Best Barter-- 1 male alpaca for 8 pounds of carrots!

Tucson, Arizona
August 31, 2012 3:24am CST
Living on a farm, I barter frequently, and today i got real lucky-- I got am unaltered male alpaca, bred for fiber, in exchange for 8 pounds of carrots! my three girls are very happy, and I'll have three crias (baby alpacas) next summer. The boy's name is Roscoe, and he's pure white and sweet. My other good barter this monh was a competition pool table that needed re-felting in exchange for a big bushel of vegetable-- and I re-felted the table and sold it for 200.00 dollars. I am currently working on getting some more chickens and getting rid of the excess roosters--the ones I haven't already slaughtered and froze, that is. So, my friends-- do you barter? what were your best deals and steals lately?
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5 responses
@allknowing (142145)
• India
31 Aug 12
I have no barter deals of the kind you are talking about. But I believe in a give and take policy. I expect people to bring something for me whenever they come and stay with me. I do the same. If I call up someone just for a chat I expect that they will call me back may be after a few days and so on!!
• Tucson, Arizona
1 Sep 12
I do that as well-- but I love barter because I get so many cool things. Today I got a big box of books in exchange for some blueberries and strawberries. Right now I am looking for a new spinning wheel, some more hens, a weiner pig (female) and a female collie pup. Sooner or later I will get them. I also traded some excess fencing and conduit for cow manure for the compost pile recently. this being such a rural area, all we do is tell the mail lady when we're looking for something and sooner or later you get it. bartering is great
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
31 Aug 12
You are correct there friend,that you got a great barter.I also barter before but I know he got the good barter from me.I have never seen an alpaca just in pictures.I wish I could also have an alpaca one day.
• Tucson, Arizona
1 Sep 12
They are so cool-- they're not too big, they're friendly and the wool is very valuable and warm. I spin my own yarn from the wool all winter, and I sell the yarn and also blankets. My three girls were very happy to finally have a male around, and I can't wait for the babies to come early next summer. Alpaca babies are so cute.I am already working on getting more chickens, and a pig for the farm. I put three chickens in the freezer the other day, so I want to replace them. I am having one for dinner tomorrow. I have a big sign outside the farm that says barter welcome, and I am always getting good things, but this is the first alpaca. I am hoping for a collie puppy (female) to breed and also for a horse at some point
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• Philippines
1 Sep 12
Here in the Philippines,barter is still practice in remote areas,bu in big cities your products has a right price to possess.A horse is a very expensive barter and that is if you can have it.A horse here cost you 75,000 pesos already and that is still young to be taken good care of.I have a piggery and poultry and all are going to the market when time for it to be sold out.I also have eggs from the chicken and turkey,as well as ducks and geese.The eggs of ducks are made into balut,a kind of delicacy cooked from unhatched eggs of 10 days.
• Tucson, Arizona
3 Sep 12
that sounds cool. I know in Mexico people set up barter clubs so they can trade things because everything is expensive. I barter al kinds of things, andit's a real hobby that savs me a lot of money. We have adump here where you pay 5.00 and you can take all th wood and pallets tyou want, so I always have wood fo farm projects. at the hazardous waste dump you can get up to fifty gallns of free pint a year- they blend together paint people drop off, so if you aren't picky abou color i's good. I migt be gettin 4 sheep next week-- The guy wants a wooden storage shed in exchange, and I have one I uilt of scrap lumber that he likes. I toldhim I will pain it and mke amatching wooden tool carrier fo his truck.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
3 Sep 12
Wow!! This is some Good bartering. I have bartered before, but never got anything this good in exchange. Sounds like you know how to do it right, and it could turn into a profitable way of work for you. Wishing you always the Best.
• Tucson, Arizona
3 Sep 12
in ourarea, caigslist always has tonsof free and barter items-- and dump prices are so high people leave free things bytheir mailboxes all the time. I get tons of good stuff that way
@marguicha (225508)
• Chile
31 Aug 12
If you live at a place where tle alpaca will be on an adecuate environment, I think your barter is absolutly awesome. I hope the babies come out allright. I imagine you have female alpacas somewhere. If not, I don´t unde4rstand where you´ll get your crias. I not barter much, except what you would call bartering with friends.
• Tucson, Arizona
1 Sep 12
I live on a ten acre farm, and the alpacas have about 4 acres to roam on and a big building to live in. I have 3 girls right now, and now the male to keep them company. Considering the amount of adult activity they've been enjoying all day, I'll have 3 crias by next summer at least LOL. I am trying to get another girl, a few sheep and some more chickens -- and a pig. My alpacas are being bred or fiber, as I spin wool and weave-- alpaca wool is valuable when it's spun-- a 4 ounce ball here sells for 15-30 dollars depending on thickness and color. barter is great! I barter excess firewood for manure for the compost pile, woven blankets for cookware, all kinds of things.
@Jennib1 (62)
• South Africa
31 Aug 12
When I had my slimming business I used to barter treatments for other types of services my clients were involved in. For example I had a client that was a personal trainer at our local gym. I exchanged my treatments with her for free personal training sessions. I had another client that sold exclusive jewelry and she used to exchange pieces of jewelery with me for free slimming treatments. As the economic situation is worsening all the time I think that the bartering system will become more and more popular. I think it is a good thing because instead of being selfish we will start to learn how to help each other again.
• Tucson, Arizona
1 Sep 12
wow- that sounds interesting! I agree barter is going to become even more popular. I also bartered some mint today for some fantastic cherry tomatoes, and some blueberries and blackberries for some paperback books. I keep up a sign here at the farm saying barter welcome, so I get all kinds of stuff