A storm is coming...
By ladygator
@ladygator (3465)
United States
August 4, 2012 9:00pm CST
We currently have a storm threatening to start. Now you can never really know if one will really hit or not. But tonight its lightening and thundering. There was just a thunder that actually rattled my windows, I saw them moving. And it was really long. Longer then any other single thunder that I remember. Kinda scared me actually, but I being the mom, was all cool about it...
My question for you is do you like to go outside and watch the storm move in. And run into the house as soon as the rain starts falling? Or even sit somewhere outside while the initial downpour comes?
I am going to go outside as soon as I send this and watch for the storm. Its just something about a good storm that has a charged energy for me. Its actually exciting to me, I get a little rush I guess from it. Its amazing to me how nature just comes in with its power and nurture.
You have my question whats your answer on your reactions and thoughts on storms coming?
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11 responses
@ckciasigurl (2080)
• Italy
5 Aug 12
hi ladygator!
here in the Phillipines the typhoon just went away honestly almost 1 weeks rain and storm.
there are many people who suffered from flood, and also landslide, when storm is coming i feel sad and worried because there are many people who doesn't have permanent house and yet here comes the flood they do not have something to shelter with there self. honestly when i see a storm in my window i do not like to see because the light is to bright ,
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
5 Aug 12
true in many countries including Tamil nadu, India rain water system management is not properly done. if it rains it rains heavily and roads are all blocked with water logging. people have to move out of their shelter. so moderate rain is required instead of heavy rains.

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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
Hi ckciasigirl,
I also get very sad when I hear about other that have devistation from the weather. Its never a happy thing when these things happen. I also understand that devistation comes in many forms. Major job loss was a product of the depression and fall of the auto undustry and different severe weather conditions bring different problems. As well as drouts that cause problems for the crops that bring about a bountiful harvest. Major rain has caused many problems across the counrty.
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
5 Aug 12
I am actually missing a good thunderstorm. Here in the maritimes ( Canada)They don't have those big thunder and lightning like other places and well because I'm not from around here I start to miss a lot of it and looking at the sky while it builds up for a storm, so yes it is kind of scary and fun in the same time.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
So you see what I mean about this storm coming anticipation. You dont get thunderstorms in Cananda? Its kinda like the land of Oz over there I think. It seems to be a nice and relaxed place. Am I right?
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
5 Aug 12

@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
I like that begininning and love to watch it come. And then of course I also go throught the house and take the same precautions that you speak of your grandmother doing. My husband is also pretty good at knowing when this is coming and tells me. He gotten this wisdom from his grandfather and has told me about it. He gets all stressed out from my wanting to go outside and come inside in the last minute. The windows rattling did make me a bit nervous in a tiny bit, but I still went outside to see it come along.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
5 Aug 12
Our country just had its share of a series of storms. For a week we have lots of rains and floods. Just now that we saw the sun shining. This is really the month when such typhoons and storms are formed.
I love the rain, but when it is raining so hard topped with strong gusts of winds, I began to feel a bit scared for the floods and all. I live in a flood-free town but I can't help thinking my other friends who were not so fortunate.
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@janiewhite35 (163)
5 Aug 12
We have just had a little bit of a storm here, but literally just a few miles away they had it far worse, bad thunder and lightening hail and local flooding.
people there (Family and friends) were flooded about a month ago, and now are almost flooding again, and the rain still had not stopped.
One family member is only allowed to stay living in her home if she lives upstairs and doesnt use the downstairs at all.
THey are currently worried they will flood again, the water is up the 5 steps to their doorway, but has not yet gone in the doors.
I Love storms, i think theyre a wonder of nature, but they can be devastating and destructive cant they. I think theyre exciting too, and I LOVE watching programmes on the tv about people who go storm chasing, theyre so brave, and it helps gather lots of information for scientific studies etc
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
I see that we are very much alike in our thoughts of the storms. I think that it was Colorado that had some really bad flooding this past spring and thats never ever a thing that I like to hear about.
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
5 Aug 12
I must admit that I like rain so much because it's relaxing but a storm with matching thunder and lightning, I think I'll have to pass. It's a bit scary especially if heavy rains hit the rooftop. I get this feeling that the ceiling might fall on us. I can't relax if that's the situation. Moreover, the aftermath it brings is really something one should be sad about. Many loses their homes because of flashfloods and you can see on the news that they're being given relief goods on some public schools or barangay halls. It's a serious matter. Well, that's my take on this.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
I agree on the hard toll that this brings at times. I think that since we have had so little rain this year that the starts of rain coming in is an exciting and happy thing because of the problems that no rain is bringing. To much hard rain is bad and too little short light rain is bad.
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
5 Aug 12
Today I wanted to take my kids on a nature walk to this local nature preserve but it started raining around 11 am. The guided walk wasnt until 2 pm so I kept debating up to about 1:30 on if we should go or not since the rain had stopped. The forecast didnt look very good though so I just decided to say the heck with it and my kids and I can go by outselves in a few days when the weather is supposed to be real nice. Luckily I didnt go on the walk because it takes 2 hours and at 3pm it started pouring here. I would not want to be out in the middle of the woods in the rain I would be miserable.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
Aw, thats to bad that the rain messed up your plans for a nice nature walk. And I certainly agree that a walk in the rain, in the woods would be a pretty crummy way to take this adventure. I dont like being out in the rain much at all. Unless its a nice little sprinkle in the early evening when its still light. Its not so bad. The other day we were at the pool and it started raining pretty hard and people still were swimming in the pool. I found that interesting. I almost jumped in, but we decided to leave instead.
Did it rain anymore that day?
@CelticSoulSister (1640)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
5 Aug 12
I always stay indoors during a thunderstorm as I'm terrified of lightning and its destructive potential. On taking advice from the British Met Office plus lots of other weather advice websites from around the world, I refuse to use my landline phone during a storm and I always unplug non-essential items such as my computer, plus I remove the connector from the DSL socket. I then stay indoors with all the windows shut and wait until it's all over. We had a storm here the other day and the lightning for a while was very, very close. It scared me almost into oblivion when a couple of forks of lightning struck very close by, just a few yards away from my house - and, it overall wasn't an especially severe storm - just a long one.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
Storms can be kinda scary if they last a long time and are very damamging. I do feel bad for the people that have had the severity of a bad storm. Its not a good thing at all to suffer the destruction of the weather. If the storm is bad, I will do the things that you have described here. I do take precautions about power surges. The one thing that does stress me out is when there is a threat of a tornado. Usually they dont come around here. In over 30 years....but this year there was one that hit about 6 miles away from my house. That was also the one that dislodged the tree from the ground in my yard because the thunder was so hard.
@vidhyaprakash_2 (7116)
• India
6 Aug 12
Hi friend, i don't go outside during storm, it is not good for us as well as i am not scared with little storms, if the storm is heavy and gives a great disaster, then i will pray to control the storm.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
Good morning,
I dont actualy stand out in the rain. I do sit in my garage, where no rain comes in. I like to watch the rain because its like a nice freshening for everything. It washed everything clean, at least thats what I imagine it doing. I also pray though when its getting a bit more strong.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
5 Aug 12
Share some of that rain. we really need it here for corn crops. been real dry here. I see nay across the world having same problems. Lets share it.
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Aug 12
Hi there,
I am only interested in sitting outside until that first raindrop and then I come inside or out of any place that I would be getting rained on. Now the refence that we could be getting our retina spoiled is not a thing that I have heard of before.