Is It just me
United States
August 12, 2012 8:39pm CST
or are others tired of hearing about everyone's ailments on here. I have all the compassion in the world for people who have health problems but good grief i don't care anything about hearing about whether they can go to the bathroom or whether they can't etc. I can't believe that people would get on here & grunt, grunt, grunt. I listened to folks grunt all the years i worked in the beauty shop & it was the same old, same old every week w/some of them. It has gotten just as bad on mylot. Come on folks, think positive instead of being sooooo negative all the time & please don't share your bodily functions w/us. Everyone has problems.
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27 responses
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
13 Aug 12
Here's something positive. We had our sandstone walk replaced with cement last week. We did have a problem with getting the cement delivered when the workers were ready for it. They had to wait 2 hours past the time it was promised. Otherwise the job went smoothly. The workers were hardworking and polite, and the price was very reasonable. In fact, it cost us about a third of the first estimate. The finished product is exactly what we wanted done. Now my husband won't have as much problem rolling his walker up the walk.
6 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding bellis. glad things turned out well for u.I undrstand that people have to be negative sometime. I'm sure i have been negative times in my discussion but u can carry it to far in my opinion.
thanks again ambie, u to bing.Happy days to all of u.
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@enjoythejourney (524)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I am not especially interested in hearing about bodily functions and I am not especially reading every detail of somone's love life but I do find it very interesting to see all the "stuff" right about on here. I never even thought about some of the stuff I see on here. Makes for semi interesting dribble.
I suppose it just is part of the plan though when you get paid for discussions and you get paid for commenting so people think of all kinds of things that happen with a neighbor, sister, friend. It is funny to see how many friends have really dumb things happen to them on a daily basis.
Well back to my own little world and more dribble reading.
Happy Lotting.
6 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. I hear you. Some of the things people write discussions on are outrageous in my opinion.
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@AmbiePam (96681)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I really can't believe people get so detailed here. I have no idea why anyone would want to post about their bowel movements, their oozing wounds (like warts), constipation, how they popped a zit. It's disgusting. And I'm never warned. I go into the discussion and all of a sudden I'm reading about the last time they used the bathroom and how they felt afterwards. And I'm cleaning it up by phrasing it like that. It's kind of classless. And no, people reading this, I'm not saying they are bad people. Don't get your dander up. I just agree with you Antiquelady.
5 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks ambie, we use to have so many interesting discussions on here but seems to me they are few & far between anymore.I appreciate your responses & glad to know i'm not the only one who feels this way.
thanks elic & bon, glad u missed it to, bon.

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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Aug 12

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• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. U don't make it a habit as some do, elic. We use to get so many interesting discussion on here but don't find it to be that way now.Some of the discussions are just ridiculous. Guess they are trying to get rich off some of the silliness they write.

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@BarBaraPrz (49101)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Aug 12
Well, just don't read it. You must know by now the ones to avoid from the first line or two.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
13 Aug 12
Well, I will admit that I have been griping some lately about my back and neck because of the car accident that I was involved in. That is simply because of the fact that it is something that is really bothering me and it is bringing me way down because I am so used to being able to do everything that I want to do without thinking about it.
Then I have also talked a lot about my husband's medical issues too because I have very few people around here that I can talk to and I really feel that I have been able to get some great input from the members of mylot on some of the things that he's been through.
4 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. I was not referring to u & i'm sorry for your aches & pains & can certainly relate to them.
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@GardenGerty (162810)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I have certain discussions I get tired of, and when I do I just pass them by. On the other hand, sometimes people with health issues need to vent. I will not say what they are that I dislike, because I do not want to hurt any body's feelings. We sure cannot fix what ails others, although we can listen to them vent. I am trying to think of some positive discussions to post. I will come through. I get some great discussions some times in my inbox.
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@GardenGerty (162810)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I think certain things just punch our buttons, and you are entitled to feel this way, it is okay.
2 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
hey GG, thanks for responding. I understand people have health issues, i have alot myself but don't dwell on them like so many do. It gets pretty boring after awhile when that's all they write about.

