Accident anyone? Do you want cheese with that??
By Loverbear
@Loverbear (4918)
United States
September 1, 2012 12:33pm CST
It's Labor Day weekend and the idiots are loose in full force! Since yesterday was pay day we went to town...we should have known better. There were tons and tons of people which means tons and tons of cars! We were driving up one of the most dangerous sections of California highway, Cuesta Grade, when a person pulling a trailer SIGNALED they were changing to the slow lane. An idiot in a dark blue truck came flying up behind me, swooped over to the slow lane where the car with the trailer had just moved to, and came within fractions of inches of hitting him. The moron had to go onto the siding and up part of the hill...I was sure there was a wreck in the offing!
Why in the name of all that's holy do you need to race like that? You're using extra fuel that we are paying huge amounts of money for, your endangering lives including your own, and you're only saving a few seconds by being an idiot! I've proven it to myself many many times!!!! Get real morons!!!! Someone loves you and they will be in enormous pain if you are seriously injured or killed in a vehicle mishap...and it was just because you were impatient and wanted to save a few seconds!!!!

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8 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
1 Sep 12
I have seen some of the most idiotic drivers out there, and have ridden with a few myself, making me want to say pull over and let me take the wheel.
Though I have seen dangerous driving from 18 wheelers, which makes me nervous to be anywhere near one of them on the road...
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
1 Sep 12
There was an 18 wheeler on the road yesterday that was making me very nervous. He would swerve back and forth in his lane and there wasn't any cross winds or rough road. We stopped for a few minutes in one of the towns to do some shopping, then continued on our journey. When we got to the base of Cuesta Grade the Highway Patrol had him pulled over!
I am extremely choosey about who I ride with. If it is someone who doesn't drive very well I will make the statement that I will drive since my car is cheaper to run. It usually works. Otherwise if they won't let me drive I will say that I'm busy and can't make it. They don't get the hint, but at least I'm safe.

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
2 Sep 12
I haven't seen any crazy drivers today when I was out, but the stores were very packed...
My husband said because of the three day weekend, but if these people were shopping for a cookout, they were running out of time, by this afternoon we started getting the remnants of Hurricane Issac..Nothing really bad, just rain and the weatherman said it is going to rain all three days.
So in my mind, I was thinking they were shopping for foods that don't need refrigeration or much cooking and batteries, because when we got the remnants of Hurricane Ike years ago, we lost power for 4 days.
But like I said, it just seems to be rain, no power outage, but if suddenly you don't see me here, either we lost power, or my son talked me into playing a game with him because he can't go outside....

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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
2 Sep 12
I can not stand California drivers. We live din Monterey for about 2 1/2 years and have been in the San Diego area for about 6 months now. In the middle we lived in Texas for 9 months. I do not know where California's learned how to drive, but they do not abide by the rules. God forbid they use a turn signal. My husband makes fun of me because I hate driving down into San Diego because people fly down the interstate and are all over the road. I'm use to small town driving and people who can drive!
Glad you are safe!
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
3 Sep 12
I swear that the California drivers attended the Acme Kamikaze School of Driving!
The only place I have found that has worse drivers is Florida.
I too have fits at the drivers who don't use turn signals! I keep yelling at them that I'm not a mind reader and don't know what they're going to do. I also have even larger fits at those who drive down the road with the signal going and going and going. On the freeway you can't pass them because you aren't sure if they're going to change lanes or stay in the one they're in.
I have gotten to the point that I don't like driving to town anymore either. You never know what is going to happen. One night I witnessed an accident where a PT cruiser got smacked. The cruiser had the right away, and a young man was racing to make the light and smacked the cruiser. (Don't buy a PT Cruiser, they don't hold up during a wreck! It was a lower speed accident and parts of the Cruiser were sailing everywhere! There were pieces of the vehicle over 100 feet away from the wreck!) Any how the young man promptly lost his temper and the screaming and vulgarities that flowed from the guy's mouth were horrible. He also smacked the Cruiser and leaned across the hood and glared in the windshield at the poor lady and screamed at her for a good five minutes, while beating on the hood of the car. She was terrified. When the police finally arrived they really had to work hard to coax her out of the car. When she finally got out of the car her legs couldn't support her and she had to be helped to the curb so she could sit down. The whole thing about the accident was the fact that the cars were both seriously damaged because the man wanted to make the light...saving about a minute and a half in his travels. With the accident he lost several hours and his car. What has happened to common courtesy? What about patience? And how about slowing down a bit and enjoying life?
I have lived a lot of places and in many countries and California and Floridian drivers are among the worst. I'm not saying all the drivers are bad, but the bad ones are more noticeable than the good ones.

