Believe or not?

August 6, 2012 2:31pm CST
if your friend told you that she/he had illness mental when study in the university, do you believe? and she/he also tell everything like what had happened, how she/he go through it... do you believe it?
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6 responses
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
7 Aug 12
I would probably believe the things that my friend told me. A mental illness doesn't always prevent you from studying or finishing an education. It depends on many things like the type of mental illness and the help that you get like medicine and therapy. The fact that he or she was ill while they studied at university doesn't sound like a lie to me. It is possible. In most cases a person probably wouldn't tell you about a mental illness if it wasn't the truth. Some people make up stories to get attention, but the sitaution that you described sounds more a like a friend who trusts you and have decided to confide in you.
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
In the first place, why would she tell you if she wasn't. Telling somebody about your illness especially psychological illness will need enough courage. Some people are afraid to tell other people about their cases. of course, some will try to build some walls. They won't be your friends anymore. They will avoid you, etc. Your friend must be telling the truth. Maybe she's warning you. Her illness might get back. All you have to do is support her. Maybe, she finds a friend in you that's why she's opening it up to you.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
6 Aug 12
If she can properly reason it, tell it exactly how it went, what kind of mental illness it was and it makes sense, I'd believe it. I meant, not every kind of mental illness results in a person not being able to function at university or have brain damage so much that they can't understand more serious topics.
@bLadeee (403)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
If he/she is my friend, I can tell if he/she tells the truth since I'm with him/her for a long time. A real friend understand and trust each other.
@512771751 (1096)
• China
7 Aug 12
I don't believe that and I just think that he doesn't want to study. Haha...... If you believe it, every school has its own paychologcal counseling center,maybe you can take him there.
@Visdude11 (211)
• Norway
6 Aug 12
Yes, I would believe it. Becouse a real friend doesn't joke about such things. It would be hard for me, but I would believe it.