the umbrella curse

August 9, 2012 4:27am CST
Have you ever experienced this? Before you leave your house, you look into the sky and saw the dark clouds. So what you do is to bring your umbrella only to find out that the raid didn't fell all day. The next day, the sky is clear, you left your umbrella, but there came the heavy rain and you soaked yourself before arriving to work?
10 responses
27 Aug 12
Yes, I experienced it a lot, so now even though the sky is clear and dark I always bring my umbrella with me.
• India
27 Aug 12
I feel really uncomfortable to carry umbrella with me. So I always try not to use them while I go outside. Even though there is small rain I don't used to open my umbrella. I just make use of my friend's umbrella, becuase I feel more uncomfortable to carry a wet one. Don't you feel any such uncomfort while you carry it with you ?
• India
9 Aug 12
Hi friend, welcome to mylot, we don't have the ability to predict the nature, even the weather reports are false some times. This kind of incidents happened several times in my life, for my precaution always i keep my rain coat with my while riding my two wheeler, it is my safer side
10 Aug 12
Hi, thanks for the warm welcome. I totally agree! In our country, elders say that the unpredictable change of weather are like girls... very unpredictable. :)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
hi jae, Welcome to mylot! I am the person who really don't bring umbrella because I don't use it Well if you can carry your umbrella that will be better Cause weather is so unpredictable happy mylotting
9 Aug 12
hi catch, since then i always bring my umbrella. I'd rather bring an umbrella on a sunny day. thanks for your warm welcome!
@smilemoon (766)
• United Arab Emirates
13 Oct 12
It is great and wonderful to play in the rain.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
9 Aug 12
Hah! I always get this. A couple of times I would even bring the big one, the one that I can actually use to defend myself against an attacker. Only thing is, there isn't even drop of water from the clouds and the rain clouds just chose to pass me by. And when I was all get-up and looking smart, didn't bother with an umbrella and decided to carry my shades rained so hard I was soaked to the bone. So if you already have a way to break this curse,let me know.
10 Aug 12
Hi Raine, I left my umbrella last night in the office. And it didn't rained! I don't know if the curse broke or is it because I prayed very hard that the rain don't fall? But I'm happy I am not wet last night.
@debbygirl (213)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
I dont bring umbrella with me most of the time. Im not really careful in bring things like that, i always tend to forgot it somewhere. But i think now that it's a rainy season, bring umbrella is a must! :)
10 Aug 12
hi debby, speaking of forgetting your umbrella. Guess what? I forgot my umbrella in the office last night! I must be more careful with my things right?
• India
27 Aug 12
I am the one who don't love to load umbrella or other heavy things in my life. I just skip to take them while I go outside but my mother force me to take them. Most of the times loading umbrella on my bag becomes a waste. I have good sunny days while I go outside from my collage.
@bLadeee (403)
• Philippines
9 Aug 12
It never happened to me, I always bring umbrella. The only umbrella curse that happened to me is that I wait on a shed while getting my umbrella since it's raining and the moment I walk, the rain stopped. Don't know if I should be laughing or getting pissed. Something similar happened to me but not umbrella instead a jacket, when I leave the house I look up the sky and it looks like that it will rain so I wear a jacket, and the rain didn't fell for the whole day and the next day, the sun shines brightly and suddenly rain.
• United States
9 Aug 12
Welcome to Washington state lol! Here it rains what did Sleepless in Seattle say 8 months out of the year?! Not quite. But I do no what you mean. We've had clouds all week and guess what not a drop of rain. Now that's unusually for Seattle. I'm like you I carry my umbrella wherever I go because you just never know. It's great for rain and sunshine. I've even held my umbrella for people who didn't have one. How about having your umbrella up and it is so windy that you're umbrella ends up broken. Now that happens quite a bit here in my city. Instead of calling Seattle the Emerald City they should have nicknamed it the Rainy and Windy City but why would you want to discourage people from coming the great northwest! Go figure!
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
12 Aug 12
yes , have experienced like that and it sucks indeed and you have no choice but to report to office , wet and wet. In relation to your experienced , have you also experience when your umbrella is new and you wanted to rain and it did not rain.. ! It is a funny experienced but you know that feeling when you got a new thing and we wanted to try to see how beautiful and useful it is ? Ti is a childish thing but i guess all undergone such feeling.