As Kosher as a Matzo Ball wrapped in bacon!

United States
August 28, 2012 9:50am CST
That's me! I try my best to follow my Jewish faith but.... there are few things I believe a traditional Jew Does not. And for staying Kosher? I am only Kosher 9 days out of the year. But I still am Jewish, right? Do you believe that Every religious person Must follow Every rule to be considered a true member?
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6 responses
@GreenMoo (11833)
28 Aug 12
Is there a difference between calling yourself a member of a particular religious group because of your faith, and calling yourself a member because of your cultural heritage? I think there is, and it sounds to me as if you fall into the latter. I grew up with parents of a certain faith, in a country which is predominantly one faith, and if asked I would probably classify myself accordingly. But I don't believe. For me, it's cultural. I don't consider myself to be religious and I don't follow religious rules because they are set by my faith. I follow many of them because they are the law of the land, and others simply because I feel they are the right way to behave irrespective of whether religious teaching says so or not. Interesting discussion.
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• United States
29 Aug 12
This is worse. I wasn't born Jewish, I chose to be a Jew when I was about 17. I follow most of the rules but I was never had a Kosher diet! I would explain it this way. I was born in Philly and was having cheesesteaks Way before i knew what a Jew was.It is so sad.But at least Im honest about it.
@GreenMoo (11833)
29 Aug 12
Why is it sad? Religion is what you, personally, want it to be. I really don't believe that there is one person or one group of people who can set out rules for everyone else to follow because there is noone who really knows what the Big Guy wants. I think He (or She, or It, or whatever you choose) wants us to be kind and considerate and happy. Any other rules are superfluous. I'm curious. Why did you decide to be a Jew?
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• United States
30 Aug 12
Wow! Thanks Love. don't laugh, it was the music first and then how it is all set up second. I saw the movie Fiddler on the Roof and fell hard for the music. Fast forward a few years later I found out that questions were encouraged not demeaned when you practice Judaism . The cherry on top? That there is a whole book filled with scholars' debates about what the Torah, the Old Testament, Really meant! So instead of feeling like a heretic if I ask questions I found a path where they are welcomed!
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
28 Aug 12
Not at all. Who says you cannot be Jewish if you don't follow it to the T. Thats bull. I know a few jewish people that act like we do and only celebrate their high holy days. The rest of the time they are regular people. And one thing one of them told me was this, he said that he did not like those real religious jews because they were taking it way to serious. And he also told me that those, he meant the Hasidics, do not like anyone, including their own that do not do everything exactly as they do. So given this information, coming from a jewish friend tells me the whole story. No you do not have to follow any religion to the letter of the law. Most of us were raised a certain way, like me, I was raised catholic, but I do not follow the religion. I do celebrate christmas though. So it does not matter. I see things now as we do what we want to do. No one has the right to tell us what to do.
• United States
29 Aug 12
Thanks Twin.
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@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
16 Sep 12
You're welcome twin. We live as we see fit, not as others want us to.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Aug 12
No...because alot of the practices are man made..not made by the big guy! So if it's in your heart....well you are a true member.
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• United States
29 Aug 12
Thanks my friend. I can't tell you how better I feel.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
2 Sep 12
I think you're Jewish no matter what you do because that's the way you were born, right? So that does not change. However, I think your participation in a religion determines whether you are of that religion or not. That's the reason I don't like religion. It's like a cult to me. Those who follow it are accepted among the other members. Those who do not are shunned and looked down upon. To answer your question, though, I don't think every rule must be followed no matter what for the person to be a true member. If he or she truly wants to be a part of that religion, he or she must do their best to follow the guidelines. I think if a member of a religion is genuine in his or her acceptance and practice of that religion, he or she is a true member regardless. I don't like religion because it dictates what people can and cannot do. It doesn't give us room to believe a certain way because we want to. You say, "I cannot eat this because I'm Jewish." What about, "I cannot eat this because I don't want to"? I think free will is more powerful than religion. Each person will do what he or she wants to do anyway. Having a religion doesn't make you a better person. It just dictates what beliefs and rules you have a follow. Plus, rules are meant to be broken lol! Religion also confuses people. It's not a shopping experience where you pick out the one you want, try it for a while, and if you don't like it, move on to something else. We should have beliefs and follow them because we want to, not because that's what our religion tells us to do.
• United States
3 Sep 12
If you last paragraph were correct I wouldn't be Jewish. I was born a What? What do you get when you cross a Baptist and a Agnostic? My mom was an Agnostic and my Dad was Baptist . We never went to church and I was free to decide! I chose Judaism.Why? Because I can think my own thoughts And get the answers to my questions. To me it isn't a cult! I don't have to give money to remain in this group. I am not being controlled, obviously! And I Never , Ever look down on those non Jews . To have a relationship with G-d Is a choice! It is like shopping! You search for the path you can love with. A path that makes you life a little bit better! When you find it , you stay and remain faithful. If you don't need or want a relationship with G-d , that is ok! That doesn't make them Any lower than I. I'm no bully. I would never say you are going to hell if you don't believe what I believe.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
3 Sep 12
I've always thought of being a Jew as a race or nationality rather than a religion, but for you it is a religion. Interesting. Even more interesting is that your mother was Agnostic, and your father was Baptist. I have a good friend who was born a Jew and is now Baptist. So according to race, he is still Jewish. In religion, he is a Christian. I think it's wonderful that your parents allowed you to decide your own path. I love that you've referred to religion as a path. I like that much more than a cult lol. That's up to each of us to decide his or her own path. I agree with you there. No judgment here either. I don't damn others to hell if they don't believe the same thing as me. That's where free will comes in, and everyone is entitled to that. I think that's the way religion was designed, to make people better, as you mentioned.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
30 Aug 12
I don't think that every rule has to be followed for someone to remain within a denomination. I would say there is a certain closeness that people feel when they stay traditional but I that doesn't mean that I think people have to be traditional all the time to be a part of that religion. If I followed the rules and remained traditional I would be waiting hand and foot on a man, unable to ask a question in church unless my husband asked it for me, and broke. I think that because of the times we are in that survival has taken the place of tradition. If I depended on someone to have taken care of me, I would have never made it. I think that timing has a great deal to do with rules and tradition too.
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• United States
30 Aug 12
Thanks. I think G-d is flexible . He is there for All of us , orthodox or non orthodox! Many get stuck in what happened before and assume Everyone Must follow it to the letter. You made me think. If we All were orthodox, no women would be working outside the home. Many a thing we take for granted wouldn't be invented. And yet our connection to G-d hasn't stopped. Thanks again.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
16 Sep 12
Thanks for the best response Sarah. Your right, many things have changed throughout the years and because we do things a little different now certainly doesn't mean that we are wrong.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
30 Aug 12
I think you know my well enough that you can probably read my mind by now about what I'm going to say. No you don't have to fall every rule to be still be part of that faith. He I know I should eat fish every Friday or chicken and I don't. I'm a red meat kind of girl I like to eat it any day of the week with out being told tome Catholic people don't eat red meats on Friday. I still see myself as Catholic regardless of how others my feel about it. I don't need to fall rules in my heart to know what is right for me and I don't think I have to devote every rule that was written as being so important that I must fallow it to the letter.
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