Do you know xiang liu, the famous chinese athletic players?

August 7, 2012 10:24pm CST
Yesterday it was a unforgettable day in chinese sports history. Xiang Liu, the 2004 athen olmpics 110-meter hurdle goal medal wnnner, end his game in the first round.Ii really make our chinese fellow feel pity, because he had achieved many medals in the past years. We all place higher expectation on him, but for his old injuries, he even couldn't attend the match for the severe pain. We're worried about his healthy, meanwhile feel regretful. Whatever, he is always the hero in our mind and we belive one day he'll fly again just as before. Come on, Xiang Liu, we'll suppor and always stand beside you. So, do you knou "??",this chinese character and what's your feeling about yesterday's match?
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