spider just crawled on me when I was mylotting

spider - disgusting
August 11, 2012 5:54am CST
Ohmygod! I was just mylotting when a small spider crawled on my arm. I was so shocked that I instantly screamed! I tried to kill it but it was too fast. Now i can't see it. I am too paranoid to continue mylotting here so I will go to my room and continue mylotting there. Such a terrifying experience!
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25 responses
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
11 Aug 12
I am also afrrraaaiiid of the spider!!!God swear for a guy like me what a shame to reveal.If I know that there is a spider around I will never stop until I kill it because I will smash it to small pieces.That is the only time I could be back to my place and do my part.
• Philippines
19 Aug 12
You are correct there that some men are scared of spiders yet we are not revealing it publicly or to anyone because we are afraid to become a laughing stock by friends.
• Philippines
19 Aug 12
LOL! you are not alone. i think there are also a lot of guys who are scared of spiders. Just saying
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
11 Aug 12
I am afraid of spiders, too. Some days ago I was in living room, and I suddenly felt something moving under my t-shirt. I screamed when I discovered that a spider was crawling in my bra It was hot and I was wearing a low-cut T-shirt. Somehow the spider must have managed to crawl into my bra. My husband thought that I had been attacked by a burglar or something like that and hurried downstairs and asked me what was wrong. He laughed when he discovered that it was "only" a spider I hope that there aren't anymore spiders in here!
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
11 Aug 12
I really hope that no more spiders crawl on you as I have had bad experience myself. Some spider venom can be dangerous.
• India
15 Aug 12
Hello my friend savagecabbage Ji, Well, I think you were with arms covered, so no damage done, but if there are any signs of itching/scratching , please consult Doctors. May God bless You and have a great time
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Aug 12
There are two things that I don't like at all. Those two things are spiders and mice. The problem is that we see too many of both of those things around here. There are these Hobo spiders that seem to like to come into our house when it starts to get cooler outside and those are some fast and gnarly looking spiders. Then the field mice, we live in the middle of the city, but the lots are highly wooded and that does mean that in the fall and during the winter, the mice do have a tendency to get into the house. The first time that I saw one in the house I seriously freaked out.
• India
11 Aug 12
Oh don't be so afraid friend that is very small than you.all creatures are will not harm you friend.Any way that will be terrific experience when everything happens suddenly.
• Philippines
12 Aug 12
I am really terrified of small insects. I also hate cockroaches and bugs! Thank you for your response :) happy mylotting.
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
11 Aug 12
I'm afraid of spiders too. Especially those that are big with brown legs that I usually see in the comfort room. I don't know why I always see them on those areas, probably it's because it is colder there than in the kitchen.
• Philippines
12 Aug 12
Me too! I do not really usually see spiders around the house so I was really shocked when one crawled on my arm! ewww.
• United States
13 Aug 12
Where I used to work, there were a lot of roaches and other vermin in the building. They used to have an exterminator come in monthly, and the fumes made me sick. One day I was typing when I felt something ticklish on the back of my hand-I looked and it was a roach crawling across! So I screamed, well, it was more like I squeaked! So disgusting and really made me want to go home right then. I was paranoid ever after that incident and began looking for a job immediately.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Aug 12
Oh I have had that happen, not while mylotting, but while on the computer and I had no way to go into another room, I just kept watching my surroundings.. I remember a really bad experience when I was a teen, and before computers. I was just laying on my bed listening to music when this spider comes down from the ceiling and lands on my stomach. Talk about jumping up, screaming and swatting at my body, all at the same time.. I think I was shaking for a good half hour after that and I shook out my sheets and blankets before going to bed that night, which took my forever to fall asleep, thinking of that spider in my room..
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
12 Aug 12
Yikes! I am not afraid of spiders, but I do not want to be bitten by one. I usually trap spiders in find and take them outside. They help control the rest of the insect population and they are food for birds.
@toniganzon (72281)
• Philippines
12 Aug 12
Oh please don't kill the little spider, they're harmless and they're not pests. It might just probably want to scare you a bit to excite you with mylotting. It didn't mean you any harm.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
12 Aug 12
Hello savagecabbage, Oh my! that's pretty scary. I hope you're okay because I am afraid of those things.
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
12 Aug 12
oh my, it happens, when suddenly something falls or crawls on us, it lasts only for seconds , but the incident remains in our mind for too many days. same happens with cockroach and lizard too, when they suddenly fall on us..
• India
12 Aug 12
I'm also very afraid of these spiders. They are looking so terrible. Sometimes are too dangerous and leaves some marks where they bite.
• India
12 Aug 12
Though it is difficult to distinguish between a venomous spider and non-venomous spider. I feel there is nothing to fear about a spider. It's a very small insect compared to us.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
12 Aug 12
Omg...I'm afraid of spiders really afraid of them. They are so scary with their creepy crawly legs. I would have done the same. I'm so afraid of them forget about killing it I would have my husband kill them for me and if he wasn't here then I'd move to the next room.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
11 Aug 12
Don't be afraid of spiders, I can't remember of any case in our country where people were harmed or bitten by the spider, most of our spiders are harmless, they are also beneficial in keeping the eco-balance by eating harmful insects like flies and disease carrying mosquitoes
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
12 Aug 12
Don't be terrified, spiders help kill other bugs so they can help you out. Just hope there aren't too many of them. I tell my papa not to kill them because they eat the mosquitoes too, mosquitoes are more dangerous. Anyway, yesterday two lizards fell on my head. EW!
• Philippines
12 Aug 12
It is a big one? I like spider if it small I usually place them in a small matchbox and having a spider fight with friends, but if it's big like cockroach never mind! Even I am tall I will jump if it's needed! hahaha
@neorich7 (19)
• Guatemala
11 Aug 12
haha! that was very funny. That would happen to me if I found a big RAT 'cause I am afraid of rats a lot, I hate them.
@Mark72125 (135)
• United Arab Emirates
12 Aug 12
Oh my, that must have been a miserable experience.I can only imagine that happening to me,I would be so freaked out.Good that you changed rooms and hoping it doesn't happen to you again.