Being taken Advantage of?

August 28, 2012 2:42am CST
In February earlier this year, my sister was travelling throughout the country on a marketing campaign for work and she asked me to stay at her house for eight days to babysit her two children . I did this very willing and it got me a bit stressed since I am an introvert. Her Husband went with her as he did not want to be left home with the kids. When she came back her kids were happy and in good health and I went back to my life. I talked to her about the stress I felt and we left it at that. Yesterday she called me and asked me if I wanted to sit for her again as she wants to go with her husband and when I reminded her about the stress issue, she told me that she was going to pay me and I said no. What would you do if you were in my position?
6 responses
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
favouredmost, this case is a situational. If you don't have a job and your sister has a job and it's very important for her to go travel then I guess you can grant your sister's request. But, if you're heart is not into it then you should tell your sister, and also see if your sister's reason of leaving her kids is valid then you can hold your horses for a while :) but if not then don't let her leave. And if she will then she can hire another person.
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
favouredmost, if that's the case then use your authority as the owner of your own self :) tell your sister that you can't grant her request. Tell her also about your opinion of letting her husband stay in the house and take care the kids. I think that's being wise enough if her husband has no obligation in regard to her work then he has to stay in the house take care the kids in the she can assure the safety of her kids and can save money as well.
• Kenya
28 Aug 12
Thanks bethel for taking the time to understand the situation and I really appreciate that. I am the problem here for having allowed my family to walk all over me when I was younger as it becomes an issue now when I say no.
• Kenya
28 Aug 12
Bethel, I have a job and that means I will be going to the job during the day and going to her house in the evening where the nanny is living with the kids. I will have my clothes in a bag at her house while I have my own house where I can go to unwind at the end of the day.if it was an emergency I would drop everything and be there for the kids. she has a second option of the husband not going with her but staying home with the kids.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
31 Aug 12
Hi, I really feel for your since I am also an introvert. The very moment I am writing this, my husband's nephew is starting to scream again downstairs and my head is really aching. They are so early today and I was not even able to have at least a cup of coffee. I really cried as I am not feeling good since last evening so I did not come to work today but I think I will be more stressed at home. Some people do not really realized that we don't need money. For sure that we wanted to help but we have limitations. Yes, we may think sometimes that they are taking advantage of our kindness as we have already told them we're having the hard times doing that but they will still insist. I personally do not like being offered money after I said No to something. My privacy is something very important to me. Just tell her you can't really do it now and repeat to her that you did have the hard time the last time you did it. Be firm with your answer so she will get the impression that you are not really doing it. I once had that kind of situation when my mom in law went to the province and since my sister in law works night shift, she asked me if I can go to their house every weekends to take care of my sister in law's son. I really thought that it would be just for one weekend because that is what they said to me. But I was so annoyed when my mom in law stayed in the province for more than a month. And I did not received any explanation what so ever. But I never said a thing but surely learned from it so that the next time, I won't say yes to them again. Learn to say No sometimes if you feel that it will only makes you stress. You know that stress isn't good for our health right?
• Philippines
31 Aug 12
No need to be guilty about it because you have done it once. If this is some kind of an emergency like you said, no need to ask again because for sure we will help. But if it is not, I guess that she should understand you as well. I know that it is kind of hard for others to understand our nature, but since she is your sister, she should know and understand you better. I am always in our room but still hears what is going on downstairs. I prefer to stay here because people in the house always love to do small talks, can't just stand that thing everyday. They even telling me the same stories over and over again. That really frustrates me, but I know how to make an excuse now. I used to just sit in there and torture myself by listening LOL but seriously, that is how I feel. It is not easy as they may think.
• Kenya
3 Sep 12
Paper_doll its amazing about being an introvert I can't stand the everyday small talk as well. I hope thing get better for you soon.
• Kenya
31 Aug 12
Thanks Paper_Doll, You have understood it very well because you are just like me.After I said no she has not talked to me since and I guess she is waiting for me to feel guilty so that I can call her and say yes but I will not.It is good to think of us first unless it is an emergency. I feel for you with your husband nephew there, do you have a room where you can escape it all? I hope it works out for you soonest.
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
Yes, that will be another burden to you. You have your own life and as long as possible you want to have a peaceful and stress-free life. If she can hire a nanny, then tell to hire one. It's such a big responsibility to take care of her kids. Happy myLotting.
• Kenya
28 Aug 12
Thanks, she has the option of the babysitter but does not trust her alone with her kids.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
28 Aug 12
I would say the same to her too. I wouldn't trade in my being stress free for money. She can hire a babysitter instead.
• Kenya
28 Aug 12
Thanks, the stress is a killer
@riyauro (6421)
• India
28 Aug 12
well if is it really stressing and you can't handle it, it is good you said no because you also have a life and your own things to do. She just can't up like that and ask you to sit her kids. If she is willing to pay you, she better get a sitter. I know some family members start taking you for granted and for a ride. It is good that you declined her. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
• Kenya
28 Aug 12
Thanks riyauro. sometimes I wonder where the line is when it comes to our families as they have the power to really hurt us. Enjoy your day as well.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
28 Aug 12
I would say thanks but no thanks. She can keep her money or better yet hire a baby sitter. I wouldn't mind helping family but I have to help myself first I think.
• Kenya
28 Aug 12
The funny thing is when I did it at first it was not about money as I did not ask for any and this second time when she offered me the money I actually felt insulted as she thought I did not want to sit for her because of not being paid.I am also for she keeps her money.