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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
13 Aug 12
Unfortunately there are some people on the Lot that have only the people on the lot to share their lives and bodily functions with. I have run into so many very very lonely people young and old, who are starved for someone to listen to their lives. I know I'm guilty of sharing my short falls (oops, pardon the pun) with my friends and acquaintances on the lot. I try to keep things upbeat for the most part, and even when I do have physical problems I try to see a bright side to them. As for bodily functions...I don't really feel that the number of times I poop or fart really matters in the scheme of things. When my Aunt and Uncle from Florida visited the folks they had a blow by blow update on my Uncle's constipation each morning at the breakfast table. My father, finally having his fill of listening to my Uncle's elimination problems, told my Uncle that he knew how to eliminate the problem. Of course my Uncle bit on the bait, and took it hook line and sinker. My father went on to tell my Uncle how the family dog took care of his constipation and pooping problems. By then my Uncle was totally hooked. Father went on to say that when the dog got constipated or had problems pooping he would run around the yard, barking like crazy, and then he could squat and poop!!!
My Uncle didn't see the humor in the information; and continued to share his "personal" information each morning.
I apologize for being inconsiderate with being so negative, even though I do try to put a light side to my problems. I love being able to laugh at myself and hopefully giving others a good laugh. I don't want to continually drag people down by being negative about my life and things going on in my life...

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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thank you! I hate a blow by blow litany about someone's bathroom escapades. I've always been the kind of person that if I poop, I'm still alive; when I don't poop there is a problem and I need to go out into the yard and bark!!!
There are several ways to look at your life, especially if you live in constant pain. You can become "super whiner" and cry on everyone's shoulders and become the person they avoid. Heaven forbid you ask them how they are, you'll hear about every ache and pain...and their cat's every ache, pain, sniffle, and sneeze. BOOORRRRIIIINNNGGGG!!! (boring) Or you can realize that you're not the only one in pain and live your life to have fun anyhow and quit your sniveling and whining and boring everyone around you. If you start to feel sorry for yourself look around you. It's like in the Bible, I felt bad that it hurt to walk until I saw a man without legs...(I know that this isn't a direct quote from the Bible...I'm not a heavy duty student of the Bible. Please don't chew me out about it. I live my religion) If each of us would look beyond ourselves and see the people who are in more pain and have more problems and expended our energy towards helping those people not only would we quit feeling sorry for ourselves, but we would also make this a much better world to live in-and maybe even eliminate a lot of wars!
Come to think of it, I think the next time a doctor asks me about how my poop looks, I am going to tell them that I pooped a poop that looked like John Wilks Booth and sold it on Ebay!!!
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I will add one more thing, and I am sorry if it is disgusting, but it is something that I told the doctor about my bodily functions. For some reason they find it interesting to inquire about my poop and what it looks like. Unfortunately I have better things in my life to do than stare at my poop before I flush... I finally got tired of the questions and stated to the doctor: "I realize you find my poop fascinating, but I am too busy with my life to take the time to stare at my poop to see if it's unusual. To me, my poop is poop and doesn't deserve a second thought. So, to help you out and allow me to keep up with my life, I will take pictures of my poop so that it saves both you and me time." Funny, the doctors don't ask about what my poop looks like anymore.
3 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
lOVED YOUR RESPONSES, THANKS.yOUR UNCLE IS JUST THE KIND OF PERSON I'M TALKING ABOUT. good grief we all have bathroom problems sometimes but i don't want to share mine w/anyone, lol.I really don't mind listening to anyone's problems, have been told i'm a very good listener but i think some people carry things a little far in their discussions. I hate whining, could whine myself alot w/the problems i have but i don't. i'm like u i'd rather be upbeat. Loved what u told the doctor, that's hilarious.Good for u.

