Does God really care what you Believe????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
August 24, 2012 11:54pm CST
If God really cared what you believed, wouldn't He take direct measures,Himself?? I think so. Some might say that God did by sending all those holy books. Seems if believing was all that important, God would have done something less haphazard than sending a bunch of holy books depending on mankind to do all the convincing. Does all this Believing stuff really add up?? Religions wants you to value beliefs because they depend on beliefs. For God, it has never been about beliefs. God has no Ego problem that requires everyone believe in Him. Reality is that it's all about the education of God's children, US. It's all about the children of God knowing,discovering, and learning. That means reaching for a higher level leaving the petty things behind. That is necessary before we can learn to love Unconditionally.
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16 responses
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
25 Aug 12
Hi, bird: Allah said, "What created the jinn and mankind except to worship", and if there is true worship to God, you will have access to everything from extremely existence.And then will be achieved unconditional love. God said: "Worship Allah and join none with Him and something good to parents" After all, God does not care about our belief, but we must, strong interest in the belief in God.
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
26 Aug 12
I'm still at my mind that I take from the Koran, regardless of whether you believe it or not.Koran, which tells the story of creation in detail as well as the object and purpose of this creation, and I do not think that you tried to read it in order to control the impossibility to be from other than Allah.Away from the philosophical views that will take you up to unconditional love, try not to shorten the road to look at the Koran from the truth, I suggest you look at all the editions Koran, you will find that there is no copy is different, and this means if you think a little bit that it was notman-made, but is from God.Will also find where your destination is unconditional love.Try to read and I am ready to discuss any inquiries you may be confused understand.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
I must admit I haven't read the Koran in it's entirety. Doesn't it contain much of the things like judging, controlling, condemning, and conforming? Doesn't it teach some are better than others?? Doesn't that generate hate in some form regardless of whether the person hating realizes they are doing just that?? I grant you all holy books teach love, however mankind is in there too. To really understand God, one must reach for the higher level where hate can not exist. That means you can't threaten and you can't fry your children. God doesn't do it. Why must people believe He does?? That, in itself is evil. On the other hand, it shows what people need to learn.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Your quote: Allah said, "What created the jinn and mankind except to worship", and if there is true worship to God, you will have access to everything from extremely existence.And then will be achieved unconditional love. My answer: But don't you see? You have just put conditions on unconditional love. You have also placed an Ego problem on God needing to be worshiped. This is not God. On the other hand, understanding what Unconditional Love is, takes reaching to a higher level of thinking. God is at that high source which is the ideal way of learning. Since one formulates a belief then discovers the truth later, one must believe that God is a viable direction by which to study. Of course,if one chooses any option but God, when one discovers all the other options do not work, intelligence will lead to God no matter what. One does have a choice on how long the journey to discovery will be. I'm going the short route, myself. Feel free to choose for yourselves.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
26 Aug 12
God really cares what we believe. That is the reason he has sent so many messengers and books (messages) to introduce himself and for us to follow. Believing is really all that important. The problem today is we have so many religions and a majority of people are really confused which one to follow. Some of these are divine religions which have been changed by their followers so badly that the actual teachings have been lost. Some are man made religions invented to control masses. It has really become hard for one to decide what they should do.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
26 Aug 12
Then how can we justify God sending so many messengers ?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
Perhaps, the correct choice is not to follow at all. Discover God on your own.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 12
I agree with you Naseem... Try to believe first, before we follow a religion. That way, we will not follow a religion blindly...
• United States
25 Aug 12
What nonsense! Of course God cares what you believe. Do you think God was okay with the children of Israel when they believed they needed to throw their children into the fire in worship of Molech? Do you think He's all right with mankind thinking greed is good, or that one group of people has a right to terrorize another group? Do you honestly think that God doesn't care what you think of Him? Don't try to tell me that the God of the Bible throws His children into the fiery pit of hell. We've been all through that too many times and I will continue to tell you that when anyone rejects God's gift of salvation, they send themselves to hell. I know you don't believe the same as I, but we both think we're right so there's no point in our debating the issue. You know, bird, not everyone is like you. Some people find all sorts of useful information in the pages of their holy books, including learning about God and His character. Also, there are some of us who have gone beyond just what our Scriptures say into finding out if what they say is reliable. I have learned that the Bible is trustworthy because many areas of science have confirmed what the Bible says regarding those things that can be prove. So, in those areas where there's no way mankind can prove what Scripture says, I still trust that the Bible is telling the true. You have made many direct statements about God and His character, but why should I believe you when much of what you say contradicts the Bible? Does it add up that I should dismiss the Bible that has evidence for its accuracy and believe you when you have no evidence? I think that would be a stupid thing for me to do.
