Do you find peace?

United States
August 7, 2012 11:41pm CST
When I am out in the open in nature I just feel really at ease. I enjoy spending time in nature to listen to the sounds of the animals or wind. When I go on walks I tend to look around for animals going about their business because it makes me happy. Are there things that you love and look for in nature?
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17 responses
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
14 Sep 12
i miss the place where i was used to live, it a barrio where money is not much a need to live peacefully from day to day, time in that place seem to be very slow, can you imagine an almost everyday peaceful life for almost 7 yrs???
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• Philippines
19 Sep 12
It's great to know that you're busy with GOD. Your attention is only GOD that would be the greatest gift that you offer for him. We don't have anything to boast to our GOD. One thing we offer is our life/soul. May GOD Bless your topic and may your discussion give them words of wisdom. lots of love from blink69nix0....
• United States
19 Sep 12
Yes I try to find time with Him every day. I don't know what it will be like in winter here because I won't want to go out in the weather to spend time with Him then. It might be a little different but I don't stop what I do!
• United States
14 Sep 12
I couldn't imagine that long. I've only felt at peace here for around 1 year because of my relationship with the Lord. I've lived here all my life almost but I just had not enjoyed or taken advantage of this nice beauty and peaceful place. I am sorry to here you miss your former home.
@litvillegas (1274)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
I'm a nature lover. My father is a pet lover. So I love nature. Every time I go to beach I found peace.
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• United States
1 Oct 12
The waves on the beach are really peaceful aren't they?
• United States
5 Oct 12
I can fall asleep easily when listening to the waves too hehe
• Philippines
4 Oct 12
Yes,,indeed true.. very refreshing and a good place to meditate..:) Have a great day..:)
• United States
9 Aug 12
Normally, I really do love nature and find it peaceful. There are times when nature can be quite scary as well, though, especially when you are surrounded by poisonous and harmful things in nature, because you are quite vulnerable. Still, I would prefer to be surrounded by nature, even with the scary things in it, than to be surrounded by city, because there can be just as many scary things in a large city, although the scary things in the city are different from the scary things in the country.
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• United States
19 Sep 12
Oh I agree, it can be scary sometimes! I still would really dislike being lost in the country or to face some wildlife that I know is out here still.
@topffer (42155)
• France
9 Aug 12
I live in a small town and the nature is not far : there are several public forests where I enjoy to walk and watch the animals, and a nice river with a towpath reserved for pedestrians, bicycles and to fish. The nature is wild around and I enjoy to take photos of plants and insects.
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• United States
9 Aug 12
You live in a "small town"? Perhaps in France it is considered a small town, but here it would be viewed as a large city.
• United States
1 Oct 12
I want to go to France one day but I don't know which town you all mean. Topffer that sounds pretty nice even though you'll have to travel there.
• Philippines
8 Aug 12
hi ef, I am a nature lover every time we go out of town and I will cow, carabao or other farm animals I can't help not shout and calling them I really love the different smell of the air which I don't smell in the city. If I hike on the mountain I love to see the over looking view I can't explain my happiness seeing lovely view like that happy mylotting
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
I don't feel that I am more on excited and I found it adventurous
• United States
1 Oct 12
Oh the adventerous type, maybe like rock climbing or camping?
• United States
9 Aug 12
Yep you have described my same feeling except for the view part. I love the view but sometimes I get scared to look because of the height. The smells and sounds are amazing and if only more of the world were like it, maybe our whole world would be more peaceful. It made me smile hat you call out to the wild life! Do they ever look or get scared?
@meumeu25 (913)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Aug 12
Hi, I also love the nature, i love to sit and lie down on a grassy loan or field, smelling the fresh air and listen to sound of nature. It gives me peace and help me relax. I missed a certain place where me and my friends used to go when we feel like going away from the stress in our own homes. It was a hill in the middle of the town where we can see the whole town and the airport. The air there was very fresh and down the hill were trees and small farms, It's like our secret place since people around are too busy to recognise the beauty of the place and only us goes there. I live in a city now, and everytime I am stressed, I feel like retreating to the nature, it feels like craving for something to eat. :) Have a nice day.
@meumeu25 (913)
• United Arab Emirates
10 Aug 12
Hello :), Yes, it was a really nice place, it was my favorite. But not anymore, the last time I went back there I didn't like it anymore it's already surrounded with houses and a little crowded. The local government in our place had relocated the refugees from a storm there. Although I'm glad that lots of people were given a place to live, it was still sad that the place is not the same as it was before. Happy mylotting :)
• United States
10 Aug 12
Well I am sorry that your spot has been changed so much. That is the trouble with our world that we always want to change or "grow" but at what cost? At least you were able to experience it while you were younger and had the opportunity to see the beauty of nature. I hope that one day you might have a new spot like it to enjoy again. Nature is becoming scarce in places.
• United States
9 Aug 12
wow your place sounds really pleasant. I can understand the feeling of when your stress goes away because sometimes I just feel so closed in when I am at home I need to go somewhere. I'm glad that you could share that place with your friends. Maybe one day you can go back or find a new place that will be special for you.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Oct 12
When I have time to just go outside and explore and see gods creation I often marvel at the beauty around me. It truly is a place of solom an rest and just a pleasure to see. Getting a chance to watch different animals up close is always a pleasure as well.
• United States
1 Oct 12
Sometimes I spot some squirrels and bunnies around here. My dad doesn't like the squirrels because they eat the trees though. The bunnies are so cute sometimes I wish they were my pets.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
26 Sep 12
Where I live we have no animal in the bush , only pets and birds . I am also more at peace when I take nature walk . I especially love when it stop rain and the fog is kinda down and water droplets on the plants .
