Living Without A Pet
United States
August 20, 2012 3:15pm CST
A couple of months ago i had to have my little doggie put to sleep. I had her for about 17 years & i sure do miss her. She was a beautifil blonde cocker spaniel & had the cutest freckles on her nose.She was such a sweet dog & was so good w/my grandkids. I was afraid when the first one came along she would be jealous becuse my boys would hug me just to hear her fuss.One of my sons said she was possessed when it come to me.She was suppose to be his dog when we got her so after he married i suggested he take her to his house. That didn't work to well. He said she was sooooo sad looking all the time & at night when my dil would get up to go to the restroom my dog wouldn't ler her back in the bed, lol. She would growl at her when she tried to get in the bed. I missed her to so i told them to bring her back home.I am not going to get another one not really able to take care of another pet but really miss having one.Do y'all have pets u miss?
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21 responses
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
21 Aug 12
That is sad that you had to put your dog to sleep. Seventeen years is a long time. My ex had a blue healer that was fifteen when we finally had to put him to sleep, He was a dear dog. You must be quite a lady for sure for such a dog to take you into her heart like this one did. My daughter has three cats and we don't really have room for a dog. When I was a young girl my mom got me a black and with spaniel. She and I were pals for thirteen years when she passed on.
3 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thank u, it was very sad. She was a very sweet dog & loved me unconditionally , i guess.We all remember our dogs i guess. They are alot of company to u. Thanks for responding.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
20 Aug 12
I do miss the pets I used to have. We tried having a dog a couple of times but it didn't work out. I gave them away and often think of them and hope they're lives turned out well.
Mostly I've had a lot of cats. After my last ones passed away I said I wasn't going to get anymore. I've got the 5 kids and that's enough responsibility for me. Then I missed having pets also, so I got more cats. I'm back up to 3 now.. and love them to bits. I'll probably always have cats.
3 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for your response. My mother hated cats so we were never allowed to have one.My grandmother always had cats & i liked them.I like to hear them purr. My youngest son always said they were perking instead of purring when he was little.
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@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
20 Aug 12
I miss my pup every day. I lost her over a year ago. Her older brother had passed away the year before.
I am to a point now where I am willing to let another dog adopt me. I am still avoiding places where I am likely to be found by a dog in search of a home, though.
My three cats will accept another dog. They have never been without a canine sibling before. Now, it's been a year without a dog, and we are now living in an area that is canine-friendly.
Soon, I will go and let the dogs of the world know that I'm really free. Somepuppy will eventually choose me.
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• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for yopur response. I love your attitude about getting another one. Hope u find a good one to adopt u.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
20 Aug 12
I've always been blessed with lots of pets, but now am down to just one cat.
He's not used to being an only child, but with smaller living quarters and senior age myself (well, 29 in my mind), it's harder to care for many.
I'd love to have lots more pets and so many animals are in need.
I miss all of my pets who have gone to heaven, especially Wendy and Nathan, my Yorkies, and Molly, my Pommy.
But each and every one, dog or cat was special in his or her own way.
3 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for your response. U should like a real animal lover. I always have been to.
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@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
21 Aug 12
The place where now I am living is not so good to keep pets as we are in a flat sysstem and it is inconvenient to keep a pet. But, earlier we had different pets like, parrot, cat, dog, white rabbit and gray rabbit, even a monkey for few yeara and fishes in tanks and ponds also.
We had a great time and my mom & dad used to spend a lot of time with them saying that they are the real loving children than the real children. We had a female dog (named Lucy). As we had alrady 2 other dogs, my dad given Luch to my mom's younger sister who stays around 40-50 kms. way from our home. After 3 years, for our surprise, we saw our Lucy was sleeping in our backyard. I though my uncle must have come and this dog also accompanied him. But we realised that Lucy come back alond as we could't find anyone with her. On the weekend uncle came at our home saying that the dog is missing. However, before he say anything, he saw Lucy in our home and we all got so happy.
Finally we decided to not to give Luch back to them as it happened in this way. But on his compelsion, we agreed and he kept the dog on chains and took her back and they travelled by road by walking only. However, after a year, one tiger captured Lucy as they are living near the forest areas.
I had to say a lot about each and every pets that we had because of its specialities and we trained them in such a way. They are far better than the 'loving' human beings!