@nenyalorien (899)
• Philippines
1 Sep 12
Whoaaa. Good cautionary story here.
Thing is, some people actually don't think about saving time. They are in it for the adrenaline rush. Either that, or they're really idiots, or they're taking their anger/rage out on their driving.
Either way, you're right: people love them and they would do well to not endanger their lives and other people's!
Have a great week! :D
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
1 Sep 12
Yea I know, my dad is one of those crazy drivers. Today he almost ran head on to a green car on the right side of us. If mom and I hadn't yelled for him to stop we would have been in a car wreck--a bad one. Then yesterday we were all in the same car again with him driving and he didn't look on the left side first when a car could have run right into the back/side of our car. I'm lucky to be sitting here typing to you all right now. I could scream how he drives sometimes. Other cars aren't too swift either. Last week a car behind us tried to force us onto a highway with no where to merge into yet. Honking their darn horn like mad, I tell you being on the road these days is dangerous. :(
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
1 Sep 12
I wish there was a way to control crazy drivers. You're a prime example of what I am complaining about. If the driver can't handle the driving they should turn the keys over to someone who can. It's the horrible drivers who take so many innocent lives, including lives of entire families! I hate to hear about the one section of Highway 41 in my area. There is almost always fatality accidents during the long weekends, and often it is whole families or almost entire families that are killed by idiocy! There has been times where maybe one of the children are the do you explain to a child that their family is gone forever? How do you comfort a child that may have had burns to 25% of his body and is going to be disfigured for life...simply because someone wanted to shave a few seconds off his travel time?
I am soooo happy that you are still here! I made the statement to my father when I was 15 1/2 that I wasn't going anywhere with him again...and I stood by my statement and wouldn't ride with him again. It was bad enough having to have him in the car when I took my driver's test. Mom did most of the driving, and she almost pulled over and kicked father out of the car many many times. I wish she would have!
Have a wonderful weekend!
@Christine637 (358)
• United States
1 Sep 12
I think I'll stay in this weekend! Honestly, my husband and I intentionally stay off the roads during wacky weekends and New Year's eve. My hubby calls New Year's Eve amateur night.
When I see stupid crap like that I just so wish I could see them get pulled over. Where are the cops when you need them?
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
1 Sep 12
There have been a few times where the moronic drivers who have passed me and nearly caused an accident have gotten pulled over. It does my heart good, except for the fact that it won't change their driving habits.
One of the neighbors here is one of the worst drivers I have met. He blows off stop signs like they are a pesky fly! He has had more accidents than everyone in the neighborhood! He passed away a few months ago, and at least the roads are a bit safer.
I don't drive on holiday fact I'm not too happy driving on weekends at all. I do like your husband's title for New Year's Eve drivers! If you don't mind, I will use it too!! It totally fits!

• United States
1 Sep 12
How true your discussion is. I live in a small town but very seldom do i ever get out in the car that some moron doesn't pull something crazy like this.They not only endanger themselves but everybody around them. I'd like to take them & shake them real hard when i see them do something sooo stupid.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
1 Sep 12
I can't get out anyway, but I would never want to fight with traffic on roads and parking lots.