• United States
29 Sep 12
I like your descriptions here. The water droplets can sometimes look really nice as well as make the soil smell good while you are walking.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
9 Aug 12
I love the sea and mountains. There I found peace.
• United States
15 Aug 12
These are the vastness of nature so I can see that it would bring you peace there.
@allknowing (142130)
• India
1 Oct 12
We gave up our life in a Metro and shifted to a semi rural town where we have our own house and garden which I designed. We have got everything in the garden that attracts birds and there is never a moment when we do not hear their sound. Here is a video clip:
@allknowing (142130)
• India
2 Oct 12
Its ever constant echo... Birds know that too much noise can upset their care givers! Were you able to open the link? That was a collection of sounds heard over a period of time.
• United States
1 Oct 12
Oh that noise can be beautiful at times but if it is ever constant then I don't know, maybe not good
@sjvg1976 (42079)
• Delhi, India
9 Aug 12
Hello Echo, Even me also find peace when I am at a place full of natural things but these days I rarely find it because in my city things are getting developed at fast pace. All Jungles have been cut and made in to residential colonies.
• United States
9 Aug 12
It must be hard to see the jungles and forests being torn down. I dislike seeing this happen but it will only increase with our population. Residential areas are being built so quickly in areas that it is not even the same place any more to us.
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
yes echoforever!!! I find and found peace in my inner heart. I'm also a lover nature especially when i know its relaxing and full of light. I loved everything.
• Philippines
20 Sep 12
I'm just very fortunate for this opportunity. When i die this is my amazing experience on Earth and to appreciate our mother nature for the beautiful views and those spots that we couldn't imagine... I feel very privileged to live in this world. Its unforgettable, the memories never fades away. its nice to recall those moments you spent just watching/ staring marvelous creation. No words to say echoforever......
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• United States
1 Oct 12
Our time here is always blessed by God with nature so long as we don't destroy it.
• United States
19 Sep 12
That inner peace is very important and amazing. So glad to hear that you've felt it too. My time is great with God in this nature here but in winter time I might not want to go out in the cold... I will be a little sad when this happens.
@BabyCheetah (1911)
• Australia
8 Aug 12
I'm the same. I love watching animals go about their business, it makes me smile. I'm lucky in the god months when we have figs we get rainbow lorikeets that come into our garden. I love photographing them
• United States
9 Aug 12
Wow those "lorikeets" I have never heard of before but they must be pretty if they are named after a rainbow! I am not good at photography because I have not ever had a nice camera to try and practice with. I love to look at other people's pictures because it gives a view of what they've seen and what they like in the world.
• Australia
15 Aug 12
Oh yeah they are very colourful birds and quite noisy too
• United States
1 Oct 12
Noisy birds can be annoying! I hope they aren't annoying you in your home
@Rasedul19 (114)
8 Aug 12
It is universal that nature of nature is loved by all. I live in City not cit mega city. I am so bored with my environment, i wish i live a village. For my pleasure i often go out side to watch nature. once or twice a month i go outside to enjoy nature. Nature much pleasure me.
• United States
9 Aug 12
Actually, it is not universal that nature is loved by all. I know several people that are perfectly comfortable and happy in the city, and they do not like going into the country one bit. They much prefer the steel, concrete, glass, etc. that surrounds them in the city, and they do not enjoy what others might feel is the "beauty of nature", because to them the city is more beautiful.
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• United States
9 Aug 12
Well I hope that one day you can live somewhere close that you can enjoy nature in a more consistent way. Not every one likes nature the way that I do. they might like to look at it but if they lived in the place that I did they couldn't handle it all of the time. But most people seem to enjoy it.
• United States
1 Oct 12
There are surely some who do not appreciate nature as we do. Many won't leave the city to be on dirt.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
8 Aug 12
I love nature but I am really picky. I don't consider any kind of "suburb" or "city" to be nature, even if there is a big park nearby. The less houses and businesses I see the better. Being out in nature is a tranquil thing for me and it does make me feel relaxed and at peace as well.
• United States
9 Aug 12
I am with you on this. I have lived in the country side basically all of my life so it is hard for me to feel the same thing when I am not here. We have around 2 acres of our own land and we own a horse whom roams a bit sometimes to eat the grass. We are around 200 yards from the main gravel road and that goes about a half mile til it hits pavement. There are not many homes and many fields all around. I love it out here and I don't really wish to leave but it is near impossible to live here. We are barely getting by, but anyway! I do not get the same feeling when I walk in suburbs. Like at my brothers it is a nice area, not yet a city but it has many more houses and no nature except whatever grass or trees people have planted in their yard. When I walk here it is much more tranquil and I feel more alive. If I am somewhere else then its just walking and nothing special.
• India
8 Aug 12
Hello friends,you are right,Most people who lives in that planet in the different areas who loves the nature.Present day the development of science takes the bad effects of the human nature.they have force to lives in the out of nature(greenary,birds and aaimals).They have living in the cities to maintain the their living standards. I am personally likes the nature..............
• United States
9 Aug 12
It is a sad truth that our lifestyle is destroying nature day by day. I don't want to live that lifestyle but some day it will probably force me to because it is so hard to survive where I am right now.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
8 Aug 12
I like to just sit by a river or brook and listen to it and the birds. We have a lot of places like that around here, with nothing but country and trees, and lots of water, no houses, stores or people within sight or earshot. Watching the chipmunks run around looking for their lunch. It makes me feel very peaceful and relaxed.
• United States
9 Aug 12
Oh yes this is an excellent description of something I love in nature as well. When there is some water trickling down and all is peaceful with only the sounds of nature it is one of the best things in the world. I really enjoy the smells of nature in these areas. It is a smell that many air freshening companies have tried to imitate but the real thing is so much better.