Just consider me hellbound and have a nice day! ( a rant)

United States
August 23, 2012 5:57pm CST
I know they mean well but once I say no I can never be a Christian it Should be the end of it. But not all the time. I was born to Not fit in that box. But since I can't I do respect those who can. But sadly it seems like for many it is their way , their Jesus or you are less than or worse damned. So instead of going through the fight I am going to start saying Hello I'm damned to hell there is nothing you or Jesus can do, have a nice day. Have you ever had a person want you to completely change your core so you can be " saved"? Why would anyone do this? to me being me is everything. Not to live your truth would be like dying each day. I Finally know that eventually Would kill me.So I believe it is the best thing to do is say it upfront and then they have the choice. either they can keep trying to save me and we can argue until the second coming Or... we can agree that when it comes to religion , we can't agree. I wonder if more people just stated that they are hellbound if the ultra devout would leave them alone? Like what if gay couples said it like this. We Know we are not going to heaven so we want to marry now , here on earth . This is the closest we will get to heaven. Or I know I'm already going to hell so I am going to have an abortion. I wonder how they would react? Your thoughts.
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11 responses
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
24 Aug 12
Lately with more people trying to push people into that false religion and claim I will go to hell if I don't follow it... I politely tell with a smile, "Well I sure hope I don't go to hell that means I have to see YOU there." and then walk away. Most people get angry and spout off more nonsense from their man written, man inspired book and I just keep on with my day. I have my beliefs. They have theirs. Until they can follow their own beliefs without nitpicking what suits them that week or year, they can leave me the heck alone.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
I don;t care if they pick and choose. I do care when they try to bully me into being Just like them. I rather say Why thank you , when they say I'm going to hell. What they can;t understand is being around more people like them Is hell.
• United States
24 Aug 12
I believe in reincarnation. So instead of heaven or hell , you come back here. Maybe as another human , maybe not. I think you said your beliefs perfectly and now the a$$hole won't block a person's way. Me? I would go wiseguy. I would said either get the F@ck out of my way or I'll remove you!
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I meant. "You aren't" and had said "you aren't" in a discussion.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
24 Aug 12
Religion is a personal choice so I respect your choice, even if I don't agree with it. I will continue to treat you with respect and dignity. I personally appreciate your honesty on how you feel about matters. You speak your mind. If you post an interesting topic and I see it and I have something to say then I will say it. You are welcome to agree or disagree or add your input on my comments. We each have to live the life we choose and let the chips fall where they will. Is that acceptable? I can choose to obey traffic laws or disobey, my choice. I choose to do something or not do something and am willing to take the consequences. It is the same with my relationship with my God. I do not want anyone to take my choice away from me and I respectfully let everyone else make their own decisions. If someone asks for help then I will help all I can. If they tell me they are fine where they are, then I respect that.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
Thanks my friend! I know you are connected to Jesus and yet you respect my path. I wish there were more like you.
• United States
2 Sep 12
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
2 Sep 12
Jesus walked a different path as well. His was the path of Quid pro Quo ... kinda. Literally, something more like 'Give as you would be given-to.' All that other mythology--how Hank Williams Jr. in the Sky gives a darn about how you feel about things, how He (Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Java-Mocha-Latte, whatever) is 'Our Father' who forged us with some spittle on the ground & then blew us into existence--is just some background (in our minds) for other people so we think 'we know where they're coming from.' Like you ... I KNOW you're 'in Heaven' ('going to Heaven,' if you think time still exists there). In my mind, that's because 'I know where you're coming from' (same place I'm from, so why not go back when we're done here). But truly, I know you are because YOU ARE
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
1 Sep 12
sarahruthbeth, I say you and I will agree to disagree. I know what I believe and why I believe it. I believe in all the things you don't believe. I believe in heaven and hell, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the blood of Christ. That does not make me a better, nicer, or more pleasant person. You don't believe in these things and want no part in it. That does not make you an evil, mean or hateful person. We are each individuals and we have the right to believe as we will. With that freedom comes responsibility. Neither of us have the right to hurt, harm, or insult others. Although being human our ire gets raised at times and we do. I know I've made people mad before on this subject and I'm sure you have too. Ahhh, to be human. You have a nice day too lol. (I can relate)
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Sep 12
I believe in heaven and hell. I believe this Trinity is holy for others and the Blood thing I don't know what you are talking about. It is good to hear a Christian that can agree to disagree. I forgot there were Still ones around! Thanks. ps. I love your avatar
• United States
2 Sep 12
Too much imformation about butterflies. Back to the blood. Yikes! Another reason I wouldn't be a good Christian.
