She Inspires Me...

Valdosta, Georgia
August 18, 2012 1:36pm CST
There is an elderly lady across the street from me who amazes me. She is so healthy and so independent. She is always outside taking care of her lawn herself, she has this aura about her that is so strong. She stands so tall and proud. I hope I am like that when I get older... Who inspires you? Is it a stranger or someone you know?
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18 responses
• United States
18 Aug 12
My answer will surprise you. I get inspired by Meyer Lansky , the gangster. He Always had a plan. Sure sometimes it went wrong but he was Always thinking. I may never be a wiseguy but I admire his cunning.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Aug 12
I don't know who that is actually, never heard of him. Lol. People that always have a plan usually have most things figured out ahead of time. It's a good trait to have.
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@AmbiePam (96279)
• United States
18 Aug 12
My Aunt Melba -  She is my dad's oldest sister and she is 78. She is the 3rd of 16 children.
I guess I think of my Aunt Melba after reading your post. She is 78 (I've included a picture of her) and has her own big garden, takes care of her older husband who has had a stroke, still walks miles a week, and teaches at Sunday school. Since she lives way WAY in the country, she pretty much handles the housework and yawn work herself.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Aug 12
Yeah this lady is the same way. She has such a young spirit about her that I admire. I have been around older people that always act older than what they really are so when I see someone that has a young spirit, it intrigues me. Your aunt sounds a lot like my neighbor. =)
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
18 Aug 12
My mother was my inspriration...and she still is even though she has been gone for a long time....she did things with us when we were little....and did those same things for her grandkids...and now...I do them with mine. She taught me that it wasn't what you can buy for someone..its spending time doing things with them that counted!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Aug 12
That is so nice Jill. That's great that she did things with you when you were young and with the grandchildren. I wish there were more good parents and grandparents in this world. =) That is very true, it is more important to do things with someone rather than buy them something...
@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Aug 12
Oh gosh, there are so many elderly people I've met through figure skating (yes, figure skating!) that inspire me . . . but there is one in particular that I think of who has all the energy in the world - she would be insulted if she heard me calling her "elderly". She's probably in her 70's now - but she doesn't look it at all. I met her through figure skating and oh, she was not afraid to try things. As a beginner skater, she was fearless and wasn't afraid to fall. We always joked around and she had such a neat sense of humor. She seemed to be a super cook, super gardener, super seamstress, and super grandma (she's very active with her grandkids when they come into town). She is always laughing and staying on the positive side of things (well, sometimes she'd be negative about certain things when we had serious one on one conversations, but hey, she is human too). She is a strong woman and apparently outspoken in her family (though she is this teeny woman). I just hope I have this woman's energy when I get to her age . . . she is definitely what anyone would call "spunky"!!!
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• Philippines
19 Aug 12
I also dream of myself remaining very active and young looking even when I reach the age of sixty onwards, if I'm lucky to live that long. :) My inspiration is my mom. She's sixty five now but she doesn't look that old yet and retains her professional aura as a teacher before. She stays with us and personally takes care of my youngest daughter who is only two years old. She also designed me a garden that we never had before. We used to have a wide area in front of the house. My husband filled it with pagers and I thought there's no way I can still grow a garden but my mom brought us flower-bearing plants in pots and I really love them! Now, my whole place is filled with flowers and visitors are normally impressed at how they were arranged to compliment the house. :)
• Philippines
19 Aug 12
Oooooooops! Sorry, it should be "pavers" and not pagers. =)
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Aug 12
She does look and act so much younger than what she is. Wow, that's great that your mom is like that too. Still working and active. Your mother sounds amazing too. I wish I had a mother like yours. I want a mom to fix me up a nice garden! Lol. That's awesome that your mom is so good to you. =) I knew what you meant! Lol.
@tetris15 (539)
• Philippines
18 Aug 12
Surprisingly, strangers inspires me more especially if I see a good deed in them. I always find inspiration to other people's story as to how they managed their life despite their incapacities.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Aug 12
Yeah me too. This lady just has such a young spirit about her. It is so nice to see that in someone her age. Most people I know always act older than what they really are.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
21 Aug 12
somebody like that would definitely inspire me too. Also people who are generous and give to the poor, sometimes given their last dollar. I have done all my life until now and I have been the one receiving aid from my friends at time.
