Todd Akin's comments "bad break", or just plain wrong?

United States
August 20, 2012 7:32pm CST
I am sure we were all shocked today to see that no one on this right wing site decided to talk about the number one political topic today: Todd Akin's comments about "legitimate rape". While the vast majority of conservatives denounced the comments, one group supported his comments and attacked the conservatives denouncing these comments. Our good friends at the Family Research Council decided to let the world know that they support Akin, and have for years now. They claim that he " is getting a really bad break here". When you open your mouth and say something stupid that isn't getting a bad break, it isn't like he was misunderstood, or his words were manipulated. He admitted what he said was wrong, and apologized for his comments. It doesn't even sound like he thinks he is getting a "bad break". So do you think this was a "bad break", or did Todd Akin just an ignorant comment?
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15 responses
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
21 Aug 12
It is pretty much indefensible. I won't even say that it is a stupid remark. It really goes beyond that. Yeah, umm... If he wins that election,... I can't even finish that sentence.
3 people like this
• United States
21 Aug 12
Not sure your point on that. I said his statement was pretty much indefensible regardless of what the female body can do or can't do. He crossed a very big line and there is no valid defense. Apology, maybe. But it doesn't matter if it is true or not, it is still quite indefensible.
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• United States
21 Aug 12
Well said Sierras.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12 A woman's body can reject sperm of rapist.
@MntlWard (878)
• United States
21 Aug 12
I'm wondering just how many people really believe what Akin said about some sort of anti-pregnancy effect women have to prevent pregnancy from rape specifically. Sure, the Pill could be used as a defense against that occurrence, but it's my understanding that Akin has supported some legislation that would at the very least limit women's access to the Pill.
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
21 Aug 12
He and Paul Ryan co-sponsored a national "personhood" bill which could end up banning hormonal birth control.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
He is pro life, but he has NOT tried to limit women's access to the pill. And HOW COULD he do that? Give me a break.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12 A woman's body can reject a rapist's sperm.
@lawdude (237)
• United States
21 Aug 12
It was a dumb comment. Whether it demonstrates he lacks the intellect to be a U.S. Senator is a legitimate issue.
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Since Debra is misrepresenting/misunderstanding the content of the article she's posting on *every* response, I guess I have to correct her on *every* response. :-/ That article says nothing about rapists. "University of Adelaide professor Sarah Robertson said her research suggested that sperm contains 'signaling molecules' that activate immunity changes in a woman so her body accepts it." So, according to that article, some rapists' sperm make it even *more* likely that their victims become pregnant.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Aug 12
A woman's body could reject the sperm of less suitable male partners. Sperm is more likely to fail if the woman had not been exposed to that man's semen for at least three months. "(T)he female body has a quality control system which needs convincing that his sperm is compatible," University of Adelaide professor Sarah Robertson said But some apparently healthy sperm failed to activate these changes, leading to the suggestion that the female system can be "choosy" about its biological mate, she said. That last paragraph was conveniently left out of the reponder above's synopsis of article.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Wasn't so dumb after all, was he?
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@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Some are saying he was just expressing his unwavering opposition to abortion. That is a different issue. What he was expressing was the attitude held by many men that some rapes are not "really" rape. "She was asking for it. Did you see how she was dressed?" "She didn't really resist so she must have agreed to it." In their minds, if a woman is raped, it is somehow her own fault. If she is then denied access to an abortion, not only is she punished for her moral failing by being forced to deal with an unwanted pregnancy for nine months, she must then raise a child who may be a carbon copy of the rapist. Those guys should move to Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or Pakistan, where official policy coincides with their views that women are property.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Actually, debater brought up abortion. And ask a Al Sharpton if women make up rape stories to cover their butts. And, a woman's body can reject a rapist's sperm.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
could it be you are projecting your subconcious thoughts on someone you do not know, and have absolutely no proof that that is how he or anyother conservative or Republican thinks? He was merely trying to show that the left inflates and exagerates the statistics on what abortion is actually used for. Only 1% of abortions are because of rape or incest. The left would have you believe the percentage is much higher.
