Sleeping Together

August 8, 2012 12:20pm CST
I believe we're all very social creatures. Everyone needs someone. I slept with someone recently. It was lunch time. We were on the couch. Inches away from each other. Sleeping. Just sleeping. Knowing there was someone there beside me gave me a little security. I love sleeping. Sometimes when you sleep in the office it can get very uncomfortable knowing there are a lot of people passing by watching you sleep soundly. It helps when there's another person beside you sleeping. At least they won't think "This guy's sleeping the office while everyone's working". And let me just repeat that it was lunch time. So I had an hour to kill. Instead of smoking downstairs, I opted to sleep. So I slept soundly. And woke up very refreshed. And went back to work. Productivity up! Reminds me of the time when Ross and Joe (from the TV show FRIENDS) became nap buddies. Hahahaha Have you slept with someone lately?
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17 responses
• Russian Federation
8 Aug 12
hmmm, no. i am sleeping alone in the big bed. lol i think i am very active during i am sleeping lol :D and i would feel uncomfortable if i lept with somebody.
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• Russian Federation
8 Aug 12
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• Philippines
8 Aug 12
i got it the first time :D "typo happens" hahahhaa :D
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
8 Aug 12
I've not "slept" with anyone in awhile. The last time was when my niece wanted me to sleep with her but she would not stay still and try to sleep. She was being very pesky! I got her brother to come in and sleep with us as well and as soon as she fell asleep I went to my bed, and he went to his designated bed... It's been awhile since I've cuddled with anyone whilst sleeping.
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• Southend-On-Sea, England
9 Aug 12
I haven't slept with another person for nearly 20 years. I do love to sleep, but prefer to sleep alone because having another person next to me keeps me awake.
• India
9 Aug 12
Hi friend... I sleep with my friends...Bt not in bed...Just in the room...lolzz..
• India
9 Aug 12
Hi friend, i think you are very much interested in sleeping, your topic shows it very well. Sleeping gives peace of mind and we forget about our problems and tensions while sleeping, it is the temporary solution for all our problems.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
9 Aug 12
haha.. well I have never taken nap with anyone..It is good that taking a nap at work makes you refreshed for the 2nd half of the day. It is not bad at all. thanks for sharing. have a wonderful day.
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
It's really comforting to be beside someone when sleeping. Just plain sleeping and just knowing you are not alone. Most of the time, you can get better sleep when you have someone beside you, maybe it be your brother, sister, parents, relatives, or lover. Maybe it matters a little whom you are with when sleeping but I believe it's really the sense of security we get when we have someone beside makes it great. I like the nap buddies part. We need sleep and we need someone. Two necessary things in our life done in one hour is not bad after all. Nice post by the way.
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
I don`t sleep always. I mean only in the night but late night only. I don`t know why though. Maybe i`m doing a lot of things or thinking a lot of things i guess. But i do know that sleeping is good for our body. It also wash away stress and tiredness. I do remember that sleeping buddy from friends. Sometimes, sleeping with other might get the wrong impression from other people. What they don`t know is that the feeling of comfort, relaxation and trust is what counts during sleeping
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Aug 12
The only person that I actually sleep with is my husband, but that is because I'm married and I don't take any kind of naps during the day, I used to sleep with my nieces during the day when I was babysitting them. However, I did get a fairly good little nap in today when I was at my physical therapist's appointment. I was able to nap well as I had a nice set of firm hands working out all of the kinds that I have in my muscles.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
I grew up sleeping with my sisters and sometimes my brothers too. During the summer season, my cousin would come home from Manila and we would all stay in their house and sleep all together in one huge room and this huge bed where ten people could sleep. I feel comfortable when somebody's next to me in bed. I feel secure. So when i was in our university dormitory, my bestfriend and i moved our beds next to each other so we could lie down next to each other.
@else22 (4317)
• India
9 Aug 12
Unlike you I love to sleep either alone or with my wife.My kids have their own beds and they sleep there.I have solid reasons for my choice.Actually I prefer to sleep naked,so no question of sleeping with any friend arises.When all of my family members go to their beds,I get fully undressed,close the door of the room and start reading or writing that I can't do in the daytime due to my busy schedule.Another reason is,I have been a late sleeper. But yes,when I was in college,I had to sleep with one of my friends in the room that we had hired in the town where we studied.That was the time when I used to sleep early at night.While enjoying a sound sleep,I suddenly woke up to find that my friend was trying to arouse me sexually by making advances.I stopped him and forced him to leave my bed immediately.He was a gay.but I was unaware of it.
@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 12
Lol. This reminds me to what we usually did during school. During physic subject, the teacher teaching it is so boring that student decided to use her time to take a nap. i sat in front of the class, because i'm shorter compared to other student. what happened was, both the girl besides me slept together with me, head and hands on the table. and when i woke up and turned back, half of the class was asleep, the others either scrunching their eyes trying to focus on that teacher, or doodling on their book. then i feel refreshed that i can focus on learning until bell ring.
@Visdude11 (211)
• Norway
9 Aug 12
No, I haven't. I usually only sleep with someone when I sleep over with friends.
@Quetzhal (82)
• Singapore
9 Aug 12
I share a room with my brother. The closest I came to sleeping with anyone was when he nearly rolled off his bed and onto mine (nearly; his head was dangling half off the bed and I accidentally hit it while rolling over since I sleep on a mattress). Other than that, I'm in a very long distance relationship, so I've never really experienced sleeping "with" anyone. I hope to eventually, though.
• United States
8 Aug 12
Everynight i sleep next to my boyfriend and he wants to get a bigger bed when we move into our house, but i keep telling him to go get a job because what he brings in a month from a lawsuit and what i bring in a month doesnt make it and we are going to need furniture. Well anways enough said on that i sleep next to him every night and i usually cant sleep without him. Tonight will be hard as he went north 8 hours to go pick up his nephew and will be staying over night and he will be back tommorrow night and i dont know how tonight is going to go but we will see and i know its going to be along night and im already sleepy from being up early with him trying to get him gone this morning.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
8 Aug 12
While staying in chennai -- I get up early say around 5 am and I leave for the college work around 6.40 am. Classes start at 8.50 am and goes upto 11.30. next session is around 2 pm and we get time to take a nice nap. that nap helps us to work without tiredness. yes. afternoon nap for say 15/20 minutes is recommended. Now I will go and take a nap.
• United States
8 Aug 12
The only person I really like to sleep with is my boyfriend. It makes me so happy to fall asleep beside him. If it's nighttime I love it even more because I'm afraid of the dark and having him there next to me makes everything better. Also, sleeping with him keeps all the bad dreams away and I sleep soundly with his arms wrapped around me.