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
2 Sep 12
Thank-you, I think my butterfly is pretty too. You know the blood thing, Christ's blood was shed and all that. You know, through the blood of Christ we're saved. Or faith in what he accomplished on the cross which was the shedding of his blood? Anyway, it's not here nor there. I mean it is for me. But nothing to fuss over. Changing the subject and talking about butterflies. This is really disgusting too. For all their fragile beauty and their fluttering around pretty colorful flowers. They like to partake in poop. Yes you heard me, poop. We had some geese and I was watching them one time and when they did their little blurp-squirt, here came butterflies landing on it and if that wasn't enough, I saw it happen with my chickens and then the dog. I know, I've ruined your view of those fragile, gentle, fluttering creatures. Who would have thought huh lol. Gives me a shudder just thinking about it. BLAAAAA. Have a good one.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
I'm probably one that many would call pushy regarding my faith in God and my belief that the Bible is the Word of God. The problem I have with you is that you write as though you believe that you have been predestined to go to hell and have no say in the matter. That is not the truth. You do have a choice. If you don't want to be a Christian, don't be; but don't tell me or even imply that your destiny is out of your hands.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
Am I suppose to lie to you? I believe in fate. That I was made this way and except for a few things , my future is out of my control. I say I'm going to hell Because Christians have been telling me that forever. Even you are saying I;m choosing to go. No i was Meant to go. There is a huge difference.To choose means out of spite I am being who I am. and I say , like being gay, it is my core that made me this way. And who knows I may get to a form of heaven , as long as I don't have to be a christian to get there. But I have been told that the Only way to get to heaven is through Jesus so that leaves me out. And I am not saying " poor me" I'm fine with this.So that is why I say consider me damned and have a nice day.
• United States
26 Aug 12
Please considered me damned . It will be easier for you. You can pray for others. And maybe convert a friend or two . It will be easier for me. I won't have to insult you eventually or have to lie and say I agree . Am I kidding , I would never just lie! G-d does not just put morality in hearts and minds. If He did that, there wouldn't be a need for a Savior. And you Finally said something I agree with. If you are fated for heaven , you can be as evil as you please. This is why I said there are many people who are wicked , evil who are with their G-d . And If you are fated for hell , all your goodness won't mean a thing! That 's me! I am not nice when I'm nice to appease my G-d or Jesus. I am just do it because I feel like it. I know it will not stop me from going to hell.that is already set. You keep saying that this is in my hands and I say no it is not. Let me put it this way. If you are correct and Only Christians get to heaven, I will never make it. It isn't because I don't believe He is/was who they say He is/was but because My nature,my core, will never love an enemy. That leaves me out. Now you can say It is my fault . I'll say ok. But I say I'm either A mistake Or G-d made me this way and I was meant Never to get to a Christian heaven. Now what may happen is that all the Christians who believe gays and non Christians are G-dless are not allowed go to one part of heaven and us non Christians that were not Too wicked , go to another heaven. who knows.All I do know is what I feel and think makes me an outsider to that Christian heaven. So to Christians I will go to hell. And I'm thankful. I get to be me and not lie. I can't put it any clearer.
• Australia
24 Aug 12
When people come on to me with Christian zeal (I haven't yet met any Muslim zeal outside of this forum lol) I simply tell them I am an initiated witch and high priest. 99 times out of 100 they run away lol, and the other one wants to argue religion with me. That's when I get a bit aggro. As it happens, it is true, but I have not practised the Craft for well over a decade now. Lash
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• United States
24 Aug 12
So you are a male witch? Wow! I'm impressed. I respect anyone's path. Sadly many Christians don't. But there are many who do. It is just sad that the pushy ones get more exposure.
