It's raining.... a lot!!!

@emdjay23 (1575)
August 8, 2012 6:27pm CST
It's almost two weeks now (12 days to be exact) and it's still raining here in our country.there's no typhoon here though, it's just a southwest monsoon.many places here especially in Manila are experiencing floods, many families have been evacuated from their homes. Marikina river have reached it's spilling level as well as La Mesa Dam. 9 people died in Quezon City..Sigh!Many of our fellowmen have running out of food.But despite of that, many volunteers are giving their time to help and kind-hearted people are donating foods, clothing's, and water for those family who are in need. So guys let's pray them and for the rain to stop.
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8 responses
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
It is amazing how you kept count of how many days it had been raining. It is a good thing that somehow it had not been raining as hard for the past 12 hours and that the flood waters in some areas have been reported to have begun to subside already. Let us continue to pray for those who have lost homes and loved ones and even for those who have unselfishly lent themselves to rescue and relief operations.
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
yes,first thing in the morning i always watch weather reports because i want to know how the typhoon goes or if there's LPA(low pressure area) coming inside the philippines.i hope that our fellowmen will recover from this natural's great to know that there are people who are willing to help.:)
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
yes,first thing in the morning i always watch weather reports because i want to know how the typhoon goes or if there's LPA(low pressure area) coming inside the philippines.i hope that our fellowmen will recover from this natural's great to know that there are people who are willing to help.:)
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
sorry if i sent my comment twice...:)
@aryaraja (37)
9 Aug 12
It is very good news that your country is getting good rains. In our country we are facing severe problem of water. We are not getting enough rains here. In my area there is very little rains which is sufficient for the farmers. Here we are facing severe drinking water problem. Government is doing well but there is no rains.
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
hi aryaraja, from what country are you from?i guess it's hard for you to have dry environment and lack of water.i hope your government will fix problem as soon as possible.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
9 Aug 12
It is quite the opposite in U.S.A here. We don't have rain at all. Only the last 2 days, we had dark cloud passing through, and some drizzle. Unfortunately, it didn't rain in my county though. Somehow that dark cloud didn't come by, and we got no rain at all. My mom has to water the plant three times a day, and we pray there is some rain here. Can we share half of that?
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
how i wish we could share the rain..if only we could export it from Philippines to US..hehe But you're lucky because you're not experiencing such disaster like this.
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
It has stopped raining here in Manila. It is getting sunny already. But according to the news, there will be a few rainfall in the late afternoon. Stay safe! My family and I just stay inside our house. We got to bond a lot because of the heavy rains. Again, Stay safe. let us pray for the Philippines.
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
yes,same here in our area..i hope that the few rainfall that they're talking about will not cause another floods again.. keep safe!
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
9 Aug 12
Yes, it's so terrible indeed. Right now, they both need our help and prayers. They might be needing all the material support now as they lost what they have; but they might be losing hope as well. They are also emotionally vulnerable right now.
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
Yes true! they badly needed our support and prayers.if i only had the chance to help them whatever they want,i will,but we're in need too.i hope that after the flood,no one will get some serious diseases especially Leptospirosis.
@litvillegas (1274)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
Hello emdjay23 It's really sad to witness our fellowmen experiencing another natural disaster.I saw the news last night and hoping my relatives living in Manila are ok. I hope everything is ok and fine in your area too...I'm praying and hoping that the rain will stop soon...
@emdjay23 (1575)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
we're fine here in our area because we're not experiencing floods everytime there's a typhoon.i'm just too worry about our fellowmen and our relatives who lived in low places.i just hope they're fine. Thanks!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
18 Apr 17
this is way back. but i do hope everything turned out well
@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
10 Aug 12
Yes, let us continue to pray. A lot of people are worried here down south and we continue to monitor the happenings there in Luzon. Our weather here is erratic. It can get very hot during daytime and then heavy rain late afternoon. We have our floods here too but they are nothing compared to what has been happening in the north. I hope our relatives are ok.