Too Many Kind of Christians..
By gcbarretto89
@gcbarretto89 (44)
August 9, 2012 4:24am CST
I am a christian myself, but sometimes I also think, Why are there so many kinds of Christians nowadays?
We have protestants, baptist, jehovah witnesses, INC and a lot more. Now, there are different kind of baptist, different kind of protestants..and more.
I just wonder, do muslims have different classifications too like us christians? I never had an idea, really. I only thought there is one..that is why their religion are big. Once you are called a muslim, its only that. This could be the reason that binds then all together.
While we christians are classified into many thatcould probably the reasons that divide us all. Why do christians devate with its fellow christians in television? Why is christianity being more complicated? We are convincing christians to be christians? Shouldn't we be convincing non-christians to be christians? Isn't it enough that we are called christians to bind us together?
If only all christians, whatever kind of classifications, binds together in one service or mass.. or in one prayer..probably, it would give Jesus a big smile and He could say, "that is Christianity all about". Could it be?
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22 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
27 Dec 12
The earliest Christian Churches were formed by those that walked the earth whilst Jesus did. These early churches held that decisions were made by the council of bishops and so the Church progressed united despite inner tensions. Then the then bishop of rome declared himself pope and declared that authority lay in him alone that lead to the Roman Church splitting off from the Orthodox and later the Roman Church split from the old Catholic Church, it then eliminated one of the original Churches. The Roman Church became very corrupt, practices such as simony arose and the papal line was broken, thought the Roman Church does not admit this.
The corruption lead Luther and others to press for reform and the pope's arrogant refusal to consider reform lead to the creation of the protestant Churches. Baptists are not really protestants but might be better regarded as reform to original Christianity, here I mean general, not particular baptists that are Calvinists (And possibly not including American baptists or some American baptist groups)
But know that there is but one Church of Christ and it is composed of those that have truly accepted Christ, regardless of denomination
all the best, urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
27 Dec 12
Depending on how you count it there may be as many as 70 denominations of Muslim, however the vast majority are sunni
all the best, urban
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
17 Jan 13
Jesus gave us some good advice how to recognize the true and false Christians.
“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’Matthew 7:15-21 (New International Version)
Even those who make miracles can be false Christians. The important thing is that they do God's will and bear good fruit.
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@1corner (744)
• Canada
30 Jan 13
There are different "Christian" denominations because each of these give importance to different practices of Christianity, which don't really matter much. It's not unlike the branches of Judaism, i.e. Pharisees, Sadducees, etc. Also, early on in the church's history, there arose divisions when people tended to pick their own leaders, eg. Peter, Paul, Apollos, etc., causing Paul to teach against it.
Jesus Christ came to make followers of Himself, not even to establish an institution, which over the millenia, was what materialized. Jesus Himself prayed for the unity of His followers, and warned about people ("wolves") inserting themselves among the flock when He's gone. It would be worth reviewing urbandekay's post above.
As well, the 1st letter of John and 1st chapter of Galatians also warns of being indiscriminate in accepting every teaching about Christ because of false prophets, i.e. those who deny Christ, and/or talk about a different Christ. In this respect, I can't consider Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, & the INC as Christian.
For our part, let's just each of us make sure our own faith is secure in Him. Ultimately, it's God who truly knows who belongs to Him.
@buen032000 (29)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
I also asked that at one point. But whats more important is ourselves. Our own relationship with Him. We cant just who are fake and not. All profess the same thing. Its just the ways of worship sometimes that makes it different. All Christians belong to Universal Church anyway.
@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
Religion is already a complicated problem by itself. And it is an ideology that is open to many interpretations of its believers. Although many Christians have the same principles or core beliefs, there will be people who will insist that their interpretation I and implementation is better compared to other Christians.
Actually, there are two kinds of Muslims - Shia and Sunni. And they also bicker like the Christians do. Just look at the countries with Islam as their state religion. Go back into Church history and you will see that the Church and Christianity is a house divided.
The label of a Christian might be the same but the interpenetration of the teachings isn't. People, whether in religion for politics separate and divide themselves according to their beliefs. It's their right to believe what they want as long as there is no imposition of the said belief.
@mangtony7451 (479)
9 Feb 13
Looking at it positively, it is a proof that inside Christianity there lies the one true Church which the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Believe it or not, according to one website, there are already 30,000+ christians denominations all over the world and still counting.
Nevertheless, we should not be dismay at the appearance of these so many professing Christians because they have been prophesied to appear thousand of years before they actually are here.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
28 Sep 12
May be that is not possible, there are too many power struggle among Christian leadership. Each one of them want to be the only establishment that speak about the gospel and teaching of Jesus. Until they lay down their sectarian mindset, and begin to accept each other minor differences in interpretation of bible. Then unity can only be possible.

