Have you ever reflected about the blessings in your life?

August 18, 2012 12:26pm CST
I know life is full of ups and downs and I would say with assurance that there is not a single human being who hasn't experienced pains and difficulties in life. Anyway, the problem sometimes is that many people focuses more on these difficulties and pains in their life and didn't realize that we are the ones who decides which side of life we want to experience...pain or joy. When we focus on the blessings in our life, it becomes easier to enjoy each day that comes along. We begin to feel blessed with being given talents and good character traits, good health and the ability to enjoy life with our friends and families. These are some of the things we could be grateful for and if we focus on our minds on these things, life seems to become such a blessing. Can you share with us some of the blessings in your own life?
9 responses
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
18 Aug 12
I'm always thankful every morning when I wake up because for me mornings are another blessing that I receive every day. Before I'm not very particular whether I woke up happy or contented, sad or angry. But after I got sick, I started to count my blessings and treat each day as a new beginning. I learned how the littlest of things can bring joy to me and focus myself on things that will bring joy and will benefit more people than wasting my energy and time to something that will only make me remember my weaknesses.
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• Philippines
24 Sep 12
I'm glad you shared that, tetris because that is also something that I discovered that changed my days for the better. Every time I wake up, the first thing I would do is to thank God for giving me another day when others isn't as lucky. Then I start counting the blessings in my life starting with my family, my talents, my personal gifts, health of mind body and spirit, a loving heart, having overcome a lot of difficulties in life, being more peaceful and a lot more that comes into my life. The results that this new habit has given throughout the day is simply tremendous! I stay in a positive state of mind and moods the whole day and another good thing is that I begin to influence the people around me to be in this positive state. Besides being happy myself, I became proud with the fact that I am also able to influence others positively in my own simple way.
• Philippines
19 Aug 12
everyday is a blessing. i have come to appreciate and value even the little things in life because i know how it was to do without. when we reflect how much we are blessed and how more fortunate we are compared to others who had less, it makes us grounded. when we had little, i have my big family. when we had more, i enjoy more with my bigger family. it's just in the perspective and learning to enjoy what we have... regardless of how much we actually do have. at an early age, we learned to share. in this day and age, we pay it forward. blessings only feel like one when we learn to value and share it. i am thankful to have my family (parents, siblings, siblings-in-law, nephews and nieces... +me = 30 lolz) and ever growing extended family and friends and loved ones... people we share our daily life with. the experiences we each have... that either brought us joys and the best memories... or dampen it with tears and the greatest lessons in life. i'm simply grateful to be blessed.
• Philippines
25 Sep 12
you mentioned having brothers, no sisters? hehe we live simply. we were brought up seeking simple joys in life, where happiness does not solely depend on material things. what we lacked back then, we try to be creative and improvise. like i can't remember owning a toy when i was a kid, but i remember my sisters and i making paper dolls and playing street games with our other siblings and neighborhood kids. we didn't have much but we felt blessed. we now have more and we feel just as blessed. a blessed week ahead.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 12
Thanks for sharing that, mylesnarvaez. I remember when I was a young kid I enjoyed playing with softdrink caps and I enjoyed playing it so much. I could safely say that one's happiness is dependent on his mind and how he or she thinks about his present condition, and not what others think or say about him or her. Of course, having good people around who loves you makes everything a lot easier :)
• Philippines
25 Sep 12
I feel that you felt so blessed because you know how to love others, and that way you feel enriched with these people in your life who are given to you by God to love and be loved. Having good relationships is really one of the greatest blessings in life. I myself love my parents very much and consider them as one of the greatest blessings in life and seeing them at the age of 75 and still strong makes me really happy and would continue to serve them as long as they live. I have 5 brothers and we treat each other more like friends than brothers, and I don't know if this is a better way but at least it works in our case. I think it's important to note what you said about coming to appreciate and value even the little things in life, and I believe this is the attitude that could make anyone happy and contented in life. Have a blessed day!
@adforme (2114)
19 Aug 12
I am thankful for the blessings in my life. Good health and having my needs met are blessings. I am someone that knows what it is like to be in a situation that showed me just how much I was blessed. Blessings are not always counted, but one thing is for sure, one can count on them to make life better.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 12
I agree with what you have just said. Just recently, I have developed the habit of counting my blessings the moment I wake up and I see this habit tremendously give me such a great mood the whole day. I would recommend this habit highly to everyone, and it really works for me excellently.
19 Aug 12
I am blessed to even be alive due to my past bad choices. I am blessed that I was given a second chance to turn my life around. I am blessed to have a great support system to help me thru the hard times and to help guide me in the right direction. I am greatful for having a roof over my head, food on my table and having my family nearby. I have faced many challenges in my life and I and I have been blessed with the strenght and courage to overcome those challenages. Thank You my Lord and savior.
