be nice to all in here...

@missjahn (4574)
August 4, 2012 6:33am CST
look at my rating, it was being demerited. i have something to confide with you here guys, awhile ago, i accidentally pressed the minus rate button. to my amazement, my earnings were being lessened too. so i read the mylot faq and i was being informed that when you rate someone it will be reported to the admin also and they closely sticking to it. that you need to be nice to them even the information being added in the post is not nice already and as you click the minus button, it will affect your drs - haha - to my greatest disappointment, my rate is eight again. at least i am learning some lessons today even how disappointed it was. oh em gee
3 people like this
15 responses
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
4 Aug 12
How you rate other people affects their earnings and their reputation, not your own unless you abuse the system by giving too many negative (or positive) responses where they are not deserved. What you observed was simply a coincidence and certainly nothing to do with your use of the rating system. It is fairly easy to press the wrong button when rating and, unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about it once you have done so! It's best just to say "oops!" and move on. In general, people should only ever be using the '+' button. Negative ratings are only appropriate if you think that something is 'not in the spirit of MyLot' and, in those cases, it is usually a Guideline violation as well, so it should be reported so that Admin can decide whether it should be removed. NOBODY should use the '-' button simply because they disagree with what is said! Unfortunately, many people do just that and (apart from removing the '-' button entirely, which I think would be a good thing) there is no real way to stop them.
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@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
4 Aug 12
Yes, rajanitishnaik, I believe that the limit is 11 ratings per day. I have never actually counted - I was told that number by either mysdianit or 'The Lamb' - though occasionally I reach a point where I can rate (and it says 'rated') but when I refresh the screen, the button is available again.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
4 Aug 12
That's very true. The Guidelines aren't comprehensive. There are some things which are not mentioned specifically and some aren't explained very well. Something which many people have trouble with is what is meant by a 'poll type' question. Anything which can be answered simply with 'yes' or 'no' or just a few words is considered a 'poll type', even if you add "... and why?" at the end. The best test is to ask yourself what answers you are expecting and how you would answer it. More importantly, think how you are going to continue the discussion by commenting on the responses you expect to get. If the answers to any of these show that it's not going to create a good quality discussion, then you should either rewrite your topic so that it asks the question in such a way that it is impossible to respond with just a few words or, maybe, forget it!
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
when you are new here, you cannot understand the whole thing even if you already memorized the whole guidelines unless you can experience some of it and it occurred to actually. sometimes like life, we need to be bumped with struggles so that we will be awaken and getting tougher each time. we commit mistakes, learn and do it over again.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
I think not only in mylot we should be nice at all time it must be a good habit to every one to practice being nice to everybody. Don't worry to much about your ratings it will come back just continue making good quality discussion and make it sure it is not violating mylot FAQ to avoid deletion too.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
Huh? I think I'm lost in your reply.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
haha! oh yeah lyn. i am not worrying of that too much. i guess to stay aware of what is going on in here already is that we should open our email as we open the mylot to be certain if you are already sent warnings and thereof by the admin. thanks to you
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
ah - my earnings in here was being demerited also along with my reputation. so i thought that it happened like that because the number of my reputation is levelling down so to find it out, i have one discussion that had been deleted. and one veterans here so to mention (forever the lamb) told me that it was deleted for he accepted notification too that the discussion was being removed from the admin. so that is why i am saying to you that, to know what is going on around here, it is much better to open your email too so that you will know what is happened to your write - ups or so. i hope this one gives some clarification. :)
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
5 Aug 12
Atleast now you know what the expectation is, I've visited many of your discussions so I'm kind of surprised at what your rating is, as I thought it would be higher. I have to wonder why hitting the negative button would affect your score? Does this mean that someone visits the discussion that you marked as negative and they disagreed with your judgement?
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@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
haha! it is okay. this serves as a lesson for me. you cannot please anyone here nor to stop them from what they would like to. maybe someone got annoyed with me and pressed the minus button - haha! but so far as i knew, i did not make any offense so to make them mad at me. it is okay. well thanks for your trust with my discussion. at least i heard some others opinion from you. :) thanks
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@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
4 Aug 12
It is ok, as you said, this is the way to learning and you may be prefect after few days of experience meantime your rating card also will keep change to the best with blue after some more days, (not just like with the red for ever) keep be regular and be a good friend with all. Regards
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@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
oh yeah, you are so right, still be friendly to anyone no matter what. be kind even if they cannot act like one. things must go on and keep on rolling. like a wheel, i hope that there would come a time that we will be at the upper side of it - stay happy
• India
6 Aug 12
Yes, it may be nice feeling that all are living happily and in harmony. Let's pray for it...
@blebchel (249)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
firstly, it's my day now because i just seen a star beside my username when I hit a post of 100. Now i have also a question because i am currently at 8 . I thought i would be 10. Is the rating like this, 'The lesser the number the better ?