2 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. I believe Lucy was quite a dog.Sorry she came to such a bad end.They do love u uncoditionally . U want find a human to give u that kind of love.
• United States
25 Aug 12
I to had dogs all my life because my dad was really a dog lover. I don't know how many dogs we had they he always named Skippy, a bunch of them.Happy weekend to u.
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
22 Aug 12
Yes, Lucy was such a special dog with a different nature and character. We had about morethan 50 dogs and 100s of other animals from my memory. And this Lucy, one Pency and a Tency, these were the remarkable ones in my whole life with our pets. Pency once saved me from a snake bite, and even the Tency helped to follow a thief in the night and he run way and she bite the man on his leg. On the basis of dog bite, the police caught hold of the theif. All the pets at our home were lived as a member of our family and it was a life and a half. ahahahha

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Aug 12
I am sorry you had to put your dog to sleep, that's a difficult thing to do. When I lived with my parents they had to put their dog to sleep. I loved that dog, we had him since I was 14 years old. So, it was really hard for me too.
After he was put to sleep they decided like you that they would not get another pet. They could not afford it and did not have the energy to take care of another one. It was hard going over there for a while after we moved out and Pepper not being there. We were just used to him there. =(
He was the only dog I have ever had to lose like that.
I have a dog now who is 3 but when we do have to put her to sleep years from now I know it will break my heart!
She is like one of my kids.

3 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding & thankls for your kind words.. Sorry about pepper, know u did miss him. I still miss cayce but know it's not best to get another one when i can't look after one like i should.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
21 Aug 12
good morning ANTIQUELADY,
I have 3 pets that I miss.
One was a cat that I had for many years and then one day he just disapeared. I think that my old land lord actually took him since he would hang around in the hallway of my aparments. I tried to make him not do that, but I could not. He was an outside cat, that refused to stay in. He was so adament about this that if I didnt let him out, he would poop on the floor right in front of me!!! I was so angry about him coming up missing, but it wasnt for a few days that I thought that my landlord had something to do with it!!
And then I had this dog. She was a pitbull and she didnt like anyone AT ALL except for us. She grabbed ahold of my fil's pants didnt break the skin, but he had teased her one day while she was in her crate and I am sure she remembered that so it was more like she was warning him about doing that. But after that my family had this huge fuss so I had to have her put to sleep because she would have ended up biting someone.
Then the last one that broke my heart was my cat named buddy, I had him for 15 years and he got sick and passed away. He really was my buddy. He was the most unique cat I have had, I miss him so much that I actually painted a mural of him.
2 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Good morning& thanks for responding.I'm sorry about you losing your three pets like that.They do become your buddies for sure.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Its been almost a year and I still miss my Scamp.
Its been over 15 since I lost my Doctor cat, and I still miss his funny ways. Oh, he probably wouldn't permit all these other cats, but I would still love to have him - granted he'd be nearly 30 now...
2 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding, Elic. I remember when u lost scamp. guess u always miss them.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Aug 12
hi antiqueLady yes I miss Swap the dog I loved and Midnight my big black tom cat but we had sold our house and had to give possession right off so had to move to an apt. and of course none of them let you have pets. so years went by and now here in Goldc=est Ican have one cat or one small dog but it wou d add one hundred dollars a month to my rent.I cannot afford that so let the idea go by me. anyway it would not seem fair to coop up a dog or a cat in one bedroom like that.they need space to run and play .At least I can say I got both my dog and my cat good homes with people who loved them and would care for them. some people here in garden grove dump their unwanted cats behind my room in the parking lot of the back of a Vietnamese grocery store. so sad so cruel too.

2 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding & sharing your pet stories. Glad u found them a good home.I agrtee it wouldn't be fair to coop them up in one room like that.That is alot added to your rent there & i understand u can't afford the extra, i couldn't either. Hope u have a nice day. Take care.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
21 Aug 12
A pet is like a family member so I do understand why you so miss your cute dog.
We have 3 dogs at home. We surely will be sad if and when any of them is gone. I know that without them I won't be sweeping the floor all the time. I don't wanna see their fallen hairs scattering and floating but I love them just the same. We can't really afford to have no dogs at home. They aren't just faithful watchdogs but also funny playmates of my son. Even if they create noise and some mess every now and then, we don't even think of getting rid of them. Our home without dogs would be seem incomplete.

2 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. I'm glad u are able to still have pets & every little boy needs a dog.I would still have cayce but she was sooo old & had alot of problems so at least i know she is not suffering anymore. It was a hard decision to make but she wasn't well at all.
@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
22 Aug 12
Hello my friend ANTIQUELADY Ji,
Well, some 50 yrs back, we had one pet dog in our family by name 'jackie', we all slept soundless because he used to guard whole night. My elder brother took him to vetnary Dr as well, after he felt sick, but we could not have his company for long and we com[pleted his departure like any family member. After that we never had, as it reminds me even to day.
Let me see, if I can bring hi sphoto here.
May God bless You and have a great time 

1 person likes this
• United States
22 Aug 12
Good morning, thanks for responding. My dog was good about letting u know if someone was around to till she lost her hearing.U do really miss them when they are gone.
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• United States
23 Aug 12
They are family members in my book.
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@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
23 Aug 12
Hello my friend ANTIQUELADY Ji,
Well, Good-after-noon from Indian silicon city at this hour. In fact, out pet was never ttreated like that, he was treated like any family member of the house. I do not know, why I am unable to load my old memorable photoes here.
May God bless You and have a great time 