• United States
26 Aug 12
I see no point in rehashing the same things we've debated over and over again. If you had studied the Bible as you claim, you could not make the claims against it that you've made. If you cared about knowledge as you claim, you would have given the websites I've posted in various discussions of yours a fair evaluation instead of dismissing them without a by-your-leave. I bet I've done more searching and have made more discoveries regarding God than you have. All you have are theories about God. You have no facts.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
You might not realize this but I have looked at every one of your links that worked. I am not looking through rose colored glasses as you are. I'm not looking for what I might want or agree with. I am looking for what is. Everything about God does add up. I will not ignore or dismiss things that do not add up in favor of blind beliefs. I realize you have probably spent much effort and work on God. You discover what others say. How much time have you spent discovering on your own?? You and God. Are you open for what is OR do you want to make God as you want Him? You must stop believing and start searching for the truth. A big mistaken belief you have with me is that you believe I am working on theories and that I have no facts. The real truth is that it is you who is working on beliefs. They even teach you to value beliefs. If they had the truth,why would they want beliefs to be so important? Shouldn't God be about knowing not believing?? I could never have it any other way. I value truth too much.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Your quote: You have made many direct statements about God and His character, but why should I believe you when much of what you say contradicts the Bible? My answer: First, you must reach for a higher level of understanding before you can see God. Your bible pictures God as wrathful,controlling, demanding, condemning, unbending, demanding belief, praise, and worship, and frying all those who don't conform. The bible god places all his rules in a book then doesn't give everyone involved a copy. He depends on mankind to distribute all the necessary info before he places judgment. So tell me,does that bible god really add up? Does he really sound like an intelligent being capable of creating universes or does he sound like an invention of mankind with all the Ego problems of wanting to rule and control others, having it all one way? Give me a break? Can you be so brainwashed that you can not even see a higher level? Is the god of the bible really what you want to be like??? I could never be that petty, mean, and hateful. No matter what the kiddies do, I could never fry them for eternity nor allow them to do that to themselves. I'm going to do like the Real God. I'm going to keep all those kiddies and teach them until they have acquired great wisdom. I'm going to FIX the problem rather than, like mankind, destroy it. Along the way,I'm going to love them all unconditionally especially though the times when the lessons are really hard. Now, that sounds like an intelligent plan. It is so simple. It stares everyone in the face. One must give up the hate, the controlling, and the judging of others to see it. Please, reach for a higher level. If you can see any of this, you would have learned something and taken a step forward. If not,God and I are patient. Intelligence given enough knowledge always makes the right choice. I will await your intelligence. Lots of Love and Kindness!!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
28 Aug 12
There is no such thing as unconditional love. Love by it's nature has conditions. Girls that practice unconditional love, end up killed by an abusive spouse. Love means that if you do good things, good things will be returned to you. G-d throughout the Bible constantly had conditions. If you follow his commands, and do what is right, He blesses you. If you deny him, and disobey him, and follow others things, he curses you. G-d did this hundreds of times throughout the Bible.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
29 Aug 12
If you base God on stories, you will never discover what God is all about. Yes, Unconditional Love is Possible. It takes much learning and many lessons to Understand. All God's children will get there in time. After we have acquired great wisdom, we will see that Unconditional Love is the only real choice.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
30 Aug 12
God's system works without religion and holy books. There is no need for God to reveal Himself for everyone already knows God. Look at the universe around you that would be much easier than people since there are more variables with people which makes it more complicated. Does the universe require anything for it's system to run? You must understand that intelligence takes the work out of systems. To babysit all those holy books to prevent them from being corrupted by those who wrote them and others is a waste of time. If you really knew God, you could see that those holy books are not at a higher level of thinking as God is. Read them again with a wide view. Question instead of merely accept.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
30 Aug 12
2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" 2 Peter 1:21 "For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." It would appear that G-d himself disagrees with you.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
25 Aug 12
