I'm in nervous now!!!

@lynboobsy11 (11343)
August 6, 2012 11:42am CST
While making this post the water level in the street is so high and I think it is almost reach my floor. I'm here in my room at the second level, heavy rain is still pouring, there was an announcement of high tide in about an hour. The Mayor already announce the suspension of classes in all levels tomorrow and I'm glad they did it as early tonight. I'm shaking here while typing, I'm little bit dizzy too I'm scared what will happen it this rain will not stop for the whole night. It is almost 1am here and I'm glad we still have electric power and internet connection.
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24 responses
• United States
6 Aug 12
oh wow i would be scared too, try to calm down though cause its not good for your health if you are getting dizzy over it. trust me i have panic attacks and they are not fun. I will pray for you that the rain will stop. take care and be safe.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Still so hard, the water is already inside my house.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks musicluv, I'm almost fine now, that's why prefer staying here in mylot so I can be relax.
• United States
6 Aug 12
good i am glad you got yourself feeling better, how is the rain holding up?
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Take care. Check your emergency lights and I am sure you've already secured everything that must be secured. We are experiencing the same here right now. Although my place is safe compared to other nearby cities and places where waters already raise up to 6-10 feet. The Lamesa DAM already reach the maximum level and now releasing water to avoid damaged that cause main roads- highways submerged on water and now unpassable. Earlier while you and bhaby are trying to reach me - I am on duty with our rescue team and had few people evacuated in our building. I need to stay awake this whole night, the rain never stops and if this rain continue for many more hours I am sure we will be stranded since other roads are already flooded. Just take preliminary precautions..
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks Jai, this time we only need is prayers I hope this rain stop soon, pity for those families that are not still leaving their areas, I saw in the news that the flood is all over Metro Manila too.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
You too take care and keep in touch I hope electric power stay and even our Internet connection.
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
yes, that's the best weapon and the best thing we can do by this time. Just take extra care
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Aug 12
Heavy rain still pouring. I wish we could get some of that here. Hot and dry. I would be shaking too. I hope you get up to another level and the rain stops. I hope you continue to have electric power and your internet connection. Good luck to you and hope the level goes down. My thoughts are with you.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks celticeagle, how I wish to send this rain over your country, water is already excessive and not needed here.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Aug 12
so sorry. i just wonder why the weather is so crazy every where these days again. flooding there and in other countries and a terrible drought here. to bad scientist can not come up with a way to move flooding waters to drought places. they said 63 percent of the USA is having drought right now.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
Yhea maybe because of the climate change that's why it affects all over the world. So we must be careful all the time. I post some of the pics I captured from the flood outside and even inside my house in my FB page .
• United States
6 Aug 12
It's good that you still have electric and internet there. Hopefully, you will keep services throughout so that you can stay online and keep yourself distracted from the flooding.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks wilson, still glad that we have electric power and internet connection. This is important for us to know what's happening outside. The flood is already inside my house Im in the second level now.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
7 Aug 12
I hope you're safe. Like you, I can't help but also worry for my folks who live in Manila; good thing our house there is still flood free.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
I'm quite safe here in my room only the water is inside my house now and I already put my fridge and range up to be safe. I'm glad that your family lives in flood free area.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
6 Aug 12
OH my! Stay Safe! If it's that high they should have evacuated people long ago! I'm hoping the rain will stop for you soon.. and as lamb said we could use it in the US!
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
thanks I know I'm safe here in my room but I'm still scared and nervous, I can see the updates in FB that the flood is all over in my town.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Aug 12
Rescuers on the flooded road - Rescuers braved the flood to rescue the stranded people on top of their roofs.