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@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Debra, you are changing the subject. The man made a statement about "legitimate rape" which of course means that some rapes are not "really" rape. It was a disgusting and offensive thing to say.
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• United States
21 Aug 12
As a Republican, Todd is an idiot, there is no such thing as legitimate rape. This man is a? moron. That is retarded; this is a guy, so he doesn’t know anything. You don’t have the right to abort someone when they didn’t do anything wrong, give the child for adoption, as someone who is adopted, I do appreciate that my adoptive parents wanted me.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
he didn't say rape was legitimate. His meaning was a real honest to God rape as apposed to a woman crying rape when there was no rape.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
and Akin is very PRO LIFE I might add.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
A woman's body can reject sperm of rapist.
@Quetzhal (82)
• Singapore
21 Aug 12
The problem with what he was saying is that he is effectively implying that anyone who gets pregnant from a rape either a) wanted that rape to happen somewhere deep inside or b) is lying about the rape. Both are very, very stupid things to imply, and to be honest based on the sentence structure he seems to be implying the former, although I'll give him the benefit of the doubt I'll pick the latter. I also think that what he said is a bit of a straw man argument, though I'm assuming it's related to abortion (I'm not entirely certain what's going on, I'm not American and I don't follow your politics for the most part, heh). What I'm saying is, whether or not it's rare (and it's not, he got his facts wrong)... there are still women out there who were genuinely raped and got pregnant from it. He can't possibly go up to them and say "Oh, you're a rare case, so you don't get an abortion." Also, this site is right wing? O__o I'm sort of... center wing? Center left? I don't like political labels. I have my own beliefs and they coincide with both sides in some way or the other, moreso the left than the right, I think.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12 These two sites show medical and scientific evidence that a woman's body can reject a rapist's sperm, and that after a traumatic event, can stop ovulation.
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@MntlWard (878)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Since Debra is misrepresenting/misunderstanding the content of the article she's posting on *every* response, I guess I have to correct her on *every* response. :-/ That article says nothing about rapists. "University of Adelaide professor Sarah Robertson said her research suggested that sperm contains 'signaling molecules' that activate immunity changes in a woman so her body accepts it." So, according to that article, some rapists' sperm make it even *more* likely that their victims become pregnant.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Aug 12
A woman's body could reject the sperm of less suitable male partners. Sperm is more likely to fail if the woman had not been exposed to that man's semen for at least three months. "(T)he female body has a quality control system which needs convincing that his sperm is compatible," University of Adelaide professor Sarah Robertson said But some apparently healthy sperm failed to activate these changes, leading to the suggestion that the female system can be "choosy" about its biological mate, she said. That last paragraph was conveniently left out of the reponder above's synopsis of article.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Of course there is no such thing as a legitimate rape. He should have said, "if the woman was truly raped...." and I think everyone realizes that. Just another opportunity for the opposition to exercise double-speak and condemnation over something trivial. I don't think parts of his comments are factual because there have been many babies born to rape victims, but I'm sure he meant no malice toward women in general and is simply focused on saving babies from abortions.
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• Australia
22 Aug 12
This raises a question for me: if statutory rape is "legitimate" rape, why do they have laws against it? Lash
1 person likes this
• Australia
23 Aug 12
debra, I understand the reason for the law, although I've not a big fan of "one size fits all" laws. But to the point, I thought it was Todd who differentiated between legitimate and illegitimate rape. Lash
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Aug 12
@grandpa, the only reason the difference is made between statuatory rape and forcible rape under the law is sentencing. We made a difference here due to discussing the two studies. It was not in trying to make one legitimate and the other not.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
22 Aug 12
I think after he said that he realized that he dun goofed and that he wasn't going to be able to take those words back. I mean I don't know what the F**k he was thinking but it was pretty clear that either he slipped or he let the truth of what he thought out. I personally think it was the later and he tried to cover it up with the normal cover up. It is pretty funny to considering everyone knows that he was going to be in hot water as he should be. He should end his campaign if he is even remotely smart about it as he has just ended his chances of getting elected. Personally I think the Republicans should disbar him from the party and that he should be just thrown off the ballot for his actions. Even if he doesn't step down.
