Dont feel good on my life

@djalex14 (195)
August 22, 2012 1:14am CST
My life was verry nice a year ago.but now everything goes worng.I cant concentrate at my school.My friends are gone(dont know why)I feel so lonely some times.My father come home verry late with his work and my mom is gone.I am so sad sometimes.Maby that is call life but this I think is a terror for me.I just want to fly and find something better in this world.But I am thinking for the next day next month or next year. Will be my life such a mess?
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13 responses
@McCreeper (777)
• United States
22 Aug 12
Ahhh... you my friend seem to be expressing the feeling I had a long time ago. The best thing to (probably) do in your case is to find out what made your friends explode at you. Grades come after health however you may interpret it. Persistence, perseverance will help along with you. Start thinking of all the ups rather than the downs. It will make life happier.. Hope this helps.
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@djalex14 (195)
• Canada
22 Aug 12
To have my friends back is verry hard.They do things that I can't do or I don't have the possibility to do it.I realise that my friends are not nice with me.They insult me sometimes.I can't agree that.
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• United States
23 Aug 12
Ah well, if that is the case, remember that there are over 7 billion people in the world, I think I can guarantee you that there will be people out there who would like to befriend you. Be sure to think positive too.. It gets people to places. :)
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@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
23 Aug 12
Dear djalex, Things will get better as time goes. Stay positive and look forward in life. There will be light at the end of every tunnel. Do not give up, for the sun will rise after the darkest night. Really, there are times in the past that I felt so down, no one there for me ... to understand what I am going through. I nearly lost mu life at one stage, by God's grace I survived and was given the second chance to live. Then, I realised there are so much in life. I was so blessed after that, I won some many overseas trips, blessings after blessings miraculously. If this can happens to me, it can happens to you too. Your blessings is on the way, just open the door and you will soon receive it. Meanwhile do your best to equip yourself for a better tomorrow. Stay healthy and be happy always. Positive attitude will attract positive blessings
@djalex14 (195)
• Canada
23 Aug 12
Nice words you said...You are right..Mayby tomorrow will be a sunny day.Thanks.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
23 Aug 12
I can relate , I have had those same feeling to just fly away and not have to deal with all the mess around me . Dont give up and pray life will get better , I think we all have down time in life . Life is a journey it sometimes get real bad but it will get better . Keep having faith and I wish you all the best in your future .
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@namiya (1717)
• Philippines
22 Aug 12
I am a mother and I really am sad that you have to face life feeling so alone. However, your life does not depend solely on your parent's or friend's attitude but more on your desire how to make it better. Treat this situation as a challenge and the more you should concentrate in your studies. For now this is the most dependable way to improve you life. If you are a Christian pray for wisdom and strength to help you survive this trial that you are experiencing now. You are a survivor, if you believe you are. Good luck and God bless.
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@djalex14 (195)
• Canada
22 Aug 12
Thanks madam!Since I am in hollyday I need some fun but I don't have part of fun.
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@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
22 Aug 12
Hi, Its really a hard life when the persons we look up to are not there or does not meet our expectations. It brings us down to the lowest level of despondency and utter hopelessness. Instead of dwelling over these things, you should exert extra effort to bring yourself out of the dark pit, I know this is not easy, I've been through that before. The only thing that keeps me from giving it all up is the promise of a brighter future and the things I may have if I keep on fighting the good fight to attain what I want most. Set goals, draw inspiration from prominent citizens, pray for guidance and always do the best that you can even if you feel you are not up to it.
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• Dalian, China
22 Aug 12
GOOD POINT!!~ i'll take it lol~
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• United States
23 Aug 12
Hey, I'm sorry to hear about this. I can empathise, I'm in the same spot. My parents divorced several years ago, and found out my boyfriend(Who was my first real love) had lied and two-timed me. A year ago, everything was perfect. I felt great and extremely happy, but then after everything, I slowly slipped away. Sports, music, and everything just didn't feel the same. The only person that truly understood was my Dad, but I rarely get to see him. Like 2 times a month. As for my mom, she just doesn't get it. So, from one person to another, keep your head up. Fight through the pain. I know it hurts to feel lonely. I've even gained weight it's been so bad. Find someone you can call your best friend, and hang on to them. I was too careless and let mine get away. Use this as a chance to discover who you are, try new things, figure out what makes you, you. As for your Dad, try to find a time when you can talk to him and express how you feel. You are in control, my friend.
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@djalex14 (195)
• Canada
23 Aug 12
I am sorry to hear about your situation...But also I am happy because I am not alone on this situation...I hope that all we can pass this sad moments.Thank you for your advice.
@slico79 (212)
• Philippines
22 Aug 12
Life is a box of chocolates... if you eat to much you get diabetes. :)) I don't know whats happening to me right now, this crazy quotes just comes to mind whenever I respond to a discussion. Anyway, like I said about life, if we think too much of the happiness around it we tend to forget that there are also pitfalls and challenges in it. This situation you have right now is one of the pitfalls of life where you feel that you are unappreciated, unwanted, unloved, and all the other uns... in the world. My advise is not to beat yourself up over this, you are not the reason that your father is coming home late neither are you the reason that your mom is gone. And you do know the reason why your friends avoid you, you just need to get back on the track. Talk to both of your parents, ask them why? Engage with them, sometimes grown ups tend to forget that their children have uncompromisingly innocent wisdom too.
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
23 Aug 12
Same thing is happening with me these days due to my health my daughter health I cant concentrate on any work. I need money so working in mylot. Because I have no other earning site knowledge. My husband nature is not good so afraid from him.
@djalex14 (195)
• Canada
23 Aug 12
I am sorry to hear that. :(
@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
22 Aug 12
Sounds like you are a sensitive type, and I cannot help but feel for you... I have children about your age, and it is sad to hear that your parents are not in touch with your feelings. I wish you the best and that your life will not be a mess. Anyway, welcome to myLot. Feel free to make friends here. I enjoy it here as I think it's a friendly site.
@djalex14 (195)
• Canada
22 Aug 12
Thanks for that!
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@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
22 Aug 12
First of all welcome to Mylot. And don't worry. Everything will be all right, don't lose the hope. Concentrate on your study and one day you will find your career. But before that you should have a strong patience.There are so many unfortunate people like you or even more than you in this world. Think of them, try to help them and then automatically you will find that you are in a better position. Best luck to you.
• India
22 Aug 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about this, don't worry about life. Be sportive, take every thing as normal. Let learn to live your life alone, you have lot of things to entertain, all the best
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@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
22 Aug 12
Nope life is beautiful , sometimes life is just like that , it gives us a joke which we can't dance with. Life is never easy , it will and always shake us. But this will pass , rainbow will come after heavy rain. We all just need patience and faith to God , surely all will be fine , next hour , next day.
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@xixiAtom (69)
• Dalian, China
22 Aug 12
hey, djalex you are right in some way as on the way of growing up or the whole life, we are getting and losing constantly usually at the same time, it seems that one will lose many close friends as long as he or she leaves their city, or at least they are not that close any more, however,people can always make some friends in ther new place, only a matter of time. don't lose confidence and be courageous to make some new friends,that's your future life,and you can't make anybody else share YOUR OWN life anyhow.
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