The death penalty - good, bad, injust?

August 7, 2012 5:48am CST
I wonder what peoples views on the death penalty are? DO you agree, disagree, or arent sure? DO you believe if someone commits a crim that is unforgivable they should face the death penalty? Do you think the death penalty reduces serious crimes such as murder? amnesty interantional see the death penalty as an irreverisble denial of human rights BUT you COULD argue that the person who commited the murder denied that victim thier human rights.... there are obviously arguemtent for and against, and i am interested to learn of peoples views on this, and if these views are backed by your learnings and research or just personal views based on ethics and morals. Obviously it is not ehtical or moral for people to commit murder, torture etc etc, some could argue the death penalty isnt as immoral as it uses a humane way. All views appreciated and welcomed tohugh, and may i remind people this is just MY View
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1 response
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
7 Aug 12
If someone has killed for example 3 or more people in my eyes they should be killed. Such sicko's as beyond rehabilitation if you ask me. I feel if they murdered one and the evidence is kinda shaky there is no reason to have them killed as there is a slight chance they might be innocent. I don't see how we should honor human rights for sick people who have no problem taking someones life for no valid and justified reason. Research has been conducted on many mass murders and evidence shows almost none will ever be corrected in prison and pose a danger inside and out of prison.