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I completely agree.
My little one is having a particular toilet problem at the moment which he saw the doctor for last week. So when I did my shopping I went down the aisle with the laxatives etc to pick up a particular medicine the doctor told me to use, which I had used before when my daughter had the same exact problem.
So there in front of the laxatives is a little old lady trying to decide which one to use. I grabbed the stuff I wanted and she asked me "Is that a good stool softener?". I told her this particular stuff was great for constipation, but if all she wanted was stool softener she should get something else. I looked on the shelf really quick and found a good brand of stool softener and told her to try that. She showed me a small box of something she'd already picked out, and it turned out to be a supository! So then she asked again about the stuff I picked up and I told her my experience with it when my daughter had it.. and she said "Oh, no, that's exactly what I want".
I just thought it was kind of funny. I mean she never came out and said what her problem was, and I did not get grossed out because I fully understand that these types of things happen to people, especially as you age. But I went back and found my husband in a different part of the store and told him how I just helped a little old lady with her toilet problems, LOL.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I don't even really like hearing about it when my husband talks about it.. let alone anyone else.
2 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. U were very nice to help the lady. She was probably like i am when u go to look for something there is sooo many it can totally confuse u. I know she appreciated your help. i sure would have.
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• United States
13 Aug 12
People that talk about all that act like they are the only ones who have the problem. I had rather hear another topic discussed myself.

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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
13 Aug 12
i'm not annoyed or something with these kinds of topic. i also enjoy talking about anything about my experiences so when it interest me, i also answer to this kind of topics. if i am not interested, then i just ignore them. besides, mylot is anything and everything about us, people around us, with us, and so on.
3 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding, Neil. I do not mind listening to people's problems. I do mind hearing about their bathroom experiences, how their wounds are oozing etc,

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@jugsjugs (12967)
13 Aug 12
The way I see the discussions on here, is that if you dont like what has been put, you do not have to read it......
Just like if a person is talking to you and you did not want to hear what they are saying, you could ignore it.
There are people on here that I feel sorry for, people who have not been given a good hand in life, so I tend to repond to their discussions.A lot of people I can say that my life seems less of a stress when I read about their lives and after all this is a discussions site, to discuss all things, even adult mature things are on here, like all the things people get up to in their bedroom.
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for your response, jug. I don't know how u know what a discussion is about till u read it,
.like i said i'm sorry for people who have health problems. I can certainly relate to that but i really don't care to to read the gross details
right on ,ambie.

@jugsjugs (12967)
13 Aug 12
I have spent the last hour looking on where I think you would have seen the discussion, as in health topics and I must have missed all what you did see, not unless it got deleted.I find it easier not to add certain topics, like bible, god, that way I dont have to read stuff that aint my cup of tea, also skip what I dont want to read, rather than carry on reading.
A few years ago, I remember someone asked about worms in childrens stools, but that was not under a health topic at all.....
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Aug 12
I think here is a place for people to talk about all of their problems. Some people have absolutely no one else in their life to talk to about things. Here they get support and prayers. That is one reason I love it here because I don't really have anyone to share things with except for my husband but he is not the best listener most of the time. Lol.
I would not share my own bathroom problems just because I feel that is too personal. Everything else I pretty much do share. This is my online journal at times. It helps to be heard and vent.
I also love helping so here is where I can help so many others with their own problems as well.

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@GardenGerty (162810)
• United States
13 Aug 12
I guess that is me as well. I also know that each of us probably has a certain type of discussion or a certain point where we have heard it all and discussed it all and we are just going to move on to something else.
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• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding lmb, i think mylot is a great place to talk about most anything but like u i think there are some things that are personal & should not be talked about w/EVERYONE.We all use the bathroom, BIG DEAL.
@skyandgrassplot (1497)
• China
13 Aug 12
Yes every one has problems,small one or big one,but complain do not make any sense,what you can do is just face the reality and get through it.
but from another point of view,it does someone is very helpless,so if we can help those guys,pls offer our hands,they need us really.
3 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. U are soooo right. I'm glad to help anyone i can in any way but can't help anyone w/their bathroom problems , have my own, lol.
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@rizzaspeaks (391)
• Philippines
13 Aug 12
I am new here..and reading this discussion is a 'lil discouraging. I have been to many other social networking sites and stayed years writing blogs and stuffs..reading this is not very helpful to mylot.
I mean, i suppose this is a site for all types of sane discussions. I don't see wrong when some folks in here would pour their sentiments. This might be their only outlet.
I am not saying that you're's your sentiment too, your grunt, and you have all the right to express your views (considering you had discussed a lot here as seen in your number of responses). .I just hope you'll be more aware of your readers' presence..
3 people like this
• United States
25 Aug 12
U are right, i do have a right to my opinion. Thanks for responding.
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
14 Aug 12
Hiya sweetie. I know how you must feel. I had a barber uncle who hears all the grunts in his barbershop all his life for 40 years.
When he gets home he doesn't even want to watch the news on TV as he feels he has heard all the bad news he can for the day. If we weren't earning anything to post stuff on here I'd think most of them are just letting the air out, and just want to express what they feel about their predicament. Although I would agree it gets to be like what you and my uncle feel. But that's what I like about ya. You've always got a positive attitude about anything. I guess that's why you are like my dear ol granny.

