help me, i am thinking of quitting my job

August 20, 2012 7:12am CST
hi there friends! i was on vacation from work for about 2 weeks and when it was time to go back to work i found myself to weak to do it. i had fun with my vacation by just being in the house, mylotting a lot, sleeping on time and eating on time. with work I cannot do all these. but If i do not have work then where am i to go and how could I let myself live? can you help inspire me back to work guys
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20 responses
• Philippines
20 Aug 12
It's not the lack of inspiration that's holding us back, but the lack of meaning behind everything we do. Your vacation just made you realized things about your work and its connection to your life, and its possible that the realization is telling you something. Something that welcomes a positive change. It might be a change that would help you find a job which you enjoy, nurturing and allows you to play. Working hard is not that bad, and we've been taught by our parents, teachers, and society that hard work is one of the foundation of success; but working strenuously hard may also do you no good but harm. It's great to be aware of the fact that without a source of income the vision of our future may be cloudy and blurred, perhaps undefinable; but it's wise to be enlightened about the truth that we will never reach the ground of success if we are damaging our own body. I wish you good luck and blessings.
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• Kiryat Ata, Israel
21 Aug 12
You are very smart , Kinefhan , it is exactly what we need : meaning. We can't just work in a job that takes our all spare time and we have no time to put on things we like to do , that make us feel we do something that is meaningful to us. I hope you will keep myloting a lot because you are a new member here and you can help many people around here , I think. Don't stop myloting.
• Bangladesh
20 Aug 12
We are born to work. We have to continue working as long as we breath. Its the hot reality of life that we are to work to live. We have no chance to raise any question wether we feel bored or tired of work. Aside from this, work is the dignity of our life and living. Its disreputable to eat without work though we may have lots of property to live without any work for centuries. TC
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
21 Aug 12
That's not so cheerful , its like saying we are doomed to salvation most of our lives. Work can be a productive and also fun if the people are friends around you and give good advices , help each other and respect each other. We are not robots , we are human beings and we have needs other than physical abilities to work. Some people have a good job but after some time they find "something is missing" , "it's not it" . We get a good job if we can express our inner qualities in that job.
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
20 Aug 12
I know the feeling you are talking about. :) Unfortunately, no one can help you want to go back to work. After being in the industry for 13 years now, every now and then I too feel that this is enough, I just want to stay back home. Then boredom strikes after some time and then I feel like going back to work and doing something. I just guess you need to steel yourself and go to work for a few days and then you will get back to the routine. Cheers! Ram
• Philippines
29 Aug 12
yes i admit while i was in vacation i was looking for something of a challenge and in one milli second I guess i missed my job and the works. yes i am making a steel out of myself so that I can get back to the routine that I have been in before the wonderful vacation
@maezee (41988)
• United States
31 Aug 12
How would you make money if you quit your job, though? Sure, sleeping and MyLotting and eating are all fun, but they hardly pay the bills. Plus, after a while, I am sure that being at home would get to the point where it becomes boring after a while. I know that while I LOVE days off (I get one this Monday), unless my schedule is packed - if I am just sitting at home, I get INCREDIBLY bored!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Nov 12
You know that if you don't go back to work there is going to come a time that you get really tired of what you've been doing with your time and you will wish that you had gone back to your job after your vacation. For me, I've been at home with my children for over six years and I've gotten very burned out on the things that I do with my life every day and I hope that I will soon be able to find a job that I can at least work part time.
• Philippines
20 Aug 12
That's a very long vacation, i understand that you still have the hangover that is why you don't feel like going back to work anymore. Well, that is natural i think because that is how i also feel whenever i go on a few days vacation. But you are right, we need to work to survive. Whether we like it or not we have to earn a living so we can provide for ourselves at least. Just go back to your work and you can readjust in no time.
• Philippines
29 Aug 12
thank you for understanding the way I felt when I had that long vacation triple. yes it seemed that I dont have zest to work for myself and survive but I keep on thinking of the downside if I stay all day in bed and sleep or eat then I wont have the funds to support my other needs.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
20 Aug 12
Isn't living enough inspiration to want to keep working? I myself would love to quit my current job. The pay is low, I don't get enough hours, it's demanding and fast paced, and there is absolutely no chance for career advancement there. However, I have to work. Not only do I have myself to think of, but my family as well. I'm looking for additional work as it is...or better yet, a better paying job. Unfortunately, I lack "real job experience" so I'll probably have to take on another part-time low paying job for now...if I can find one, so long as it doesn't coincide with my current job. Happy mylotting!