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@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
21 Aug 12
I had a wonderful dog that had to be put to sleep about 4 years ago. I still miss her. I had another dog for 2 years later, but she did not replace Misty. She got lost one day and I couln`t find her. I hope she found a new home where she is loved.
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for your response, Marg.I hope she found a good home to.
@allknowing (142712)
• India
21 Aug 12
We have had several pets over the years and when we lost the last one we decided to call it day but that was not to be as just a year later a little pup followed me as I was getting into my house. She was a stray. Somehow we did not have the heart to send her away. She is now 5 years old and an integral part of our life.
2 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding.I'm glad u took the puppy in, bet she is to.
@ckciasigurl (2080)
• Italy
21 Aug 12
hi antique!
i have also a dog a shitzu i miss her because she is a loving pet i mean if you are sad she will come and lick you and ill play with her the problems or sadness will be lost for a while because of the comfort of my dog.but one day i lost her and i never find her already i miss my dog
2 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
AWWWWW, I'm so sorry u lost your dog. Maybe she will show up again .I bet someone took her tho.Thanks for responding.
• United States
21 Aug 12
tHANKS FOR RESPONDING. i'M SORRY ABOUT YOUR KITTY CAT. I know y'all all miss her. I think pets are good for the old & the young.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
25 Aug 12
So sorry you lost your pet. She had a very good life with you it sounds like. So often our pets can become parts of our family. I can also understand you not wanting to get another one. Keep your memories alive of your special friend.
• United States
25 Aug 12
Thanks dear, she did have a good life & was loved by all of us. I appreciate u responding & your kind words. Hope u have a good weekend.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Aug 12
Wow...I hate to hear about your pet. I think it is great that you had the chance to bond like that with her though. Alot of people never know what it is like to have a close relationship with a pet. I have one now...very close. She is with me from the time I step in the door and she acts very forlorn when I go to work. I had another pet that I would have been very close to had it not been for miss jealous I have now. She made sure she was the one that got all my attention, but I still cared for the other one dearly. He was the one that got hit by the car. I was so hurt by that. I still think of him. He was a really great little dog. He used to steal my clothes from the laundry basket and take them to his bed to lay He would get the stuff he could get out from the little holes in the side of it.
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• United States
23 Aug 12
Thanks Jen, i sure miss her still but know i don't need another to look after because i just can't look after them as need be.Doing well to look after myself, lol.I'm glad u have that sweet little dog & can tell how much u love it. Thanks for responding. Have a good night. How's that sweet baby doing?

@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
21 Aug 12
poor Jo so sorry about this. 17 years are a lot of time your four legged friend shared your life so no wonder you miss her.
I had a budgie when I was a kid which lived for 10 years and I missed him too when he was gone but it was much worse for me when later my pet mice only lived up to 1,5 years and it was much too early to say good bye to the little critters.
We were in a pet shop a few days ago and they had pet mice so I was tempted to get two females but didnt yet.
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• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding & your kind words.Hope u get u some more if that's what will make u happy. hugs.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
21 Aug 12
I am so sorry for your loss. It is extremely heartbreaking to lose a deeply loved companion. I know the feeling too well. For 60 years I've had pets, mostly cats, a few dogs and various other critters. The worst loss was Miss Abigail, my beautiful little tortie cat. She was 15, not that old for an indoor cat. One night (actually morning) about 2am before I went upstairs to bed I thought I would go see what Abby was doing. I don't know what made me do that. I had 3 other cats at the time as well. The last I knew she was sleeping on the couch so I went over to pat her and her whole body was trembling. We rushed her to the emergency animal hospital. They kept her and said to call later. They kept her all that day, May 27th, 07. On the morning of the 28th we went there and they said she would have to put to sleep. She was very sick. It was horrible. She was my little girl. There was never a cat like her before. So strange & different. I have lost many pets over the years that I loved so much but I cry every day for Abby. I relive that morning over again every day. I can't ever get away from it. I just love her so much with all my heart and soul. Sorry for going on like this. I still have 3 other cats. I do know how you feel. And I am sorry about your little friend. It is the hardest thing and the last thing we will ever do for them and it's painful.
• United States
21 Aug 12
tHANK U FOR YOUR KINDNESS. I am sooo sorry for your loss to. Pets really are just another family like a child u look after them & love them.Thanks for sharing your feelings . appreciate u responding.
@vidhyaprakash_2 (7116)
• India
21 Aug 12
Hi friend, good to hear about your pet story, i don't have any pets in my house and my kids are my pets, we are spending most of our time in taking care of our kids, so we don't have time for pets. Don't worry about the missing pet, cherish the moments whichever you spent with it
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• United States
21 Aug 12
Thanks for responding. Enjoy every minute w/your kids, they grow up way to fast.