my bf is Blackmailing me.. what should i do?

August 26, 2012 6:38am CST
Hello to who ever reading this. I'm 22 years old. Right now I'm in a tough situation which involves my BF(for 4 years)and me. The thing is my family doesn't like this guy for me because they feel in their heart that he is not right for me. the situation is, whenever my boyfriend and me argue,he would ALWAYS blackmailing me by telling me that he will posting on Facebook or texting my friends,even my family of something bad about me that isn't true. If I ever wanted to Break up with him. What should I do? i feel so scare and threaten.I don't what my family to have a big problem with this guy and I don't want to be embarrass with my friends. I have to admit. there are times when I think about ending this stressful Relationship(breaking up)with my bf, but I'm scared to do that because he is threatening me. I know that I'm grown woman here. It's just i don't want my bf to bring my family into what's going on with me and him. * i just feel so scare, my heart is shaken, and so stress out. Sometimes I want to end up my life because i want to escape from this problem. If you were in this situation with this kind of person, What would you do?
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41 responses
@luxlyangels (1286)
26 Aug 12
Sucidal thinking? You have got to be kidding me. Why? You think it would end there? If you kill yourself your family would look into the matter and all the things you do not want them finding, they would see it and then their hearts would be real broken. Anyone who blackmails you is not a friend, talkless of a bf, you know what I think, I think he's bluffing, call it quits with him immediately and brace yourself for the worst that can happen, although I know nothing would happen except him running to you in tears asking you to take him back
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
27 Aug 12
Please, do not kill yourself over this. Your family will understand as will your friends. The best thing for you to do is speak with your family and firends, then block all of his access to all of your accounts and break up with him.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Aug 12
I would advise you to leave that person immediately. He should be aware that emotional blackmail is abuse and is as criminal as physical abuse. It is also very immature behaviour. Your family are absolutely right: he is NOT the person for you and far less than you deserve. If he does post lies on Facebook, will your family see them and, if they do, will they believe them? I doubt it! Make him aware that all the threatening he does is empty and stupid and that nobody you care about would believe it anyway. Also tell him that slander and harrasment is a criminal offence and that if he tries it, you could get legal advice and an injuction against him.
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@violann (436)
• United States
27 Aug 12
I agree with you owlwings, she should leave immediately and follow what you said. I have not been in a situation like this however one of my sister were. The guy ended up getting arrested for stalking and other charges.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
27 Aug 12
The choice is really yours. I mean, what does he have against you, really? What are words he is to scatter when he breaks up with you? I think there is more to it than this "simple" threat he has given you. Is there something else that he has on you that is scaring you even more than you can admit? perhaps like a video of you two together? or anything that can be threatening for you to be stressed as much as you are right now. I really think that if he only threatening to tell your friends bad things about you and even bringing in your family to the situation... well that is just a petty insecure and totally lame reason for you not to break up with him. One, they are your friends, anything other people say to you, or against you - they are the first to be defensive of you because they know which ones are the truth and which ones are with ill intentions. 2nd, your family is your family. They will be glad you are finally letting this person go - they do not like him anyway and if you tell them what he is doing, they could help you get out of the said situation even more and help you start over again. If i was in your situation, well i probably would not have waited long enough as you did... i think i would have gotten rid of him in my life the moment he show signs of being a difficult person - all the more if he starts going around threatening me, black mailing me. I would not care what he does at this point because the devil may care - i am not going to be scared of a barking dog that does not bite!
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@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 12
maybe she worry about the video between her and her boyfriend..maybe
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
26 Aug 12
If I were you, I should be ready before I tell him to break up with me. First, I would provoke him but prepare to record all his threats about blackmailing you so that when he posts negative comments about you in the internet, you will have been equipped with counter evidence soon as you decide to sue him. Unless of course if he has indecent videos or pictures of you.
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@nick1127 (10)
• India
27 Aug 12
The best thing to do would be to breakup with him and tell your family and friends the truth. Tell everyone that he is making up all the stories because you are leaving him. The best thing to do with such people is complain to the police that he is harassing you. They will take care of him nicely.
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@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 12
it is not easy.. evertyhing related love and feeling is not easy like you said my friend
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Sep 12
This guy is a bully and not very bright. What will he gain if he carries through with his threats? Come clean with your family as they obviously care about you. Don't go into details, just say he is threatening to ruin you on Facebook. If you don't want to tell your family then you must go to the police or post your own note on Facebook exposing him for the threats he is making against you because you want to break up with him. Your relationship is already over and I think you need to involve your family to keep you safe.
@shaggin (74023)
• United States
26 Aug 12
I got that way with my husband it was either I was going to leave him or I was going to kill myself because I couldnt stand being with him anymore. I think your boyfriend is just saying this stuff is what he will do because he wants to scare you into staying. Break it off with him and if he spreads things then just tell people the truth that he made up the stuff to hurt you because you broke up with him.
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@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
28 Aug 12
If you have family far away are anyone somewhere else , pack your bag and leave when he is not around . You should not have to be in a force relationship . Your friends will know he is just bitter because of the breakup and the embarrassment wont last long but staying with him will hurt you forever .