in my humble opinion, God had given us many signs from His holy book and the panorama and the universe.. we are eyewitness that God is exist.. it is simple for proving that God is exist..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Very Good. You are ready for the next step which is figuring our the why and how of all those moves. Much can be learned by studying God's moves. I have discovered God is very smart. God works on multiple levels with multiple views. There is so much behind every one of God's actions. The more you understand; the closer to God you will be. This can open many doors for the hungry student. God will help lead you through your discoveries.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
Maybe it's a language thing but Weak doesn't seem to be the right word. God wants all His children strong and standing on their own two feet, rather than being dependent and hanging on for guidance on every move in life. We must be strong enough to Choose rather than allow others to do that for us.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
26 Aug 12
of course my friend.. my religion teach like that.. if we want to learn about any aspect, we just believe that God had given many signs for us for understanding that we are so weak
@else22 (4317)
• India
26 Aug 12
It does not make any difference to God whether we believe in Him or not.Believing in God matters to us.It makes us noble and free of all our fears.It is our Holy Books that try to give us some idea about Him.Even these Holy Books can't give us a full and detailed,elaborate description of God,because,He is beyond the describing potential of words.We can understand Him only through belief.If we believe in God,it is for our good.We would get benefited.If we don't believe in Him,we would end up harming ourselves.God has nothing to do with our belief or disbelief.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
Knowing and discovering truth will always be more important than any belief especially about God. On the other hand, believing is better than nothing if it leads you to search for the real truth instead of blindly accepting holy books. I can not see how not believing in God can cause harm unless that prevents one from searching for the truth about God. On the other hand, religions are doing the same thing convincing people they have all the answers when clearly they don't. Regardless of beliefs, God will have a hand in everyone's life. God loves everyone Unconditionally so believing has never been an issue.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
I know you exist without believing. I know from your actions, your comments to be exact. There was no believing involved at all. Worry not, we will all be touched by God regardless whether we believe or not. In addition, deep down we all know God whether we realize this or not.
@else22 (4317)
• India
26 Aug 12
You can't know God without believing Him.The existence of God can't be proved in laboratories.Disbelieving Him harms us in the sense that it deprives us from knowing the eternal truth.
@urbandekay (18278)
26 Aug 12
Are you confusing belief and faith... again! all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
27 Aug 12
No, 'A rose by any other name' is not appropriate to use here. We are not talking about one thing called by different names but by two different things being confused as the same. Perhaps you did not read where I elucidated on the difference previously? all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
A rose by any other name?? Isn't faith no more than a belief because you do not have enough facts to know for sure?
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
25 Aug 12
God is over and above everything.He has no ego problems because he is not human.It is we humans who have made him human and therefore we either praise him or blame him depending on what circumstance we find ourselves in. Moreover he has not sent us any religious books or scriptures.Our ancient sages deeply meditated and using various techniques discovered the Truths which they put into black and white for the benefit of mankind.Neither the Bible,Bhagvad Gita,Koran or any of the holy scriptures of the various religions of the world were written by God.All of them had a human source.God has given humans complete freedom to believe in him or not He has left it to us whether to go towards him or away from him.He does not interfere in our activities,good or bad.The fruits of whatever actions we do have to be borne by us only.If we don`t follow the truths then we get lost in the maze of worldly pursuits and if we do and rise above all petty things then we discover him and participate in the boundless joy of his presence.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
How many humans could stand in God's shoes and really give that freedom of choice without interfering? Very few. Total freedom of choice is crucial to real learning. Does mankind really allow that? Clearly there is much to learn and many lessons God will send us. You say God is not human. I see things much different. We and God are the same. We are Spiritual Beings in our true natures. Human designates more to this physical world which was created solely for our learning and lessons. We are more like God than we are not. That's what makes us all eternal. As children of God, we are lacking in so much knowledge. On the other hand we all have the capabilities of choosing to be like God. As a stream moves toward the ocean, we too move toward being like God regardless of how many lessons or how much time it takes. This happens for all regardless of the bad choices people make along the journey. God loves Unconditionally. In time, we will learn that is the only true intelligent choice.
