Tire of the cotton candy politics
By sirnose
@sirnose (2436)
United States
August 18, 2012 11:59am CST
I just don't understand why we the people are not protesting in the streets. These two parties are just feeding us the same old 5th avenue style advertising. It is obvious that neither one of these parties have an answer to the problems that we face as a nation. Pres. Obama answer to our problems is tax the rich and everything will get better.
Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney says just slash every entitlement program and give the rich more tax breaks and everything will get better. But we all know this this isn't true just empty assumptions.
You know what happens when you eat cotton candy, it just melts away just like the lies we are being fed by these two parties that have seems to have out lived their usefulness.
7 responses
@adforme (2114)
19 Aug 12
Politics gives citizens a way to believe they can control life as opposed to his/her life. In my opinion, everyone is middle of the road. Who does not believe children should be cared for, elderly should have a dignified living condition, streets should be safe, taxation should be fair, healthcare should not be a luxury, women deserve equal pay, and education should be adequate. I think what is the major issue regardless of party is the budget. Too much spending and not enough money to spend period.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Politics takes away control over your own life.
Yes Children should be cared for. Specifically by their parents. Most of the problems in our society, are due to daycare and government schools taking care of kids instead of their parent.
Elderly should get a dignified living condition, which will never happen through government. I've worked in government run retirement homes, and they are HORRIBLE.
Alternatively, my Grand Mother who saved for her retirement, lived in a private retirement home, and it was like a Queens Palace in comparison. Red carpet, clean, full service bar and food 24-hours a day. Movies in theater seating, projected on the wall at about 75% of theater size.
The solution to elderly living in dignified retirement, is to stop letting the government tax away their income and giving out crappy shacks to live, and instead convince people to save for their own retirement.
Streets would be safe, if we didn't spend government money on crappy social programs, and instead focused on law enforcement... and encouraged people to defend themselves with fire arms. Nothing reduces crime more than an armed civilian.
Education is run by the government. As long as it's run by the government it will never be adequate. We need to cut public schools, and allow private and community schools, run by anyone, corporations, businesses, religious groups and private communities. We spend more per student than any country in the world, and our education is horrible.
We have more than enough money to spend. The bottom line is that government doesn't fix things. People do. Cut taxes and return the money to the public who will do a better job with it.
@crossbones27 (49885)
• Mojave, California
18 Aug 12
I would say it has something to do with people can't get on the same page. When the Tea party had their little rallies, everyone slammed their objective. When Occupy were protesting in the Streets everyone asked, "whats their message." People are going to hate me for this, but I think it also has something to do with income class. People who make close to 50,000 a year probably aren't that miserable. It does not mean they are not dissatisfied with the country, and are not concerned that the could go backwards. It just says they are not going to do anything risky unless they have a real good reason. The rest of the people who are really miserable and dissatisfied, just can't get on the same page.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
19 Aug 12
Well that's the problem. Most people think Government is there to fix our lives, and make sure we're all successful and wealthy, and blaw blaw blaw blaw....
The problem is, every single time in the history of this planet, when people have placed their hopes of happiness and success and wealth, in the hand of the government, the results have consistently been impoverishment.
Remember? Workers paradise? Cuba? Venezuela? The entire soviet union?
Remember how great it was in Germany? The east German government took it upon themselves to *fix* the economy and provide jobs and wealth to their citizens.
They were so successful, that the UK, US, and French governments had to build a wall, and station armed military personnel to stop and shoot the so deliriously happy East Germans from streaming into the miserable impoverished west Berlin!
How many times does the leftist belief system have to be proven false before people figure it out....
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 Aug 12
I had a politician stop by about two weeks ago and he left as I was very upset about many things and let him have it.....like social security...obama care health bill....etc. I just plainly let him have it...then he asked me which way I was going to vote and I told him it was none of his business!
@lawdude (237)
• United States
19 Aug 12
You hit the nail on its proverbial head. All I hear are mostly sound bites and snake oil proposals from both political parties. Unfortunately, the public wants almost instant solutions to our problems and buys the snake oil.
The current debt crisis evolved more than 60 years since the end of World War II. The U.S. has had only 8 annual balanced fiscal budgets since 1950. Since 2000 the national debt has increased 200%. First it was Bush - the only President who every cut taxes in wartime (2 wars). To make matters worse the Great Recession substantially reduced tax revenues while discretionary and mandatory spending increased. On top of that, Obama's failed stimulus policy helped increase the national debt 50%.
Since it took more than half of century to create the debt crisis, it's logical that de-leveraging and paying down our debt will take a long time before the economy recovers and unemployment goes down. Yet the Democrats propose Keyensian stimulus spending to grow the economy while the GOP with their ridiculous supply wide theory proposes cuttng taxes to stimulate the economy and pay off the debt with only marginal decreases in discretionary spending. These are the same policies that created our debt mess to start with. Both parties and corrupt and dishonest, so we should not expect improvement no natter who wins the Presidency or whichever party gets majorities in Congress. If anything, conditions will probably worsen.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 Aug 12
Read The Creature from Jekyl Island. Or, go to youtube and search it.
The Federal Reserve and the IMF are the problem.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Aug 12
Actually, I haven't seen anywhere that Mitt Romney has said he wants to "give the rich more tax breaks".
However, if that were his answer, I'd support that.
There is not a single example in US history in which the government cut spending, cut taxes, and the economy didn't recover. Not once.
And there have been numerous times where government hiked taxes, increased spending, and the economy faltered.
So I'm all for the Romney plan, *IF* what you said is the Romney plan.
Now as to why we are not protesting... Well I'm confused about what we would protest.
We have gotten exactly what we elected. We voted for Obama, and we knew what he stood for. He did exactly as we knew he would, and where we are is the result of the choices we made in putting him in office.
What exactly are you protesting? "The American People are Stupid!" New movement! OSP! Occupy Stupid People!
CNN "Hi and what are you protesting today sir?"
OSP "We're protesting how stupid the American people are, that vote for bad politicians, who legislate bad policies, and it's our fault!"
CNN "..." 0.o "ok then... well good luck with that."
Protesting bad politicians, when we're the ones voting the bad politicians into office, isn't a plan, and won't accomplish anything. The solution is simply to... not vote for better people, instead of empty slogans "Hope and Change" and "Yes we can!".
Where we are, and the situation we are in, is a direct result of the choices we have made. Protesting won't fix anything if we don't change the choices we make. And if we change the choices we make, there will be no need to protest.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Aug 12
I see plenty of protest, just not out on the streets. Today's protesters take to the internet. Hey! you're a protester!
And as for your assertion that neither party has an answer, I wish you'd have been a bit more precise. Cause I've listened to and read a lot of good ideas being bandied about on said internet by the candidates. Perhpas you are just not listening to the right ones?