I stayed up too late, for me, last night.

@GardenGerty (162760)
United States
August 24, 2012 5:30am CST
I got a little over six and a half hours' sleep, but I can hardly focus this morning. Oh, well, today is Friday, and it should be a quiet morning at work. The only other thing I have to do today is a mystery shop. I get off work by 9:30 in the morning from my part time job. It is also a little rainy outside and I know that is why I still feel sleepy. I know a lot of people stay up late on the weekend, because they can sleep in, but I really need about 7 1/2- 8 hours of sleep a night. I will take a nap this afternoon. How do you get by with short sleep? Do you take naps or drink lots of coffee and tea, or do both? When I was younger I never needed this much sleep.
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37 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I used to sleep 9 or 10 hours at night and never wake up until morning, but not so any more. I don't usually have trouble falling asleep but nearly always wake up once or twice in the night and can't go back to sleep. When that happens, I try to get a nap in during the day. I can't push my body the way I used to and expect to still feel good. Old age is not for sissies!
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Fortunate, indeed! I never had trouble sleeping in my life until I moved into town, and I suspect at least part of it is too much light. I should get blackout curtains for the bedroom. I have a small, very dim nightlight for the bathroom but don't really need it because the streetlights and neighbor's lights are enough.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I never used nightlights in the bathroom until I married this husband. He tends to need light. I have told people that my vision is bad enough that I can walk in the dark pretty well. Of course I live in a rather rural town and the window in my upstairs bathroom does not catch much more light than a few stars. My neighbors are in one story homes, and my bedroom is upstairs at the back of the house so it is darker. The one streetlight that shines in gets blocked by blinds and curtains.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
The sleep I got last night was actually straight through, which is unusual. If we have to get up for the bathroom we never turn on lights. I have a small string of Christmas lights which is enough to not trip but will not reset our light sensors to wake up. The contrary to that is when I have to get up I turn on all the bright lights in the bathroom to imprint on my mind that it is morning. I am fortunate to seldom if ever be and insomniac.
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• United States
24 Aug 12
That's not bad! Before I learned I had multiple sclerosis, I used to get by on anything more than 4 hours of sleep. If I felt I needed more, I'd have a dose of caffeine, or else my body would just break down and I'd nap. I've learned to try to nap no more than two hours; otherwise, my normal sleep pattern is disturbed. And if I have anything stronger than an iced tea past two PM, I can forget about sleeping that night.
@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I am an early riser naturally myself. I would get sleepy under those conditions as well.
@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
Tea will keep me awake worse than coffee will. If I nap it is usually less than an hour, unless I am doing one of those shift turn arounds and working 6 am - 9 am then coming back and working 3 pm to midnight then back at 6 am. It is doable, but I have to catch a lot of supplemental z's.
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• United States
25 Aug 12
As the night goes on, I'll just water my iced tea down with ice cubes. I'm not a hot beverage person, so I don't drink coffee or hot tea. I try to keep naps to an hour, though no matter what time I go to bed, I usually wake at 6 am (unless I'm sick, then maybe 8). Since I'm not working now, Jim asks me to come in and stay with him until he falls asleep (he works overnights); unfortunately, it makes me really sleepy.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I don't know, I feel like I never get enough sleep, even when I was younger..lol I have been staying up a little later because with my son in school, I have taken over his major chores for one, and for two, my classes start Monday, and I am desperately trying to finish revising my story. I can get it done as long as I push myself, but it looks like perhaps I may not have to. I will go more into details in a post I will start, but I might not be taking classes this semester. So, by writing more, working more, I sometimes am literally sitting at the computer and just close my eyes for a while, because I am so tired,...But, tonight I get my break, so I will just drink extra coffee and keep moving...
@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I have fallen asleep at the computer in the past, but probably will not today. Actually, now that I have had coffee and breakfast three times and worked a shift I feel pretty good.I think that the rain we were getting when I got up caused me to feel extra sleepy.I need to download the mystery shop guidelines for today and do it, then I am free to do whatever I choose.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Oh my that is too much. I just type funny things when I fall asleep at the computer. Things like ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, or other keys, you get the picture. Sometimes line after line of them if I slip too deeply.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Aug 12
hi gardengerty and carm did I ever tell you how twice I fell asleep at my computer, hit my forehead on the key board and blacked one eye the first time in 85 years I had a shiner and o h my was I teased. even my primary care doctor took one look at me and asked how did that happen? when I told him he too laughed and laughed then suggested I wear a helmet while typing.grrr yes I made every ones day as they kept remarking about my shiner.I learned to laugh with the rest of them too.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I couldn't sleep because I drank coffee right before bed. I knew I shouldn't have, but I couldn't find my water bottle and didn't want soda. I figured I was tired enough that I'd sleep despite the caffeine.. but nope. For me I just try to stay active as that keeps me energized and awake. I get out of work early today.. so I will probably spend the afternoon not being very active and will get very tired. If it's nice out maybe I'll force myself to go for a walk or play outside with the kids.. though I think it's going to be hot today and I'm not a fan of the heat.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I know when I should cut off the coffee, but sometimes drink it late anyway. In that case my eyes will go to sleep, my body will stretch out, but my brain will run, dance and do jumping jacks all night. When my kids were young, I slept less, but I remember trying to exercise after they went to bed and falling asleep doing sit ups.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Aug 12
that was me last night my eyes were heavy but my darned brain would not turn off then I w as worried because I only had one box of diabetic test strips for my glucometer and fou nd a slip that led me to believe I was not due t est strips until sept 24 and today I f o und that was a 2011 slip from my supplier, the suppier emailed me today that my strips were just sent and would arrive in two or three d ays.so all my fretting last night just kept me awake for nothing.also of course my blood sugar was w ay high which jus made me feel re ally sick.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Also, with the high blood sugar you maybe did not think as clearly when you found that slip. I woke with a headache this morning, very early, and nothing seems to be fixing it. I sent hubby away and may go catch a little more sleep. I just really need to be busy on here this week, though.