• Philippines
25 Aug 12
I really think God cares for what we believe. I believe that God also considers us and chooses the best path for us. I can really see all the blessings that God has given me as well as some miracles that happened in my life. I believe that there is God's intervention. And for God giving as another a day to live, Im already thankful to it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Perhaps, instead of caring what we believe, God cares what we know. God does have a direct hand in that. The parameters of our lessons are set before we are born. Yes, God has a hand in everyone's life. It does not matter how many bad choices we make, God will help His children through the consequences, loving us all Unconditionally along the way.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
25 Aug 12
He probably care what one believe on some people but not on other, it may have to depend on the relationship between you and God. The level of closeness and trust you have on him. It is strictly personal business between both parties.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Aug 12
Well, I won't call it 'favoritism' as far as your relationship with God is concerned, it is strictly between you and God on personal level. Since you probably already know, not every mortal believe in God and consider him as father, so the doubt you have on God treating all his children unequal doesn't exist. God always look good and act good, no matter how the non believers want to think or see, it won't affect him a bit. He is still the one and the only one we should place our trust and belief on.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
Does God really play favorites among His children??? If so, it doesn't make God look very good, now does it?
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 12
Well, somehow I am suspicious of every religions....HUSH, I am no to say it here? I just believe that when someone really believes in God, he/she will try to live well.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Aug 12
What is this HUSH. Scream from the mountain tops. Your voice is as important as anyone else. Never restrict what you say with me cause I want to hear it. Let me have it!!!! As for believing making people live better lives, you might be right. On the other hand, there are many many atheists who are living wonderful lives. Understanding is the real factor in all choices. Intelligence given enough information always makes the right choice.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 12
You maybe right. We are not talking about atheists here, though...
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
25 Aug 12
If all people on the earth be believers ,it will not add to His kingdom thing , If all people on the earth be disbelievers , it will not less of His kingdom thing ,
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Must there be a Kingdom at all??? I think not!!
@urbandekay (18278)
27 Aug 12
Kingdom is an analogy all the best urban
@mybranko (56)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
25 Aug 12
God has proved that cares about people when he has transformed itself and is born as Jesus. Those who know him will not regret it. Because like he might degrade in the body of a man, so a man can raise to the level of God. Because son is always part of the family, and with faith in Jesus can become part of the heavenly family. All we are electronic bio-chips that are on probation, to see who is able to live in the haven.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
Wow! This is great!! Your quote: All we are electronic bio-chips that are on probation, to see who is able to live in the haven. My answer: Wow! You need to write a sci-fi novel out of this. I think there are millions in it. Seriously, I think it would do you wonders to explore your Spiritual side. You focus on the physical which means very little. We are all Spiritual Beings in our true natures. I have direct experience to this. Discover who you really are. It will shine a light on much for you.
@zerohex (15)
• India
26 Aug 12
God never sent any holy books, books are written by man for men. If God wrote books then they would apply to God Himself as well. Most of the so called "holy" books are corrupted and edited by the influence of the royal families. Religion does not want anything, its those who control religion who want to control you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Aug 12
I must agree. If God really wrote that holy book, it would be a much different read.
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
25 Aug 12
I agree. If I know I own Buckingham palace, it wouldnt matter to me if people on the street knew me as the owner of that palace or not. So god is ego less..for sure. He must be disgusted at the way we quarrel over religion, and so even if we praise him sincerely with all our hearts, he is not around to listen to it, because he has clubbed us as a group and dumped us
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
No.No.No. God hasn't dumped us aside. Remember, there are a million lessons to learn around religion and none of them about God. People are stubborn. Sometimes learning gets messy. The interaction among the different views will lead in the right direction over time. Those of us who already have learned the answer must be patient with those still learning. I know it's not easy. Seems so many times there are growing pains with growth. Perhaps if people would not fight the learning, things could progress much faster. If God can be as patient as He is watching, we should attempt to do the same. Through our love and kindness, we must continue to point them in the right direction until they discover the answers for themselves.
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
25 Aug 12
Hi, If God doesn't care, then there would be no manifestations of it. Some people though are being used as instruments to let His Divine Will be known to everyone who believe. It is not for sale, nor by force that one should believe, rather it is a gentle invitation to seek what is good and proper in a human being. Those who chose to live like lower forms of life are not forced to do so, those who want to worship other gods may do so, only God may advice those who want to believe in Him and to hell with those who don't
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Aug 12
To hell with those who don't????? Now, is that anyway to treat your children??? God doesn't do it but mankind will. Mankind hasn't outgrown that yet. You are right so much must be left behind if one is to reach for the higher level of God. So many things that mankind holds dear must be released. Things such as blaming,judging, hating, controlling and manipulating others. These things have been taught into mankind's culture so long that many do not realize they are doing these things. Still, God patiently will lead His children toward higher learning regardless of their choices. That is the Unconditional Love of God.