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• Australia
23 Aug 12
"He goofed up in his choice of words." Not at all unlike the Australian politician you called an idiot in my discussion of double speak. It is a set of idiotic attitudes toward women. Lash
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Aug 12
It is most women's opinion that ALL men have an idiotic attitude toward women. Not all women feel the same, not all women act the same, not all women believe the same thing. I and many other women are not offended by him at all. So who are YOU to say his attitude is idiotic when it comes to women?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Aug 12
He goofed up in his choice of words. Not on the science or on what he thinks about the issue. The problem being that this is not about women this is about a hotly contested seat in the Senate and by his goof in choosing his words, he gave the candidate against him an advantage because in our screwy world sound bites trump facts.
• United States
22 Aug 12
Just plain wrong. He is a moron. Sure he is apologizing now with the huge backlash going on. But what he said was really bad. Apology or will cost him votes.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Sure it will cost him votes, not because he is necessarily wrong, but because the liberal candidate against him will twist his poor choice of words to mean something they weren't intended to mean.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
I was among those on twitter calling for him to end his campaign and for the runner up to take his place. I was on twitter and FB all day saying just that. Mylot is not my first priority during these weeks leading up to the election. sorry Anyway, here's my take on it. Every adult male out there realizes that the term 'legitimate rape' was in reference to some instances of women charging rape when in fact they were not raped. It is every man's secret nightmare, and some women's (those of us who have been raped)deepest grief. It's like screaming fire in a crowded theater, or using racist for a defense when you can't win an argument. I KNEW WHAT HE MEANT and so did many out there, but the left of course pounced. I don't begrudge them the pounce, it was a stupid thing to say in the midst of a very heated campaign. I'm sure he's off somewhere licking his wounds. BUT, it does not mean that I and others think he is wrong for the job. We just cannot afford to loose to McCaskill. The true mark of honor, is when you have conquered, not to gloat. I'm sure in November, the conservatives will be doing some in return.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Aug 12
I think any woman who falsely accuses someone of rape should be punished as severely as an actual rapist would be; that there could be women on this earth who would do such as thing shames me deeply and I can only imagine how it makes true victims feel. That having been said, I have to say with all due respect there is absolutely no evidence Akin was thinking along those lines at all. He's been given every opportunity to explain himself and hasn't said a word about meaning it like you said, Debra. Also, it's hardly been just "the left" that has pounced and those on the left who have called for him to end his campaign and resign his seat deserve a great deal of credit since with him in the race that's one seat the Democrats will almost surely hold onto that they well may have lost. Anyway, it wasn't only the term "legitimate rape" - which Akin himself today said is nonexistent - but the idiotic comments that followed it about how a woman's body prevents her from becoming pregnant when raped. This from the chairman of the House Science Committee! Then, he followed up by saying there should be "some" punishment for rape. Mike Huckabee seemed to be trying to "help" him out by suggesting he'd meant to say "forcible" in place of "legitimate". Remember the Ryan/Akin bill limiting the exception for federal payment for abortion to cases of "forcible" rape? What does that even mean? Of course, Ryan is trying to pretend it never happened now by saying "Rape is rape" when asked about the language of his bill, refusing to actually address the question. Annie
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I've addressed the science he was refering to, in fact, it is posted in just about every response, take a look. As for Ryan and Akin's bill; (I know, it's Breitbart's site, but come it anyway.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
Have you all even HEARD or at least read the comment for yourselves? lol He wasn't saying any rape was legitimate. He was saying some rape is made up, a false acusation. along with some psuedo science that if a woman is raped she is less likely to get pregnant. I'm not defending him, but at least get it right when you critisize him.