• United States
14 Aug 12

@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
13 Aug 12
That kind of discussions don't bother me at all. I do avoid the detailed discussions about bodily functions if I am eating and mylotting at the same time
but I think that is fine that people share that kind of things on Mylot. If you are worried that a problem that you experience it often helps to write it down and share it will other people and maybe get some advice. I think that people should be able to do that on Mylot and if their problem is related to their bodily functions or illnesses they should be able to share that as well. People who don't want to read it can simply skip it and read another discussion.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Aug 12
right to each his own and if you did dislike my discussions on anything feel free to bypass. I often talke about odd things that
happen here at Gold C rest as that is where I have to live for
now but I always found most of my fri ends enjoyed my discussion. then you sound off and I am wondering was I g uilty I do not think so but help. this really sort of hurt mes as you have always
been pretty responsive to my discussions. you know sometimes
people wound others with out meaning to.

1 person likes this
• United States
24 Aug 12
wHY ARE U ON YOUR HIGH HORSE W/ME , HATLEY. I DON'T APPRECIATE YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARD ME. I WAS NOT REFERRING TO U AT ALL.I honestly very seldom see your discussions on here. I have never seen one u made that made me feel like you are insinuating. If i didn't like your discussions believe me i wouldn't answer them.
• United States
13 Aug 12
Thanks for resaponding. To each his own i always heard.
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Aug 12
Sadly, it is human nature that we like to whine about our problems. This fact is one of the reasons why I enjoy working at home these days for myself instead of being in a factory environment full of people complaining about anything and everything all the time.
• United States
17 Aug 12
i AM NOT A WHINER, thank heavens.It is better to work for yourself.I worked for someone else for many years
& for myself the last 20 years i worked & it was ALOT better. I'm glad u are able to do that.

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
13 Aug 12
hello AL,
I can relate with this post.
I have a friend who always rant about their health problem.
There's nothing wrong sharing health problem with friends- but what annoys me is when they start feeling upset for late responses (email response)
and even accuse of ignoring or neglecting their messages
Do I need to explain to them that I also have life that I need/must to give attention than responding or opening my emails all the time (duh)
Sometimes it's so hard to understand what "friendship" means...

• United States
13 Aug 12
Hello, thanks for responding. Some people are very self centered & think only of themselves. Sounds as if ur friend may be like that, I have never understood people 'who enjoy ill health' but alot do.
@abitosunshine (765)
• United States
17 Aug 12
I understand what you are saying and pretty much agree. My problem is that I feel a twinge of guilt when I find myself muttering distaste for a post of this nature as I know that some have only their online friends to discuss their ailments and concerns with.
2 people like this
• United States
17 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. I don't mind anyone sharing anyuthing w/me but when every discussion they make is about their ailments it's gets BORING to me. I think it very sad that people just sit around & grunt ALL THE TIME.

@hinitin5 (12)
13 Aug 12
Its easy to say then to be done. When suffering comes one cannot avoid it and those who can are courageous. Courage cannot be taught or given like a food. It is by the environment that we create. In reality we are the ones who need to make the environment positive for others.
• United States
13 Aug 12