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
21 Aug 12
I can understand your feelings. It feels bad to work after a vacation. But you have to know that we shall still make a living. And we have to adjust to it. In fact you are already luckier than many people who are unemployed. When you have money, so you can go out to have a nice meal, have a trip etc. Try to think about the positive way:) I love China
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Do you have an alternate source of income? If not, I suggest that you hold on. In these economic times, it is very difficult to find another job. If nothing else, work provides the money to be able to take those vacations.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Aug 12
First, do what you must do as a responsible adult. Children do what they "Feel like". Adults do what is responsible. In other words, don't walk out on your job, without a wise and intelligent plan for the future. Second, the reason you feel this way I assume is because you don't like your job. Find something you enjoy doing, that when you wake up in the morning, you WANT to do it. Then, quietly turn in your two weeks notice, and move to the job you like.
• Portugal
21 Aug 12
i felt that way so many times^^ the best inspiration for you to go back to work is that if you quit your job will be very hard to find another one. and without a job you cant save money for a better life^^ just think that even if you have to work in a boring job now maybe someday you can have your own business who knows^^ just try to relax and take your job as a sacrifice that has to be done. so that someday you can be very happy^^
• United States
21 Aug 12
Well, it's time to be a grownups now and get back to work. Too much fun gets old after awhile, especially with no money.
@stringer321 (5644)
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
21 Aug 12
Maybe there is something that is missing and you want to express yourself in life better than you get to do it on the job. Maybe there is something you can change in your workplace ? Maybe you can start combining a hobby like reading or thinking about things you really want to do in your life ? Maybe you can go to your workplace and talk with other workers about what bothers you ? I think you can find some spare time and see what you can do on it. Maybe you will find something you wanted to do for a long time and the work didn't let it to pop up. I hope you will still be able to work and enjoy it.
@else22 (4317)
• India
21 Aug 12
Excuse me to say that you are thinking in a wrong direction.Your post reminded me of my school days.When at school,we used to get a 20 days vacation for Durga Puja,and a two months summer vacation.I know how it feels to resume going to school or to your work place after relaxing for such a long time.But if you quit your job,you will end up losing the peace of mind and comfort that you now have.Your decision would backfire.You would have nothing to do to earn and survive.It's just a hangover.Take it easy or,I would say,ignore it and go to work.
• United States
20 Aug 12
If you really don't enjoy your current job, now may be the time to start looking for a job elsewhere that you would find more fulfilling. However, even if that is what you choose to do, you still cannot simply quit your current position without having another lined up. So, like so many other people, you will simply head off to work no matter how reluctantly and carry on, because you have bills to pay, and you sort of enjoy having food, electric and a roof over your head.
• Philippines
20 Aug 12
We usually feel that way after having a vacation. You have to think positively. It's not easy to find a job and it's quite difficult to adjust in a new job, new boss, new colleagues, new environment, etc. You have to gather all your energy and go to work. Think about all the advantages or benefits of your job to you. I hope it will help. Happy myLotting!
@Mashnn (4501)
20 Aug 12
That is what happens after any vacation. You just have to remind yourself that you really need to work. Staying home can be fun and enjoyable but you will not be able to pay your bills if you are not working.
@Rasniki09 (183)
20 Aug 12
I feel this week every Monday morning after being off for two full days. For some reason, I hate getting up and working but after thinking about my bills and all, I just drink two cups of coffee and push my way through. Hang in there, after a day or two at work, your body with get back in the work mood.
@nita04 (268)
• Philippines
20 Aug 12
Yes, everybody I think feels the same when they go on vacation. That is a normal feeling. What with those freedom of doing things your way, but you have to consider that if your married or whatever status you are in, we need to work to support our needs and there is nowhere we can get it but to work.
@nashria (31)
• Philippines
20 Aug 12
Hi good evening, I was reading your concern, well I just want to share my side I was working too outside the country and were almost the same experience, and it's normal actually to feel that way cos you will be far from you family your love ones. Well for practicality all you have to do is to go back to your work cos we all know that's there's always no permanent in this life. All you have to do is to be strong and think your future ofcourse. Anyway almost all of the technology now is so easy to communicate to your love ones.Goodnight