Clarity of Purpose
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
September 3, 2012 12:40pm CST
Mitt Romney's speech to the American Legion Convention;
It's text, so go ahead and click on the link.
I'd like to talk about anything he covered in this speech, but what grabbed me particularly is this:
[i]I recently traveled to Great Britain, Israel, and Poland – three countries that are part of the great fellowship of democracies. The highlights of the trip were not just the places I visited – like the Western Wall and Gdansk – but the meetings I had with great champions of freedom like Benjamin Netanyahu, David Cameron, and Lech Walesa.
President Walesa welcomed me in, asked me to sit down, and spoke with his characteristic candor. “Where is American leadership,” he said, “the world needs America to lead!”
I came back home with an even deeper appreciation of the importance of strong ties with our allies – and with an even firmer conviction that there is a role that only America can play in the world.
The United Nations is a place where nations can talk, but leadership– leadership that preserves peace and promotes freedom–must come from the United States of America.[/i]
What grabbed me about this is I've heard over and over from Ron Paul and Democrats, and our President that the world is tried of America interfering in other countries affairs. And I realized, it is not those who love Democracy, like our ally Poland, but those countries which seek to diminish freedom and liberty that are tired of us 'interfering'. Of course they are, they realize if we interfere, they loose.
That was only one of the thoughts I had, tell me what your thoughts are when you read this speech.

6 responses
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
4 Sep 12
No, we need to worry about things here. We are not the United States of the world. We are the United States of America and we need to stop wasting so much money on wars and helping other countries until we can help our people first. If Israel and the middle east want to fight, then let them fight. The U.S. has their own issues to worry about.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
4 Sep 12
You don't have a president who realizes that now, Aida. Remember, he approved the surge in Afghanistan and intervention in Libya. Libya hadn't attacked us and since we don't even get oil from Libya, why should we care? Oh yeah, Gaddafi was attacking his own people. But we didn't get involved in Syria where Assad is killing his own people, maybe because our Secretary of State said that Assad is "a reformer". No points scored on that account for Obama. He will get involved when he thinks it is in his best political interest, and won't get involved when it won't benefit HIM. Not for the benefit of US or the World, just what is politically expedient.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
4 Sep 12
The U.S. needs to go back to the way it was. Allowing our allies and more to fend for themselves unless they specifically asked for help, not jumping into wars without clear cut evidence (e.g. knowing where Osama was before we entered Iraq could have saved many lives of our soldiers), and bringing our troops home. We are not the world police.
We fought for our freedom.
We fought when we were attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor because we have proof that the japanese attacked us.
All this shows is that if Romney is elected, he will most likely reinstate the draft and send many more of our people (who may or may not agree with the war) to their deaths so he can "lead" the world.
Any other wars or military occupancy were not our place to get involved in and we need to have a president who realizes that.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
3 Sep 12
Um, we can't handle our affairs at home. We are in debt from helping others, our kids are falling behind in education, people can ot afford healthy food, people can not afford basic care, ect. We SHOULD NOT be leading the world! The world doesn't need a leader, sticking our noses in other peoples business is one of many reasons we are failing as our country (this goes back many, many years) We need to fix America first, the worry about everyone else.

@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
4 Sep 12
I am on my phone and will write more later.i aplogize in advance for any typos. I wanted to address the military issue. know any military people? My husband is in the Marines. I have not seen recent numbers that show a negative attitude towards Obama. We had 6 Marines over this weekend and on Friday night there was a political discussion. These guys aren't mad at Obama at all! They can comprehend the fact that changed takes time and someone who wants big war like Romney is not being realistic. Maybe their view is unique because they are linguistis, but we know several military personnel in various different jobs, at different bases and none of them are have ever expressed this anger you say they have. I have heard disappointed over the years, not pissed. That was from conservative folks. They want out of the middle east just as much as everyone else.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Sep 12
The executive branch of government according to the law of the land, the Constitution give the President and Congress the right to declare war (Congress) and sign treaties (President). IT DOES NOT give the president the power to bomb Lybia without Congressional approval, (and there WAS boots on the ground as well) and to make 'deals' with foreign powers without Congressional approval. It also does not give the president (any of them) the power to 'executiv order' away the bill of rights.