I was just as nervous the other night because the right was non-stop. I feared the flood because our place is prone to flooding. I almost did not sleep at all. I was just praying every now and then. Later in the midnight I saw the flood coming. I also saw the people walking and evacuating through the flood. I am so thankful the flood did not reach our house. We stayed safe and for that I was thankful to God. As I turned on the TV, I saw the terrible destruction of flood to the people in Marikina. How sad for them! But thank God there are heroic rescuers who risk their lives just to save the flood victims.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Aug 12
I really do consider our family to be lucky that we don't live in a flood plain. There are times that we do have a lot of heavy rains and it will cause the creeks and rivers to flood, but we don't live in an area where it would be possible to flood. If our family lived just a few miles away from where we live, there are some homes that will flood and I can't imagine the fear that people that live in that area go through when we start to get some really heavy rains.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
6 Aug 12
just try to be calm and carry on,if you think too much,you will get upset and eventually be tired and upset.so be calm and try to make the best use always even if there is no power
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks nat, I'm already calm now maybe I will just keep stay awake it is almost 2:30 am here still raining and the water keeps on rising. But I'm glad we still have power.
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
6 Aug 12
Hello Lyn, Don't be scared and go for the safer place if there is an announcement before it gets too late.But that's really strange we people are really worried as we did not have sufficient rain this season and there are places in the world there has been excessive rain causing situation of flood.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks sjvg, I know I'm safe here in my room at the second level of my house only of course we are not used to be in this kind of situation. I just hope all people are safe by this time of calamity.
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Aug 12
Oh my goodness. I hope it stops raining soon for you. I would be scared too! =( I will be praying for you that the rain stops. Keep praying.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks LMB, I'm still shaking right now I need to be relax and talk to someone, I'm glad my daughter is already sleep I don't want her to see me like this.
• India
7 Aug 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about this great rain, hope it will stop soon. Too much of rain is not good and we will face unwanted problems due to it
@nnanduri (23)
6 Aug 12
Hi friend .I don't know what to say.In America there will be good drinage system but how water is coming and got stable on roads.Be so careful.Don't come out of your home until water level get down because i heard like man holes will be there you cant recognize them.Believe in god, he has to save us.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
6 Aug 12
Thanks nnanduri, Our drainage system here are already block by many waste and it is also connected into the rivers and when the river rises the flood can reach the town.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
7 Aug 12
Hi dear, Hope all of you are well and fine. It seems you all are really in panic and the area is still convered with water. Take proper care and you need to be much more alerted for any uneven incidents. Hope you all are in the builiding, but safe. Also, take care about children and elder people at home. I think you may have to switch off the lights and de-fuse the power supply as a precaution because if the electricity is happend to contact with water, it will be dangerous. Please provide update if possible and most importantly, take care about yourself first and go for other things. Take care.
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
hi lyn, It's still raining I hope your power supply will be back soon and you have enough food let's pray it will be over soon. The water level of the water rises as hour pass by be safe
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
I watched TV all day and saw how Metro Manila and neighboring towns are flooded.How people were evacuated to centers for safety. I sure am glad I live on higher grounds along Kennon Road, 20 kilometers from Baguio City.
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
What is your location? I do have a lot of friends and mates whose houses are also flooded ankle to knee deep already while the streets floods are rising as high as waist level. Now, watching the news makes me shiver. I hope the flood subside and the rains stop already. Good thing that electricity and the internet still keeps you company to distract you out of the inconvenience brought about by floods.
@jureathome (5361)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
News is bad up until now. It seems that the raining and flooding is getting worse every hour. I hope you guys are not in a very bad shape out there. Are you in a situation that may need emergency evacuation any time?
7 Aug 12
That must be so scarey! WE have had some local flooding here, family nearby got the bottom floor of thier homes flooded. We were very luck and it missed us out. You must be very worried and anxious. I am sure everyone here is happy to keep chatting to you for as long as you can stay online. Try and keep calm (not easy I know) Try and get anything of value as high up as you can in your house, on top of cupbaords etc NEwspapers, blanekts and twoeks in doorways can help stem any flooding for a short time. Hope and pray you are ok