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• United States
21 Aug 12
Deb, how does someone lying about a personal experience like being raped effect your personal experience? My wife was raped, and we talked about this, and she doesn't feel that someone lying about being raped doesn't mean that she wasn't raped. She is more upset with people like Todd Akin trying to context rape as "forcible rape". When someone rapes you, they rape you. The amount of force used, or not is irrelevant, but many republicans feel it isn't. I don't think there is any "gloating" going on, I think it is just highlighting how the GOP feels about women. It isn't like this is the only time a republican has come out and talked about "forcible rape". One of the other facts that I learned this morning was that republicans have pushed over 1,000 anti-abortion bills throughout the United States since 2010. How many jobs bills have republicans pushed in that time? I think we all know it isn't 999!!!!!
• United States
21 Aug 12
Deb, the problem with the comments is that he is passing judgement on women who say they were raped, and questioning all rape cases. When you take something like rape, and try to water it down, or demonize it, than less people will come forward, and more criminals walk the streets. It sure sounds like you are defending him, which is fine as long as you are OK with it. But, I still don't know how ANYONE could say he caught a "bad break", when it was his own comments that landed him in this mess.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12
debater, I've been raped. I DON'T feel he is watering anything down. Like I said, when people CLAIM to be raped (and they weren't) THAT hurts those of us who have actually went through the horror. THAT waters down the grief that those who actually have been raped went through. And that is what he was refering to. I don't think he should have said it, and his 'science' (in saying if it was actually NOT RAPE means the woman wouldn't get pregnant) is totally false. I called for him to step down from the race. I made the remark that the left will gloat. I don't see how any of what I said means I'm ok with his remarks. I'm just not willing to make it something it wasn't.
@crossbones27 (50177)
• Mojave, California
21 Aug 12
To me this is just what happens when people are disingenuous about why they are trying to make certain laws. Obviously this was just another tactic to go after abortion and this Akin guy stepped in it to say the least. This guys comments also did not do no favors for Paul Ryan.
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• Australia
22 Aug 12
His agenda is quite clear to the objective observer, and it is odd, since anti-abortion rhetoric is already so much a part of the reactionary Right's agenda. Why did he feel the need to obfuscate his meaning in this way? Lash
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Aug 12
40-50% of Americans identify themselves as pro life. The bill in question grants personhood to fetuses and defunds Planned Parenthood. It does not make birth control illegal. Once again, it is assumed that liberals are always for 'rights', when in fact they are for gaining power and holding on to it. And the subtle and not so subtle propaganda used by the left does not reflect the majorities opinions on the matter. I don't feel he was 'obfuscating' his meaning, he made a poor choice in words, allowing the left to do the 'obfuscating' in twisting them. Akin has been very straight forward in his stance against abortion. His opponent has used this to make him seem a demon who wants women to suffer. I call that 'obfuscating' and dirty politics. She uses sound bites rather than honest debate on a difference of opinion.
• Mojave, California
23 Aug 12
This is true Lash- he was not distorting the truth for once, he was just saying his actual feelings. The only mistrustful he told, from what I can see, is that he misspoke. No, he really believed what he said.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
21 Aug 12
I do not say what he did was right. At least he has apologized and is apologetic. Biden has not apologized about his two stupid comments.
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• United States
21 Aug 12
Fat, why should Biden apologize? He is talking about people being Shackled IF Romney gets election. Romney claims that they are already Shackled!!! So who needs to apologize?
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
21 Aug 12 A woman's body can reject the sperm of rapist.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
21 Aug 12
He said "chained" to a black audience. And this is not a problem?????????? Even Obama and other democrats objected to this. So if one can say what they want, what's your beef with Akin? Besides it is a republican that said it.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Is this thin about Akin's about what he said, or is it about that there will be a tight race for the Senate and he holds a key seat? So there the demoncrats and the media is all over this like fly's on stink.
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• Canada
22 Aug 12
I feel that those comments will hurt the republican party deeply. Yes it's great to see that so many republicans are denouncing him, but who is going to vote for the party, when sch comments are being made? Maybe the republicans will switch sides. Who knows?