• United States
24 Aug 12
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
24 Aug 12
Hmmm.... I should try that and see if it works. It might be an easier way than the other ways I have done. My friend would have to be a bit worse. Every time they start to say... "Well it says here in the bible that...." He stops them and asks them to wait a minute before coming out with a book he has in his stash and reading something from it. The last time I visited my friend and someone came talking about the bible, he went out with a book on the world's most dangerous psychopaths and started talking about how fascinating it was the ways that some of these people killed some people. The person stuttered through a quick "I have to go now." and left. Then he came back in and we both started laughing. A little immature perhaps, but some people really refuse to take "no" for an answer. It becomes a point where you have to take drastic measures with some of these self righteous zealots.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
Well I can't change your mind since you're set in your ways. You've heard the truth and you don't want to accept it. But don't see nobody warned you when your time on earth is over. You can live your life however you want to, that's why you have a free will.
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• Australia
24 Aug 12
One man's truth is another man's vomit. Lash
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• Thailand
24 Aug 12
ReViewMeMedia what you imagine to be the truth is little more than myth to over half of the human species.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
That is my whole point Review. If I follow you , my life will not be my own. and Now you want me to lie to myself and G-d forever? Why?
@primeaque86 (8108)
• Philippines
25 Aug 12
Hello Sarah I am back here for a while, I miss mylot nowadays... well, am trying to write for a new post after my long absence at my blog, and I can't find anything to write so I choose to visit mylot, at least I can find many interest to read here and I found this discussion of yours. Do you remember that we talked about religion or some sort of things before? And you know that I always respect people's view. Yes, I tried going to different religions, attending masses and prayers, but all I know it's not religion, it's me and God... I guess it's not really important to read bible each and everyday, what's important is your intention... according to my law professor, it's "substance" over "form"... are you happy? Are you satisfied and contented in your life? - That's the most important thing... and most of all - respect... We just need it to grow as a better person and live peacefully... after all, life is shot... we gotta enjoy the rest of it my friend... Have a nice day to you
• United States
25 Aug 12
Hi my friend! I was just thinking about you the other day! To answer your question , yes I am happy finally! I try my best to be polite So I guess I am doing ok!
• Philippines
25 Aug 12
Hello my friend... and you know what, I shifted my ideas, I just remember you too when I did it... the blog topic am talking about - so now am happy to here that from you - as long as we feel good!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Aug 12
I would say there would be a loss for words..lol. Some people believe it is their way or no way and it is a shame. They really do miss out on the diversity that the world has to offer. I respect everyone's beliefs but I don't want to feel like they are pushing me or judging me for mine either. I usually distance myself from people that make me feel like that.
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@himzey (1321)
• India
24 Aug 12
You know whats funny.. there are religious cults which believe one has to be 100% genetically pure and not be polluted by some extraneous transplants if they wish to go to heaven. Before and after a knee transplant operation an old chap saw two brandy-bottle-sized containers filled with blood and two tubes coming out from them stuck into his knees. The consultant told him that he had lost some blood and they could neither pump in some more nor he could get on an iron diet to restore his hemoglobin. The man shouted : "What the hell doctor..!! I'm a Jehovah's witness.." The doctor stared at him and said : "Shut the f**k up.. and anyway I think that the ferrous supplement route is good for you.."
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Aug 12
That is so sad! That is why I do not trust doctors. If he believes he is going to hell , then he will be going to hell by no fault of his own! What should have happened is the guy should have told the doctor Not transfusions,Ever. If he believes he will get to heaven faster than the doctors Should respect that. To say to him I don't care is just as bad as these Christians telling me My G-d is a lesser G-d and I Have to follow their beliefs. This is so sad.
@himzey (1321)
• India
24 Aug 12
Yeah nothing can be done.. poor chaps..
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
16 Sep 12
Well, I have to agree with you here one hundred percent. No one should ever try and change you. I don't want to be saved. I cannot believe in fairy tales. To me when these people start preaching about religion, its like they are praising Disney or something. To me its the same thing. We are all humans, there is not one of us that is better then the other. And there is no religion that is better then the other. People just seem that they have to believe in something. Why I have no idea. But maybe they are afraid of the unknown.
• United States
16 Sep 12
For me , it just feels good to know my G-d is there to help when I need Him. But no way would I demean another's path or demean a person that doesn't need religion at all.
@ajk111 (2495)
24 Aug 12
sorry if i come across flippant but if all those biblebashers are going to heaven they can have it, i'd rather go to hell, sounds a lot more fun as opposed to heaven full of all those pretentious prats. Sorry, just my opinion.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
Don't be sorry , i feel Exactly the same way. I am a little more tricky. I say I would be an outsider in heaven if only Christians get in. But actually I rather go to hell too!