A week ago today my brothers and I found out our mom is dying
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
August 6, 2012 11:42pm CST
As some of you already know, I just lost my dad November 26th and now I'm about to lose my mom. She has cancer of the liver and lungs. The doctors say that they believe it came from her colon and traveled to her liver and that being that the liver is basically a sponge of blood, blood flows throughout the body which means that the cancer is throughout her body. Mom opted out of getting a biopsy done out of fear of it spreading faster and she's not going to have any of the treatments. She's afraid it won't help her any more than it did her mother, my grandmother. I respect her decision even though it's SO hard! I'm her sole caregiver although hospice has been called in and they came today, I'm still her sole caregiver and it's really taking a toll on me and I've had a few hard core crying fits to relieve the stress but then to only get a nice ole sinus headache. Sigh.
So my point of telling you this is two things, I won't be on here much because I have her to care for as well as her house, bills, errands to run - whenever possible and her fur babies. My husband is helping in every way possible to get the things that I need and bring them to me, thank God! He's so very supportive of my having to stay with mom that I couldn't ask for a better husband!
Secondly, I ask for you to pray for mom's recovery OR that she leaves this world and not suffer anymore because she doesn't deserve this. Whatever is God's will will be and my brothers and I wish it to be quickly so she can either get on with her life or get out of her misery.
I'll be here from time to time, just don't know when or for how long but I'll be here when I can. Till then, may God bless you all!
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7 responses
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Aug 12
Hi Hillxuan, I lost my dad back in November of last year but my mom is still alive however, not for long though. I have to be strong in order to go through such an ordeal especially losing them both within a years time. I don't want my mom to feel any type of guilt whatsoever because it being her time. When God calls each of us home, we don't have a choice and I know this so I've come to terms with the idea, so to speak. I'll miss her just like I do dad but I know I'll get to see her again some day. Thank you for letting me know that I have you and many others all over the world and won't be alone! That is very comforting! May God bless you!
@wilsonburrell (207)
• United States
8 Aug 12
This is always sad to hear. Last year I met a 14 year old who was living at St Jude's and only live for a few months after I met him. I knew that more than likely he didn't have long. All I knew to do was to make his last days the best they could be.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Aug 12
Hi wilsonburrell, when my foster sister was in the hospital as a baby, she and mom saw a few young children die too and it was very hard on them. They both did all they could to make them all happy before their time came. That's all one can do and it's the best gift to give a person in that way.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
7 Aug 12
my prayers are with you and your mom. I may not be the best daughter too and i do not have the perfect relationship with my mom too.. but somehow i know how it feels when we know the one we love is suffering. god bless you more and may it brings you comfort in times when you need it my friend.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Aug 12
Thank you jazel_juan. Prayers are really needed and every one said is greatly appreciated! Sweetie, I wasn't the best daughter either and it was due to my past and what was done to me and I was too scared to tell my parents so I became really angry and rebelious toward them thus being disowned by my mom but once she found out, she completely enveloped her arms around me and was very sorry for disowning me and helped me get the help that I so desparately needed. Now our relationship is strong and unbreakable. Maybe one day you'll have that kind of loving relationship with your mom too? We all live in hope! However, in the meantime, do the best that you can to be a good daughter and do the right thing regardless so you'll never have to live with regret. Just remember, right is right and wrong is wrong. Stand up for what's right and stand down the wrong and you'll always feel good about yourself.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
8 Aug 12
I'm so sorry to hear of this news, I don't know you nut I thin that things like this are a shame to happen to anyone not just our friends. Do your brothers help you at all? Thank goodness for your sweet hubby and him helping you. I hope your mother doesn't suffer too much. I can respect her decision not to have treatments as well. I'd probably be the same way as alot of the time if the liver is involved there isn't alot of things that can reverse the prognosis and she knows this as well having had dealt with it via her mother. I'm just going to say some prayers for her and your family. God Bless.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Aug 12
Hi NailTech, it doesn't matter if we know each other or not, we as humans have empathy for each other. That is, those of us who have the ability to feel. My brothers are 4 and 5 hours away and have jobs so no, they don't help as much as they'd like to however, neither of them would know what to do anyways so it falls on me. But that's ok, I can handle it. Mom has some friends and a renter that helps when they can. Let me say this though, one brother is able to help monetary wise and does quite a bit. He's legally blind as I am legally deaf so he doesn't see what needs doing like I do. It's all good though! It'll all work out in the end. I hold no resentment towards either of my brothers for I know they can only do so much anyways. Thank you so much for your prayers! May God bless you too!
@deazil (4730)
• United States
7 Aug 12
I am so sorry to hear this. It is good that you can be there to help her. I will pray for your mother and I hope for a speedy resolution to this. I will also pray for you to continue to have the strength you will need for this ordeal. It is the hardest of times, to see the illness or passing of one's parents. I wish there was more I could say.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Aug 12
Hi deazil, you've said enough just by showing you care! And for that I thank you very much! I will be with my mom until her time here on earth is no more with the exception of a few breaks here and there. My brothers and I were with our dad when he passed and hopefully it'll be the same way with mom. Blessings to you!
@riyauro (6421)
• India
7 Aug 12
It is sad that you mum is suffering Catsanddogs, I wish she could get better. I am praying for her. There is healing in the name of the Lord. Just don't lose hope. We can always pray. It is said that faith as small as mustard seed can move mountains. Let us all come in praying and connect to God for your mum's healing. 

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Aug 12
Thank you riyauro. I wish she'd get better too but I don't think that's in God's plan. I think He wants another flower for His garden and He's getting one in my mom. I won't lose hope because I feel this way, as long as there's breath in her body, there's hope. I've posted St Jude's prayer on FB in hopes others would pray it as well and maybe God will heal her. It all depends on God's plan so what ever is God's will, will be.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Oh wow Cats, I wonder if when you posted this was when I had trouble with my yahoo and of course once I got it back days later, I deleted my messages instead of at least reading them. I am so sorry I missed this post, but she is in good hands now..I will pray for you during this time..