would i tell his family about me and the baby?

August 15, 2012 7:45pm CST
I'm 6 months pregnant now, and the father of my baby stopped communicating with me since the day I told him about my pregnancy. I tried to reach out for him for us to talk about my situation. I've been texting and calling him and it's like he's rejecting everything. His family doesn't know a single thing about me and my being pregnant at all. His family is living in the province, probably 3 hours away from the city. A friend of mine gave me an advice and told me to inform his family. Though I wouldn't anymore be asking any support from them, she said it's still a good thing if I let them know about us. She told me that it's for me to take a risk so that omy baby wouldn't blame me for anything in the future. The thing is I don't even got there address and I really don't have the courage to go there and tell them about me and the baby. What if they would reject us just like what the father of my baby did. I couldn't take the pain of another rejection again, I would likely have self pity. If you were on my shoe, what would you do? Please, I need your help guys, im still confused until now.
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11 responses
@else22 (4317)
• India
16 Aug 12
You have done the right thing by informing your boyfriend about your pregnancy.I think,you should not have made physical relations with the boy.Making such relations before marriage sometimes becomes a problem especially for the girl,because it is she who always remains at the receiving end.Your boyfriend seems to be selfish.Otherwise he would not have abandoned you after grinding his own ax.I don't think you should go to your bf's house.You are likely to be insulted there.So enjoy motherhood,the noblest position in a woman's life.Now it's your bf's turn to come to you.If he comes,well and good,and if he doesn't,then don't care.Live happily with your child and try to bring up it as a good citizen and a responsible person.
@else22 (4317)
• India
16 Aug 12
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Thank you so much for your advice else. How I wish my bf would someday realize everything. That's what i'm really aiming right now, for me to raise my baby to be a good and responsible person so that he wouldn't follow what his father did. I am working up until now so I could raise my baby well and that I could give him everything he needs. Again, thank you so much.
• India
16 Aug 12
hmmm... i am sorry, its better to do what your frnd said becouse, your baby may question you later na?? so, there should not be any fault from your side. you just find out their address and meet them and explain the whole situation clearly what happened to you, and there son was. they should know about their son. dont think that, whether they respond to you positively or not. you just do your work, that to inform them regarding this issue. and leave the result for god. you no need to think and worry, that what is going to happen, nothing is there in our hands. hope for the best, people will change .
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Hello. First, I want to thank you for that good advice. I really hope that there would be a change in everything. I'm so much thankful for your words of encouragement. Take care:-)
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Aug 12
I would tell his family about the baby and there are a variety of reasons that I would do that. The main reason that I would is because of the fact that if you don't there will be a lot of questions in the future possibly coming from both his family and also from your child that you will not be able to answer. In my life, I had a situation that was quite different from yours, but in a certain sense similar. You see, my daughter is almost ten years old now and her father is my husband. However, just before I was with my husband, I was with another man and after we were together, we lost touch for several years. Well, I ran into his sister once when Kathryn was very small and she met my daughter. In turn, she told her brother about my daughter and this planted a seed in his mind that he might have another child that he didn't know about. We've been back in touch for about a year and a half now and it is pretty frequent that he will start questioning my daughter's paternity. I said if he really thought that Kathryn was not her father's child, I would be willing to have a paternity test done on her because I know that I'm right. However, I can see where his concern came from because my daughter and his late daughter were close to the same age and he was with me just shortly before he was with his ex-wife.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
16 Aug 12
I think you should let his parents know that they are about to become grandparents (maybe for the first time?). But you need to make it clear to them you are not looking for any monetary support or anything else from them. Explain that your only intention is to make them aware of their grandchild. How they choose to react to the news is up to them. They may reject you. You will find there are many rejections in life. The more you deal with and face up to the stronger you will become. You should do this for your child and for your child's future. Who knows? They may be sympathetic to your case and accept you, or at least your baby. But I think it is important that the first thing you do is to make sure they know you are not looking for anything from them. That you believe it is their right to know about their grandchild. This could make a lot of difference in how they perceive you. I know it's a scary thing to have to do. If it was me I would be very afraid. Maybe you could have a friend waiting for you somewhere close by so you won't be totally alone. And what about your parents? Can they help you? It might be a good idea for them to go with you as they are also the grandparents. I hope this helps. Good luck.