• Philippines
25 Sep 12
Congratulations for having been given the strength and wisdom to be able to come out victorious against all your trials. Not many are as lucky as you, and we could see a lot of them in the news ( That is the reason why I immediately change channels whenever I come across such news because they are depressing ). I believe you have given us a good example here on how to count our blessings in life by showing us how you count your own blessings. I would say if everyone would do this first thing in the morning upon waking up and last thing at night before sleeping, we could see the whole world populated by contented and happy souls.
• Philippines
19 Aug 12
Yes, I've thought about them. In fact, whenever I'm really down or in a middle of a depressing situation, I brace myself to being optimistic and think of all the blessings I had in my life. It creates a light feeling of contentment. Instead of focusing on those pains and difficulties, we should think about ourselves, where we are now, our family is there to support, a job perhaps that we have or we have our friends. There are so many blessings yet sometimes it just overlaps a single problem.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 12
Yes, I believe when one focuses so much on one particular problem in his or her life, that problem can become magnified and the mind focuses only on that negative part of one's life while the remaining good parts of our lives are ignored. You have mentioned a lot of things here that we could focus more to make us feel more blessed, and when we focused more on them we tend to feel happier. The solution would simply then be in our focus, in focusing our minds only with things that could make us feel better about ourselves and our lives. This may not be easy for those who are used to thinking of negative things in their lives, but with practice everything becomes easier.
@jopipay (336)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
Hi, I just came across your post. I like your discussion on reflecting about the blessings in life. You are right when you said that it really depends on us which side of life we want to experience...pain or joy.I was so down when our company lost its client and had to be closed down, but then I saw it as a chance to do other things and be opened to other opportunities that would come my way and I am looking forward to it:)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
That is good to hear jopipay, and I want to wish you good luck to your next exciting endeavors in life. You probably enjoyed being in that company so that is the reason why you felt down at that time, but there would always be better opportunities ahead. That is my personal belief, and the important thing is to be happy with our journeys in life while we haven't reached those goals or destinations yet.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
18 Aug 12
i try do this at least once a day. it helps me realize that is not all about me plus how fortunate i am to have everything i have.
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
I believe where we focus our minds would give us the appropriate feelings associated with those thoughts, so if we focus on the difficulties and troubles of our lives then we would feel burdened but if we focus our minds to all the good things in our lives, then we feel light and happy. It's a great feeling having discovered this and have the chance to practice it on a daily basis and feel blessed everyday.
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Aug 12
I am very grateful for the roof over my head, the bed I sleep in each night, my husband and children, the food on the table, the friends I have made here and for my good health. When you have been down so many times and homeless you tend to be more grateful and you appreciate the things you have in life. I am glad we have been through tough things because not only has it made us stronger as a couple but it has taught us to be so much more grateful for our life now. =)
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• Philippines
24 Sep 12
Wow, those are indeed difficult times and I would guess it would have given both of you more strength to have overcome them. As they say, what can't kill you will only make you stronger. I myself have undergone a lot of trials in my life, but I find a way to adjust better and I treat it as a blessing to have overcome all those trials and came out a stronger person. I wonder now if it's possible to make a person stronger without experiencing hard times...for my I think the answer is no. I would say trials and difficulties are blessings in disguise which could either make or break a person and show his true metal ( true character ).
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
19 Aug 12
You're so right, I agree with your thoughts. To me, I feel blessed all the time. I know that sometimes I complain to God when there's something that I can't handle. But then I realize that what I have now, is a bless. I can say that I get what I want since I was little. Well, maybe not exactly what I want, but sometimes it's even better. Just like what you said, actually we are the ones who make the choices. The voice within our hearts when we whisper something deep down there, are the true wishes. When I'm alone and reflect to my past, I suddenly realize that most of what I gain right now, is what I wished years ago. That's why when people say "think before you speak", we should really do it because it is absolutely right.
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
It's great you feel as you do right now because I believe not so many people feel so blessed in their lives, so I believe you're one of the lucky ones. When you mentioned "think before you speak", I guess what you are mentioning here is about reflecting on the thoughts that could only make you feel better about yourself and your life, because the moment you speak negative things about your situation it gives you a bad mood and it could last for a long time throughout the day, and if this becomes a habit then your life would generally be ruled by it, making you unhappy. Anyway, if this is not what you meant with that saying "think before you speak" please let me know.
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
30 Sep 12
Yes, it could be like what you said. But what I meant with "think before you speak" can also be like a wish. Bad words coming out from our mouth without thinking about it first when we are angry, wishing something bad to happen to certain people. And when this wish happens, all we feel is a regret. You know, things like that. So, sometimes when we "wish" something in our hearts, it should better be something good. I don't know how to explain it better.