• United States
24 Aug 12
Hope u got that nap. I have never been a good sleeper so i sleep when i can now that i don't work anymore.It can make u feel pretty bad when u don't get enough sleep.Have a happy weekend.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I had several things to do today that kept me from napping and it is too late now. It is okay though. When I went outside this morning we were having an awesome, gentle rain and it made me feel better. My eyes and head hurt right now,but I can go to bed whenever I get tired and just stay as long as I want, no commitments tomorrow.
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• United States
25 Aug 12
Hope u have a great weekend. I bet u are glad to have no commitments.
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@allknowing (142643)
• India
24 Aug 12
I have no control over the number of hours I sleep. Sometimes they are more and sometimes less. What triggers this fluctuation, I have yet to find out. But in either situation I am up and about. The sleep pattern does not affect me in any way.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
Your body just takes what it needs. That is the healthiest way to be. I would have slept more this morning because of the rain. It is good sleeping weather. I talked a little late with my daughter on the telephone last night. The people I assist in the morning are often very tired by Friday. So we move slowly, all of us.
@allknowing (142643)
• India
25 Aug 12
If one has to be up and about at specific hours then I think automatically it is done even though one would have stayed awake all night!!
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
25 Aug 12
with my fibromyalgia, I have no regular sleeping habits. It is a terrible symptom, and I am always tired but then that also could be because of diabetes. I am just a mess.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I have read several places that it is essential to get good sleep to help regulate your blood sugars. I am lucky not to have fibro. I can understand the constant fatigue.
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I don't sleep well, part of the fibro, so sometimes I take a nap... bad thing is that about bedtime I start waking up!
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
That is kind of what happened the last two nights. I did not nap the day I wrote this discussion, but did have one of those above the eyes headache a while.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I have always needed at least 8 hours of sleep. I never have any trouble falling asleep, but it is hard for me to make myself go to bed when doing something interesting. I am not a good napper, as it is hard for me to get up from a nap, but sometimes I do take one anyway and set multiple alarms to make sure of awakening. Sometimes in a pinch 7 1/2 will do, but any less than than will mess me up considerably for the next day. I can function but everything takes more effort, to the point where it is obvious that I should have just taken the necessary time to sleep. No coffee for me, except for a splash of it as flavoring over ice cream or in an iced milk drink once in a great while, but that would be only a couple tablespoons. I do not use tea as a stimulant either. I do, however, tend to stay up very late at night and want to sleep in in the morning.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
That was the problem, I was doing interesting things. I have done okay today. I had several small tasks to get accomplished so I did not nap. Most of the time my naps are 35 minutes or less. I am done with coffee for the day, that is for sure. I think having some rain helped me feel more energized once I got outside. I never have been one to stay up very late, and with my early work schedule I must not.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I would sleep short most week nights but on weekend I would get full sleep since I dont work on those days .
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
A lot of people do that, and I will if I need to, but I would rather get a full night's sleep every night. Have a good weekend.
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
25 Aug 12
sometimes i do get short sleep too..but somehow i am lucky my body can just cope up and since i am not a coffee drinker, it takes a whole lot of my mind to cope up with it.. i need to just MOVE so i wont get sleepy. There was a time when i had only 3 hours sleep as my kid was sick that time, and i have to work then..i guess what i did was take a bath as thats what re-energized me, that jolt of cold water really wakes me up.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
You do what you have to when you have little kids. I think the moving around is the best solution for lack of sleep.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
24 Aug 12
Sometimes I don't know how I get by with just 4 or 5 hours of sleep. A little over 2 years ago, I started drinking coffee. I used to just get my caffeine from diet Coke, but I needed the coffee boost then. Now, I think I need something much stronger to keep me awake in the afternoon. Either that, or I just really need to find time to take a nap.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
the nap is better for you I am sure. I used to sleep much less, but now I find it is important to my health. I like being healthy so I usually try to get enough sleep. There will be times when I do not, though.
