Any mothers of emotionally disturbed children, how did they get diagnoosed?

United States
August 19, 2012 3:35pm CST
I have a nine year old daughter that only got diagnosed after she beat me black and blue and bloody and had to take her to the hospital. I had tried for two years before to get her help but no such help was good enough. She began refusing to go to appointments and felt she was getting in trouble when she spoke to the therapist. I can't afford to get her evaluated as they say it costs $3,000. As a stay at home mom to devote my time to my children and family, we cannot afford that. She has not been on any medication and her problems at school is that she is borderline passing and her focus in the afternoons is off. They don't see any learning disabilities as they refused to do an evaluation in the school when I asked for one to the guidance counselor. Where do I go, what has worked for you?
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4 responses
@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Aug 12
I have a daughter who was misdiagnosed who is Bi-polar. My granddaughter is also bi-polar. My grandson is ODD with a mood disorder that I think is bi-polar. I got my granddaughter diagnosed when she was 7 years old. The school has been very good about all of this. He is going to a different school that has a program for troubled kids call Excell.
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@celticeagle (164984)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Aug 12
I would have her evaluated medically and also have something done about this teacher. That can really upset a child when they have a bad teacher. Its hard enough for kids to interact correctly and affectively with the other kids but when they have a weird teacher it can be catostrophic.
• United States
22 Aug 12
The problem is that she had no extreme problems in school because she was always so low energy after fighting with me about sleep. Her focus low and chitchat with clasmates was high in the afternoon. That is about it. I tried first to get her evaluated for learning disabilities but when the process started they said they observed her and the guidance counselor said they didn't think she had any learning disabilities so the process was recommmended to be canceled. This was when she was seven and as her attitude and behavior got worse, I tried different avenues, since the school didn't see anything. The reality is that she always came home with stories about the teachers and classmates. She was very passive aggressive and said she would cry or come home crying because she felt like such an outsider and other emotions. I talked to her and told her to speak to the teachers as well since they could help with classmates and I couldn't but she said all the teachers do is yell and not listen. I only spoke with one parent last year in 3rd grade and the parent said she was bullying their child and I said my daughter said the same thing about their child. It is all so confusing I'm trying now to record these little experinces to tell the right person that we speak to about her health. Thank you for your comment.
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@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
20 Aug 12
Are you in the United States? Try contacting the local county health department and/or mental health services...the closest medical university... She may qualify for disability services, which could get her government medical coverage. Even a normal physician should be able to at least refer her to a more qualified doctor. Best of luck.
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• United States
20 Aug 12
I called the hotline for help and they said to take her to the nearest emergency room since she was a danger to herself and others. The let her go the next morning after observing her all night. She fought with the staff and they gave her medication to sleep after she refused once and was threatened with a needle she did AFTER SPILLING THE FIRST BY SMACKING IT OUT OF THE NURSES HAND. They still sent her home and said that a visiting nurse service would come and visit at home. She had for the four to six weeks. She saw the behavior but my daughter calmed herself down and fell asleep so after one of her episodes she didn't take her in. When the social worker talked to her supervisor she said she should of taken her to the hospital for long-term care. We were going to monitor her after and decide to take her on the next visit to the hospital for the long-term care but I had an appointment with the ACS because my daughter said she wanted to go to my mother's house and she "feared for her life with me. I was going to take her to another hospital if the social worker didn't agree but she did but social services took her and now she has no care but is in my mothers home as a kinship for foster care. She was on a visitation visit with her paternal grandmother where she told me she spoke to my mother and they wouldn't return my daughter after the third day when I finally called the police for her to return her. The next day she was removed because of what she said. No one seems to even look at what is going on with her mental stability and my mothers malicious attitude that is supporting my daughters lies to get what they want and laugh at me. I feel very defeated and will appreciated any help.Thank you for your comment. Her pediatrician referred her from 2010 for developmental behaviorist and therapist for ODD Oppositional Defiance Disorder but the therapist never really helped and the Developmental Behaviorist said she needed a therapist not them. So all she has had was a therapist and the school counselor. The visiting nurse actually coming into our home was a god sent miracle but the social services intervened and not getting her help. I am so wanting her to get help but feel unable at this point. I am unable to get my daughter the help and if anyone knows of a parents support group with this matter online. I would appreciate any information. Thank you.
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• United States
20 Aug 12
I am in New York City!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Aug 12
hi tangleddreams if you are here in the US find the local mental health people and even a good primary care doctor can direct' you to organizations that can help your child without its costing you an arm and a leg,. Please let us know if any of our info has helped you and you were able to get care for her right away. i shudder to think the school refused to evaluate her and you got hurt.I know others have more detailed information and I really hope we can get you the help you so desperately need hugs from ha tley.
• United States
22 Aug 12
Her pediatrician also asks what was going on and before I said anything she told me , "So she is acting up again?" I said yes and she told me just let them do the process andit will be okay. I'm, hopeful but feel I have lost her too. IT'sa practice so she has seen two separate pediatricians. We have stood with the woman since she became prepubecent so that my daughter felt more comfortable.
@TheIzers (680)
20 Aug 12
I just found this online community tangleddream and I hope it will lead you somewhere and give help that you need. I truly understand your situation, my brother once like that and and I saw how my mom was working so hard with his situation. I wish you luck and be strong mom
• United States
22 Aug 12
Thank you for the link. I took the initial questionaire and signed up for emails. I'm reading the stories now. Thank you again for the comment.
• United States
22 Aug 12
I just rtead a story and it seems just like my daughter. I wish I had seen this tears ago!
• United States
22 Aug 12
*years ago