Don't take that flying leap!

@Loverbear (4918)
United States
August 5, 2012 2:51pm CST
I've had a horrible day yesterday. Bill and I decided to cut wood since the day was much cooler than the triple digit temperatures we have been living with the past couple of weeks. We worked for about two hours on the wood; cutting, splitting and stacking firewood for the winter. It was still rather warm and we both were sweating like crazy. We finally finished doing the wood and Bill went home. I noticed that some of the herbs had been pulled up by the local neighborhood deer, so I stepped over the decorative fence to replant it and pick up a couple of pieces of litter that blew into the garden area. I backed up and that's when I took a "flying leap". Fortunately I have taught myself to relax when I am falling rather than tensing up and trying to catch myself. I went sailing through the air; losing my grip on my tea cup (fortunately it was a plastic cup from Starbucks) then I bounced off Abby the pit lab mix that I share my home with, and then came in for a three bounce landing on the hard clay ground. Normally it wouldn't be so bad except that I discovered that my wrist, ankle, and ribs were hurting. I laid on the ground like a massive pile of dog poop, wondering how much of myself broke when a huge black nose started poking my eyes. I opened them to see a huge brown dog peering at me as if to say "Are you okay??? Do I need to do a Lassie for you??? Are you sure you're okay??? Are you EVER getting up off the ground???" I finally groaned and tried to sit up. Bad mistake!!! The pain ripped through my body like a lightening bolt. I very slowly got to my feet and brushed off a ton of dirt. Well at least Abby was happy that I was standing up! I then eased my way towards the house, each step being a new experience in pain. I got inside and got to the couch and sat down to assess my injuries. The wrist was okay, just a bit crabby at being treated like a tennis ball being tossed on the ground. The ankle was fine too, although it was crabby at being bounced off the low fence and then used for a pivot point for all my weight to be aimed at the ground. The only thing that wasn't okay was the ribs. Crap! After getting them checked and x-rayed at the ER, I found out that I has successfully managed to crack three ribs. OH JOY!!! I discovered with cracking three ribs that sneezing is a new kind of pain, along with the pain from something as simple as a feels like your rib cage, and whole body is going to explode when you try to pass gas. Hic ups are totally out of the questions!!! Don't even go there. It feels like you're trying to turn yourself inside out with each hic! Also standing up and sitting down is difficult at best! All I can say is thank goodness for pain pills!!! How has your weekend been going??? I've been told to take a flying leap, and they aren't that don't take anyone up on their statements. Keep your feet firmly on the floor and watch out for low lying fences. Also, if you crack the ribs that are just at the arm pit area you will need to use a arasol deodorant as trying to apply roll on is a literal PAIN!
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5 responses
5 Aug 12
oh my goodness, i can imagine the pain youa re in. I used to be a nurse and from patients comments cna tell crakced ribs are painfull. AS you say it hurts to breath, move, cough, sneeze, fart (call me a child but i love that word ha ha)hichup, etc etc. I expect trying to sit down or stnad up is very painfull for you too. And I BET the little fence you tried to jump over wasnt that high either, and i expect you may have even jumped it before, and that these two things made you think you knew the fence and would come to no harm in jumping it. THings are so easily done arent they, and when we least exoect it. Would you believe 5 months ago i broke my wrist and ankle and torn ligaments in them both simply stepping off a LOWERED kerb! YEs would you believe it, and i had a walking stick with me too!!!! It just goes to show how the littlest thing can have the most dire consequences for us should they go wrong, and when they go wrong oh boy do they go wrong! I really do wish you a very speedy recovery, and i hope you have some meds to manager your pain! PLeasse just try and rest!
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@ElicBxn (63785)
• United States
10 Aug 12
I just got over here - and from my discussion saw you actually broke 4 of the darn things! I had a friend break a rib in a car accident, then a couple of years later he broke it again - SNEEZING! Take good care of yourself. I almost fell this morning and have sprained my ankle - and I didn't even go down! This has been a CRAPPY week!
@GardenGerty (162354)
• United States
5 Aug 12
If you have to cough, sneeze or hiccup, etc. hug a large pillow to your chest while doing so. I have been told that helps. You do not do things halfway do you. I pushed some furniture around yesterday and I am going to sneak off and do some more in just a minute or two. I am glad you had some slightly cooler weather, though.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
5 Aug 12
So, um.. should I ask how the rest of your weekend went? ;-} That really is terrible. At least you were able to get up and go inside. It only takes a little thing to create BIG problems. Once I tripped stepping up on a curb where I worked. I had done the same thing for years but don't know what happened this particular night. I stepped up and my toe hit the edge of the curb. I went flying forward and fell flat on my face. My left arm was underneath me. I had scrapes on my nose and chin and a broken left elbow. I had a soda from Burger King in my hand. I never did find out what happened to it. I think it flew through the air and landed behind the bushes. Glad you're not too seriously injured. It could have been worse. Watch out for low-lying fences!
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Why did you took a flying leap when you can just walk thru.You must have lost your mind at that very moment.You should stop drinking drinks with stimulants as a friendly advice, I believed, because it proves that you were of no control over your stimulated sensation.I never experience the same for I've been cautious with my action.