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Hi deazil. My parents doesn't want to support me with this decision cause they're not in favor of my bf. They always tell me not to communicate with the guy anymore. If they're only in my side then maybe I wouldn't be afraid to do that a long time ago. Thank you for your comment. It would be a great help for me. Good luck for me. :-)
@elivna04 (51)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
I think your friend is right. Your boyfriend's family might reject you but at least you've done everything to reach out for them. And by the time you baby is grown up, he/she won't blame you for not even trying to reach out for his/her father's family. You can explain to your child that you've done everything in your power to communicate with them and that the problem is them, not you. There will be no more what if's or you should've done this, or could've done that. But I think its best that you go to your boyfriend's family if your child is 1 year or 2 years older. Grandparents' hearts usually melt when they see their grand children. Who knows your child might look very alike with his father. Let your boyfriend go and just enjoy your life with your baby. Make your child the center of your life and I know you can find happiness! :)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Thank you so much for the comment. I really appreciate everything you said, it's alot encouraging for me.
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
about this issue..for me boy and the girl must talk about this and decide for themselves whether they will tell about the baby because this is not an easy situation, being a pregnant is not easy whenever there is no support from the family and it is their right to know the status for them to make a piece of advice...
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Thank you so much for your advice. I really appreciate everything you said.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
16 Aug 12
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope it is going well. I'm sorry that your baby's father is not supportive. To be honest, in your position, I would not inform his family unless I already knew them. You don't know what kind of people that they are, and while they could be wonderful people who you might want in your child's life, they could also be bad influences who cause nothing but trouble. You don't need more drama while you're raising a baby. I'd feel sorry for them that they are missing out on their grandchild, but I wouldn't expose my child to the unknown during a time when I would be too busy to handle them. If you've told that baby's father, then it's his responsibility to tell his family, so you don't have to feel guilty that they don't know.
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Your baby is a blessing so don't pity yourself. Right now, you are undergoing such a tough situation. If you don't after their money then you have to risk going there and tell them about your pregnancy. Your friend is right. You have to tell them about their grandchild. There are many questions popping in your mind. You have to find the answers. Do your best for your baby. If they reject you, it's not your loss. It's theirs. Goodluck. Happy myLotting.
• United States
16 Aug 12
I tend to disagree with what most people here have responded. Obviously the decision is yours and you need to do what you think is best. However, you do not know these people, and they do not know you. Do you really want to expose your baby to a bunch of strangers that might not be suitable influences, especially if they agree with the baby's father and choose to disrespect you? They could accept the baby and try to turn him or her against you or they could just be people that you do not trust and would not really want around your child for whatever reason. As for your child blaming you for anything in the future, I think that is just ridiculous. I suppose that he or she could think that you should have made different choices, but it has been my experience that if you do what you think is right and raise your child to do the same, then he or she will not blame you for making whatever choice you think is best.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Go and tell his family and not because you want them to accept you and the baby. You should have known by now that he has completely abandoned you and has escaped from responsibility. Meeting his family is not for your own sake but as what your friend have said, it's for the baby's sake. His family also deserves to know that even if they reject you. You don't want your baby blaming you someday and you don't want to burden yourself with the what ifs. When my aunt got pregnant, my uncle abandoned him because he wasn't ready. So my aunt went to my gradparents and told them the truth. My grandparent supported her and the baby. Later in life, he and my uncle got back together and now they have three children. So you see, there's no what ifs in there.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
16 Aug 12
Hi joankath29, i think you already done your part by informing your boyfriend about your pregnancy that was enough. I think your boyfriend afraid to take his responsibility with you and to your unborn child that's the reason why he stop communicating with you. For me, better not to informed his parents about your situation because you don't know what might be happen there especially your pregnant, for sure your child will understand someday the reason why you did not informed his/her grandparents. The most important now, you should take care of yourself and be strong for your child and dont stress yourself too much because it might affects your pregnancy.