1 person likes this
@blebchel (249)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
ohmy.. I've viewed the better rating to be at 1 .hahaha! Thanks lamb and jahn. I understand now. I was just wondering why i've been seeing responses like 'i just came down from 8 to 7.'. I was like "huh?" hehehe the idea is clearer now.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
blebchel, lamb is right, no one starts here at ten. it is from the smallest number to then as the highest. you must be grateful that you got it eight for it nearly hits the perfect score. :)
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
i do not know this much too, i am trying to learn from my mistakes and such and from the people around here. let us thank them for that.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
29 Aug 12
missjahn: I do not remember whether I read this discussion earlier. Your rating has come down to 5 from 8. Start positive topics -- be cheerful -- post in friends discussions -- rate them + --be hopeful and your rating also will increase. Do not inter act with people with whom you have opposite views. have a nice day.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
29 Aug 12
missjahn: i am giving these suggestions openly so that other new members also will know about it. for example some new members are not aware that if they do not log in for 90 days earnings made will be forfeited. similarly this way of being good to others and tolerating others --these are required for having a pleasant time online.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
29 Aug 12
Are you studying now? you seem to be fairly aged for getting placed. perhaps you worked for some years and again started studying. good day.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
29 Aug 12
yes, maybe my gloomy mood and complain some attitude dragged me down. hmm... i will make it alright because of one person that is concerned about the matter despite and inspite what this deed have an effect to him. i guess, need to be cheerful more. thanks ever for the given tips upon showing us the way to an achievement we would like to achieve in here... thanks much sir for this wonderful tips. appreciate it genuinely... thanks again
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
5 Aug 12
Wow, I guess that would be upsetting. I try to keep my ratings up. I didnt know that giving a - would take away your ratings. Thats a bummer. I dont rate negatives as I always think that the other person is well deserved of their own opinion on the discussions. And they can say what they are thinking on it.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
it is upsetting but a fun merely more. i am not certain who did this but what i can say that the one who did this is having a good spirit -ahaha... this is just for fun :D - oh well, let us just hope they cannot experience the same experience in the row. but for me, who am i to judge each one here, everyone has the right like everyone has limits too. thanks for joining the conversation. :)
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@luxlyangels (1286)
5 Aug 12
Wait a minute? So even if its worth it and you rate them minus it would have a negative effect on you? That's not the way I heard it and if its true that's just too bad for mylot
29 Aug 12
This your ecplanation is something else. Very funny.Nice one. Keep it up okay
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
29 Aug 12
missjahn the link is not working properly. I am of the view that if we are happy mark +. If you are not happy with a member's response/reply --- leave it go to another discussion-- there are lakhs of discussions -- our life time will not be sufficient to cover them all--why to bother about something which you do not like or follow-- leave and go to a place you like. it is like this there are 9 theatres in your city-- films run in 8 are not good and is not your choice. then forget about them go to the ninth theatre , enjoy, think about that. you watch movie for 3 hours and enjoy about thinking 30 hours. So do mylotting for 2 hours and remember about it for 20 hours. yes. i remember about good friends like you , hatley aunty, mysdianait, jaiho, professor, fanta, vidhya, visavis, Lamb, topffer,GSB,HWG etc.
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@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
i guess so, the rater and the ratee will get affected. when it is being reported to the admin, they will stick closely to it. so as it said in the faq that even the member is not talking or responding in a nice way, you must still rate him plus, try to see this link for you :
1 person likes this
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
hi missjahn, Sometimes we need to learn from stupid things we've done Mylot is a nice and friendly community Try to have fun
@blebchel (249)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
how did you know that lamb *clap*
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
we just need to learn sometimes we can't please everyone but we can always goes with the flow
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
bwahaha - i need to pay the price of being reckless. haha - nothing to do but laugh with this incident to consider. and i am glad of meeting you. it is alright, no big deal just my earnings is demerited too --- haha.... well pleasing everyone would be very nice but taking him in our side is hard. a smile for you bhaby :) thanks
@riyauro (6421)
• India
4 Aug 12
hmm hi missjahn, It has happened to me too but I did not know the reason. I had rating of 8 which came down to 7. lol maybe next time have to be careful..I hope to get goo rating in the future. Don't be upset. You are doing very very good. have a great day.
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@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
i can laugh with that idea and said bleeh good for me. it is alright, we can cannot please everyone. and it is not one of our hold to force them to treat and rate us nicely. they could experience this in the future - alas! have a great day also.
@mrsuniega (786)
• Philippines
4 Aug 12
yeah thats right, we are all ONE here. same goal to earn something to earn a little. :
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
hehe.. yes earn a little and enjoy it big. thanks for joining - enjoy it here :)
@paulli3 (312)
• China
4 Aug 12
i agree with you, i am nice to all here, i think everyone want to have a high rating, so all i can do is to give everyone a "plus", i think what i do is great and i wish everyone can be nice to all in here, too. more people will feel happy good luck !
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
oh yes, indeed. we are not here for a quarrel. we are here to enjoy and to happily the privilege mylot have offered us. that while we share our thoughts and feelings, we are being paid without so much hassles. let us try to be friendly even some of us here are not. when we lend a help to others, let us not count it. let it just slip away, and someone will reward you for that. happy Sunday! it is Lord's da! thanks :)
4 Aug 12
lol i didnt even realise you could rate things until you mentioned this! I just looked and saw the plus and minus biuttons
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
oh yeah! better to know or exercise your rights here.. haha but as possibly as you can be nice to everyone thanks :)
4 Aug 12
I am learning my way round here too. I like discussions where you can rate what other people say, i think it is a very usefull feedback tool to have.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
yes and when you did that, please be true at heart and sincerely do it. your rate being given is too useful to all of us. even one person would say something that might offend you, still treat him nicely. or even you can press the plus button. the admin will stick to it closely about that. gosh, things will go like that even we do not want it. i am glad you joined in this discussion. :)
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@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
22 Oct 15
Thank you for your information, it means I have to be careful with my respond and like. Have a nice day friend...!