Are you afraid of Disease?

August 14, 2012 1:36am CST
Everyone wanted to live a healthy life. All of us wanted to stay healthy until our last breath, but this kind of goal is more on the impossibility side or if it will happen it is rare to come true. Why? because when we are still young we sometimes mistreat our body thinking that we can be healthy and strong for the rest of our lives. What can we do to stay healthy? many people tried to apply different method but there is still the best way to avoid disease and as always recommended: " prevention is better than cure". As much as we can we have to take care our body, have a regular check though it's hard but we have to ;)
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4 responses
• Philippines
14 Aug 12
God has put everything we will need to have a healthy life. I mean fruits. I remember our religious leader mentioned that you just need to follow the season's rule. if the season is hot, you'll get dehydrated. dehydration can cause a lot of desease. on hot season you can find fruits with juices. in other words, eat fruits according to its season and you will be healthy.
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@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
No. I am not afraid of contracting a disease. First, as you have said, "we can prevent them". Second, once you got a disease, there are countless solutions we can do to get rid of the disease. So why be afraid?
@ptrikha_2 (46478)
• India
14 Aug 12
Well, I try to exercise as much time as possible from my hectic schedule, and trying to do it more. I know that I am not much enthusiastic about regular check-ups, though we should be having them. May be, I will go for a Blood sugar+Cholesterol check up, to check whether things are in control.
@litvillegas (1274)
• Philippines
15 Aug 12
I think we have to be careful about the food we eat. Having a healthy diet and proper exercise. Yes, no matter what we do, we can't skip diseases but at least we try hard to be fit and healthy.. I agree with what you mentioned above.. Prevention is better than cure.. So let's fight against diseases.