@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
25 Dec 12
You might be confuse if you can't read the bible, friend. Because in the bible, there is only church that built by Christ, where all the people need to belong and be save on judgment day. If you believe the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he build a church where no one oppose it.
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
10 Aug 12
The beginning of one. Should study the history, to find out why so many.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
10 Aug 12
i never understood these divisions, i am christian , but when people ask me , whats the specific kind , i couldnt answer. From my childhood, i am just told that i am christian but not any other name. when Jesus is one,then how come these many divisions, i dont know and never try to understand it. .its very irritating..
@micha5088 (554)
• Malaysia
14 Sep 12
Your question as to why there are so many Christian denominations will be answered when you study the history of the Church. Jesus founded only ONE Church, the one and Only True Church and so you have to investigate, do your research, find which Christian Church was founded by our Lord. One Church, one teaching NOT many churches and many teachings. Only one church is founded by God Himself...the rest are man made religions.
@blink69nix0 (847)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
I am truly a Christian coz i know in my heart Jesus rooted me his words and deeds. My relationship is going stronger and stronger everyday especially when i encounter trouble's or other unexplainable events in my life.
I always knew GOd want us to live in his kingdom and be with him forever and that's what i perceived in my life. Although a lot of people separating from our origin Church coz they felt something is lacking and its not convincing but it's up to us. To find and seek God if we are eager and this curiosity of humans in which headed us the truth about GOD.
It's in the Bible: lots of churches/religion created but the Church of God would be the last standing here on Earth.
@fuhuangwei (109)
• Philippines
10 Aug 12
Do Muslims have different denominations like us Christians? The answer is yes. There are two main divisions: Sunni and Shiite. Then there are other smaller groups like Sufis.
@triplejazzm51 (1373)
• Philippines
10 Aug 12
I think we are called Christians because we believe in Christ. So it doses not matter what religious organization we belong for as long as we have one belief. I look at it as we believe in the the same God but we have different ways of rituals in worshiping and praying to Him.
There are religions that claim that they are the true one built by God. But i don't believe in this.We debate because of these claims.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
I can't really comment about Muslims since I am not knowledgeable of that. But as a Christian, I am aware of what you have observed. We may think that there are so many kinds of Christians all over the world, but are they really following what the bible and Jesus said? I don't think that to be called a Christian is enough. We should show that we really are by following Jesus' examples. Wonder why there are so many of us? It is because when one sees that the religion he belongs don't follow true Christian's teachings and morality, he would definitely move out of that religion and would go on a journey to find accurate knowledge and teachings.
At 2 Timothy 3:1-7 It says that difficult times will come, people will become lovers of themselves... lovers of pleasures rather than love... HAVING THE APPEARANCE OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING ITS POWER. And on the last part, AVOID SUCH PEOPLE.
There are people who claims to be Christians but are not really displaying true Christian qualities and traits. One mark of true Christians is loving one another but I have seen so many Christians hurting and killing other Christians. A true Christian should be clean physically, mentally and spiritually but I have seen so many of us who live a life opposite of that, or others do try to hide the truth about it. There are so many reasons why many Christians are on the search for the truth. So we cannot really blame those Christians who want to find the accurate knowledge and truth about God. I do not think that there are people who would just sit there listening if they knew that what they hear is not right. James 1:27 states that the religion that is acceptable to God is pure and defiled so all of us have the right to search and choose which we think is right.
I hope that helps. Thanks.
@Mashnn (4501)
9 Aug 12
One reason why there are many christians is because of freedom of worship. I think it does not matter how many religions exist so long as we all believe in God. As far as I know, no religion is better than the other. I think as christians we are also united by the fact that, we all believe in GOD.
@savagecabbage (1216)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
I agree that there are too many kinds of Christians. Actually, there are people from other religions that make fun of CHristians. They say that Jesus told us that HE IS THE ONLY WAY. But if he is the only way, then why are there so many types of Christians? That is what the non-christians say. But I will still continue in believing in my faith no matter what they say. Let us keep our bond with God strong always :) happy mylotting. May God bless you.
@wilsonburrell (207)
• United States
9 Aug 12
I agree with this. I consider myself a nondenominational Christian and when people ask me why I always tell them this: "I don't think God would want Christians to be separated and to compete for followers of different denominations."
@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
10 Aug 12
yes, Rasulllah ever utterenced that in the beginning of the end of the world there will be 73 kinds of Islam. 1 kind will be at heaven , and the rest will be at hell.