will be useful for my post tenure. Thank for responding.
@daisy777 (214)
• South Africa
23 Aug 12
At 36 I was still studying. I've stopped now and don't think I'll study again.