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
17 Jan 13
If I were to come to realize that I was in a relationship with this kind of person, I would have to get far, far away from the person that I'd been in a relationship with. The reason that I would have to do that is because of the fact that a relationship like this really is a toxic relationship. If you are to remain in a relationship like this, you will only end up hurting yourself in the long run.
@garson (884)
• United States
24 Sep 12
If this is happening within marriage, there will be more headache. At least you are not in that situation. This is the time, when family support and friends could become handy. The way I look at this is actually simple. I know it is easy to say. Break up the relationship and move on. After what he had done to you by attempting to put you down, this is evident that he is not a boyfriend to keep. I get the impression that this boyfriend is HARD HEADED (stubborn) person. Stop seeing him right away. Eventually, you have to take control. It may be ugly. Worse come worse, you may have to get official authority's involvement. Hopefully, where you live, people are understanding about your situation. I hope you have friends and people to talk to.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
27 Aug 12
I think you should break up with him, tell him that he will find a better girl for him but you are not for him. You deserve someone better and also he deserve someone better. This is not the way relation ship works. If he still tries to black mail then you have left no choice but to report the police and tell him the you are going to report the police. I think this is going to work. Give him warning.
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 12
her boyfriend like a bad guys... i think she should report her boyfriend to the police.. i agree with you, it is not the right relationship
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
29 Aug 12
Hi chexzy09, killing yourself is never the right solution to your problem. i understand that your suffering emotionally because of your boyfriend but be brave and strong to this situation. I think you should inform the police and your family about your problem so that they will help you to find a better solution to your problem. In my opinion better to break up with him whatever it take, black mailing you is not a love anymore it is more on selfish actions. Talk to you parent, sibling and friends about it or even to police to protect and help you.
• Philippines
27 Aug 12
I do not know what local laws apply in your situation, but if you live in a civilized country where there are protection laws for women against such abuse, I say you should start documenting his threats (if you have not done so already). Record your arguments with him. Do not erase those threatening text messages. If you feel you have sufficient evidence, go to the police. I am sure your family will support you on this since they want you to break up with him. Here in my country, Philippines, that guy would go to jail for that kind of abuse. And for heaven's sake why would you even think of hurting yourself? You hurt him back, and do it legally, get him in jail!
@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
27 Aug 12
it is same with my country too dee marte.. if someone else threat us, we can report him to the police as long as we have a proof for it
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Aug 12
I would go to my family and tell them they were right. I would also let them know what he is threatening before leaving him. I am guessing that they would stand beside you. You can let him keep you in a relationship this way.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
28 Aug 12
Learn to make up your mind and NEVER look back even if he threatens you with whatever unpleasant postings on Facebook or friends. Try to be resourceful with the legalities and your rights to handle your boyfriend's threat. I am sure there's always a response when your privacy is being invaded and take this as a lesson for your future on how you conduct yourself in a relationship. Since your family is against this relationship, you can lean on your family and let them support you through it. Don't take everything all at once, learn to take one step at a time.
• United States
27 Aug 12
If he is threatening you as your boyfriend, who is supposed to love you with all his heart, it will not get any better. Go on Facebook, Twitter, and any other site you're worried about and tell them he is threatening you if you break up and that he says he will tell lies about you. THEN break up with him. The friends both of you have on Facebook will show their true colors if they turn their backs on you. That means they are not worth having so pay them no mind. If they stand beside you through the breakup, then they are true friends. However, if you do break up with him, DO NOT make it your life's mission to discuss every facet of your relationship with every ear that will listen. Most of them will be looking for their own gossip to spread.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
27 Aug 12
You need to get rid of this guy. What could he possibly tell your family? You need to talk to your family first so they can protect you from that creep! This guy is no good and you need to get him out of your life.
• United States
27 Aug 12
Facebook is so childish. Tell your parents and friends and then tell him to get lost. If he lies about you and slanders you let him know you will print everything out and oress charges against him. In face let your dad handle that, but YOU stay away from him. Don't talk to him at all.
@anix101 (44)
28 Aug 12
I have actually been in a similar situation. It was so horrible, and it got to the stage he would even say he would call my parents/friends anyone if I left the house, if I didn't come to him when he wanted. It just got worse and worse and worse, I felt like i had no way out. It was horrible and even worse that I lived with him. I finally realised he thought he was too good for me and that I would leave him and so he was doing whatever he could to make sure I would stay. Eventually I really couldn't take it any more and called his bluff, I said I was leaving, handed him his phone and pulled up my parents number and told him to say whatever he wanted because there was no way I would be controlled that way any more. Individuals like this are weak and psychologically abusive. No one deserves to be treated so badly by someone they have let into their lives but unfortunately the world has a lot of people like this. I stayed in the relationship way too long. You just have to look at your life and do what is best for you. I had to ask myself why i was so scared of what he may say to family and friends, even if what he said was true my family would still love me and my real friends would stick around. You are so much better than him and can do so much better. Good luck on your decision. Whatever you do, take your power back, don't allow him to have so much power and influence over you or you will always be scared and he will always be able to make you feel bad and do what he wants you to out of fear.