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@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
24 Aug 12
Feeling sleepy when one has things to do is SUCH a draining experience. I only need about 4 hours of sleep to feel refreshed, so that is a good thing, and I always get that amount. Sometimes I may sleep a LOT longer than 4 hours in a day, but I find that I really don't need to. I think the only way to really alleviate feeling sleepy is to get more sleep because coffee (my Fav) and tea are just temporary fixes, but you already KNOW that : ) so in answer to your question, I think that a few short naps combined with some semi-strong coffee will do the trick until one can go to bed and get the rest one needs. Mystery shopping?? How fun! Excuse me if I am being too forward, but is there any chance you would PLEASE message me and tell me how to get into that?? (unless of course that ITSELF is a secret). It is something that I have wanted to do for years, but I seem to only find scams and not the real opportunities. Anyhoo, hope you have a fabulous day.
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@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I'm glad that your perked up when you got to work, it is the worst to be sleepy while at work, uuggghhh!! Been there, done that, and just thinking about it makes me woozy. When a nap is not feasible, coffee is so very good to drink. I adore the stuff.
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@sunil76 (32)
• India
24 Aug 12
Hello friends,Well,sleeping is very much essential for our body,its like giving a rest to a machine to avoid more wear and tear,sleeping rejuvenates our soul and mind.We should sleep at least six to eight hours per day,six hours of sleep is highly essential for our body to take rest and at the same time we should not oversleep if we are not sick.The most important thing is we should sleep in the night as our biological clock,metabolism slows down during night.Taking an afternoon nap is equal important as it freshens and relaxes our mind.We should not take much coffee,tea etc. to stay up in the night as they will have an adverse affect on our health.Yes,we feel a bit dizzy during the rain.Good eating habits and exercise will help us in sound sleep and good health.Thanks & regards.....
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I will get more rest the next day or so and will feel more energized. I did not have a chance to nap today, but I will go to bed early for sure.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
24 Aug 12
We have to get up at 5 and start getting my son ready for school. He is on the bus by 6:30. I cannot fall asleep until after 12:30, so I take a nap. My son was so tired today, I could not hardly keep him awake while getting him ready. I think he is about done for this week. I hope he adjusts better as the weeks go by.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I get up by 4:45. I try to be in bed by 9 or 9:30, but that does not always happen.I bet he is beat. The people I help with are always exhausted by Thursday evening, so Fridays they move slow. Sometimes I volunteer for an extra evening shift and I have to do a lot of napping to keep up.
• United States
24 Aug 12
Hi GG, How come you didn't sleep so good last night, or were you just up late? I don't like when I do that but my normal amount of sleep is anywhere from 6-8 hours. When it rains it sure does make us more sleepy. When I didn't get enough sleep and had to work, it seems once I got to work I felt better. Maybe because I was kept busy and found things to do to pass the hours away more quickly. It's a lot worse when your job is slow or there is nothing much to do. The mystery shopping should perk you up a bit too. And taking an afternoon nap should revive you. That works wonders sometimes. I don't do the coffee, tea route as that will keep me up forever, lol!
@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I was on the phone with my daughter until past my bed time then I wanted to get on the computer for a bit. Once my head hits the pillow I am out. I cut off coffee and tea by 3 pm to make sure I can sleep. I can keep busy as I like at work, so that is good. Hardest is the first hour because my clients are still asleep and I cannot do anything noisy. I can crochet then, or read, though. It is allowed.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
24 Aug 12
I have never needed much sleep, only 6 hours, but recently (probably because of the heat) I have not managed to sleep for six hours straight through and that has knocked me out during the afternoons. Fortunately as I am not working at the moment, I can have a nap in the afternoons and that sets me straight. I don't sleep more at the week-ends and I never put the alarm, unless I have a plane to catch, because I always wake up as soon as daylight arrives no matter what time I went to sleep the night before. I hope your day passes quickly so that you can get back home and put your feet up and catch up on the sleep that you missed
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
At this time I only work a three hour shift. If I need a nap later I will certainly get one. Seven to seven and a half is about right for me. I wake up fairly early in the morning even without the alarm. I have lots to do today and I do not mind it. The work is not hard and the other things will be fun.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I need more than 8 hours of sleep at night so I can see where you would need that at least. I hope you start to feel better soon and get your work done without feeling too tired. Good luck!
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
25 Aug 12
I have done alright today, but now I am about to crash. I quit moving. Earlier it was okay, but not now. I may respond to a few here and hit the sack. I did not get that nap.
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@Tina30219 (82812)
• Onaway, Michigan
24 Aug 12
When I get this amount of sleep I just drink lots of caffeine through the day. I use to be able to get by on less sleep but since having kids and having to get up with them for school or other things I can't do it anymore.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
That is just it. I had to get up and go to work. I probably would have been fine with just a half hour or forty five minutes more of sleep, but it was not something I could do. I keep reading that sleep deprivation will make you sick.
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• China
24 Aug 12
This sounds very bad for you. Not enough sleep will make you look less energetic and more frustated with your work.If you like that you can take a travel to national parks to enjoy the nature you probably have missing for a ton of time. Try to relax and say goodbye to those unhealthy life style and find your own somewhere you like.
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@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
24 Aug 12
I will get out in nature some this weekend. It is not too bad. I have finished most of my work for today, and the other things I need to do are fun and relaxing. I usually keep a pretty healthy lifestyle.