USADA to ban Armstrong for life and strip him of all his Tour de France titles.

August 24, 2012 6:28am CST
In cycling circles this has been absolutely beaten to death to the point that we're all pretty sick of it. Armstrong has decided not to go through the arbitration process and put an end to it all whatever the consequences. USADA trumpets this as de facto admission of guilt on Armstrong's part. Armstrong for his part says the process is unfair and he is sick of it all. What do myLotters think? Personally I don't take a position whether he is guilty or not. I can see his side of this though. All the witnesses that are publicly known right now would be considered tainted in any responsible court of law. USADA claims past drug tests are consistent with performance enhancing drug use yet if that is true how come they all are considered negative? I honestly think everyone is entitled to a fair trial and this doesn't look fair to me. Additionally all this legal wrangling is not only costing the man a fortune but it is keeping him from being able to pay attention to things he really cares about. I also think deep down he knows that even if he wins the issue is not dead and it will continue to hound him for the rest of his life. As for the other side, the past culture of the sport and his incredible achievements definitely raise a red flag. They are sure he is guilty and want to nail him whatever the means. All fine and well but I think they crossed a line somewhere. My thought is that if he is guilt fine nail him but do it fairly.
1 response
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
25 Aug 12
you said it all, I completely agree with you.
• Canada
26 Aug 12
This is terrible for professional cycling and especially the Tour de France. Who are they going to declare the winner in those seven years? Every single rider that podiumed in all those years has already been implicated and in some case given short bans of their own in the past.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Aug 12
I know it is just not right.