• Valdosta, Georgia
21 Aug 12
Yeah she has such a young spirit about her that I find amazing! She does so many things that most people half her age are too lazy to do for themselves. Her yard looks like a landscaper came in, she did all of it herself! She walks all the time and does so many different things.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Aug 12
Over the last few years, I've been volunteering and I've also joined a group of older ladies who meet each week. One of my clients is 84 and has recently recovered from cancer, she loves to garden and has the most awesome memory of anyone I've ever known. She is so amazing but as much as I admire her, I don't think I could ever be as great as she is. There are also a few ladies in my group who inspire me and I'm finding that these ladies are easy to talk to and are very accepting and non-judgemental. I'm relaxed and happy and I feel accepted and like I fit in, that's a first for me. I hope some day I can make someone feel that way.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
21 Aug 12
I would have to say that my Mama inspires me. She is a strong woman. She has several physical problems. She has nerve damage, lupus and arthritis but she still carries on every day. She works full time at an elementary school and during the summer, when school is out she works at an autism camp. She never takes pain meds for any of the pain she is feeling, she just works through it. I wish I was as strong as she is.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Aug 12
That is great to have your mother inspire you so much! Aw, she does sound inspiring! I hope to be as strong as your mother when I am older and have health problems...
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
19 Aug 12
that is so awesome to hear and that is because she has built her personality from a long time and takes well care of her,i have seen so many persons near my area and they are truly a exemplary person.i know a guy named kirsch who is stylish and also does the gym routines always on time without ever getting busy or waiting time in laziness.i hope to be like him one day
• Valdosta, Georgia
21 Aug 12
Yes she does take care of herself and she has such a young spirit about her. I think it is so awesome! I hope I am like that when I am her age. Yeah having motivation and determination is a good thing as well.
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
19 Aug 12
My mom and dad... I'm so glad that my parents taught me to be an independent and helpful person. My friends think that I can do anything myself. The neighbors always use me and my brothers as examples to their children. I'm kinda proud of that, though at home, I'm actually a little spoiled by my dad. But at least I can do everything alone outside of the house. The way they educate me and my brothers is just the way that I want to use to educate my children someday.
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Aug 12
Well thats good that you have great parents like that. It is good they raised you to be independent. That is a good trait to have. You should be proud of it. =)
@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
20 Aug 12
Oh I am so proud!
@liguoping (179)
19 Aug 12
I also have this dream,health is the most important in our lives and i hope i can live longer without disease,i have seen several people afflicted by disease in their old age and they would rather die,how terrible!i envy the people with better health in their old age!
• Valdosta, Georgia
21 Aug 12
Health is super important. I hope I am active and healthy like her when I am that age. She has such a young spirit about her, it is beautiful!
• India
19 Aug 12
Hi friend, good to hear about the old lady, as you mentioned she is independent and strong, really we must be blessed to have this kind of older days. I too have some good inspirations in my life, my parents is the first role model for me
• Valdosta, Georgia
21 Aug 12
She has such a young spirit about her that I admire. I hope I can do all that she does when I am her age. It amazes me! =)
19 Aug 12
I mostly get inspired by people who don't depend on others and does their own work like a free and non-dependable spirits..:)
• Valdosta, Georgia
21 Aug 12
Yeah that is how she is. She is also so young in spirit. She does things that younger people do without a problem and with barely any effort. It is amazing watching her...
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
19 Aug 12
Right now I don't think anyone inspires me! Honestly! I admire certain people but that is it! I have always felt I was never a lucky person and had to work harder then everyone else. I have known people who seemed to have things fall into their lap! Like they didn't have to do anything to get were they are now! These people seemed to have gone through life not working hard while I struggled in life! Now I know not all this is true. I know I have to work hard to get certain things and have gottan lucky in some situations! Life is hard and if someones inpires me,I have no idea who has or will!
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Aug 12
I understand your feelings completely because nothing ever came to me easily either. One of my family members married into money so that is how it just got handed to her pretty much. This lady inspires me because she loves life. She is positive and upbeat. She is healthy and strong even though she is SO much older than I am. I hope I am like her at her age.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
4 Sep 12
There was a time when I thought Kevin O'Leary inspired me. If you don't know him, he's one of the wealthy guys in the show Shark Tank. They give money to people who are just starting out their business. This way they can make the business bigger. Anyway, I liked the way he talked. No BS! He started a company, made money with it, and he became a TV business personality. He's like a Simon Cowell of business. There was a phase that I wanted to be like him. Not that he did anything wrong, but I'm not too sure about now.
• India
19 Aug 12
It is my friend who inspires me. He is my true friend and i had find a good personality in him and along with he is the one who had go through his life more than me. He is the one who work hard for earning money and along with it if continues his study. He is the role model and he is the bright source which gives me the power and energy.
• Valdosta, Georgia
21 Aug 12
That is so nice that you have a good friend who inspires you. It is good to give you motivation to be like him. =) I want to be just like this woman, she acts so young. She is full of energy and has such a young spirit about her.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
19 Aug 12
Wow she does sound inspiring. When I become her age, I also hope to have aged gracefully and be self sufficient still. I wanna be able to do and enjoy lots of things as well and not be a burden to my family. Call it pride or whatever, I just care about them so much to trouble them about an elderly me.
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Aug 12
Yeah she is so independent and she looks so young for her age! I hope to be like her too when I am her age. Most people act so much older than what they are and she has such a young spirit about her. It amazes me.