And it IS the president's job, when a country threatens America to take steps to protect America.
@sedel1027, then why do you all want to keep electing the same liberals who put us in that position? When you decide to post figures for Clinton, better make sure you give the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS forcing him to do what had to be done and how Reagan got us in better economic position WHILE strenghtening our military and standing up to USSR despite having to fight the Democrats.
And, I'm sorry, who said the world did not want us sticking our noses in their affairs? OUR ALLIES have asked us to do just that, and Obama has thumbed his nose at them. hint Eastern Europe-Poland
Crossbones, the MILITARY (our soldiers) is overwhelmingly p!ssed at Obama right now, so don't even go there.
@crossbones27 (50156)
• Mojave, California
3 Sep 12
I think some people are not getting enough of sticking their noses in who people marry and what people do in their own bedroom. Basically Americans are not giving them access to invade their private life so now they feel the need to stick their noses in other countries business. Its funny because these are the same people that say they want government to stay out of everything. Its one thing if a country poses a threat to us. Its one thing if the people of these countries are asking for our help. Not the UN but the countries themselves. I have not heard of such cases. Maybe Israel has because they want extra back up but we have been trying to tell them to hold off and find more diplomatic solutions. It makes me extremely angry when most of these people have never even served in the military.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
4 Sep 12
The one thing that stuck out to me was when he said,
[i]With instability in Pakistan and horrific violence Syria, and with North Korea having shared nuclear technology, the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction continues to be very real. And we are still at war in Afghanistan. We still have uniformed men and women in conflict, risking their lives just as you once did.
All of this and more is happening around the world right now. And yet, for the past four years, President Obama has allowed our leadership to diminish. In dealings with other nations, he has given trust where it is not earned, insult where it is not deserved, and apology where it is not due.[/i]
This is where the crux of the matter lies, in my eyes. We cannot lead or pretend to be of any consequence when our "leader" is insulting to other democracies and groveling to Muslim nations. Trusting those who are against us in ethics and ideals is... well, it's stupid.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Sep 12
The warnings come as the aftermath of the so-called “Arab Spring,” when numerous Islamist parties gained power and influence across the Middle East. This is particularly the case in Egypt, where Obama personally intervened in the removal of former President Hosni Mubarak and thereby helped to usher into power the Muslim Brotherhood-connected Mohamed Morsi.
The Obama White House earlier this year hosted the Muslim Brotherhood and bypassed Congress to send $1.5 billion of American taxpayers’ dollars in military aid to the organization. FBI Director Robert Mueller has stated on the record that the Muslim Brotherhood supports terrorism and has significant ties within the United States.
Indeed, the Obama administration has already made it clear that it is willing to engage the Brotherhood, differentiating them from "radicals" like al-Qaeda—even as the Brotherhood's motto is "Allah is our objective, the prophet is our leader, the Koran is our law, jihad is our way, dying in the way of Allah our highest hope." Likewise, a theocratic, eschatologically-driven Iran is on its way to possessing nuclear weapons—all while the international community stands by.
In short, as it becomes clear that violence and intolerance are inextricably linked to concepts like caliphate, jihad, and sharia, so too should it become clear that the threat they pose is here to stay: the caliphate, jihad, and sharia have a 1400-year legacy, prompting Dabashi's observation: "Suppose you prove beyond any shadow of doubt that Islam is constitutionally violent, where do you go from there?"
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
3 Sep 12
why would america lead when we have a united nations that can lead effectively? the republican nominee and candidate is trying to push for US supremacy again in the world with the rising power of china. the US is trying to stay relevant in the global scene as other countries have established their mark on the global power scale. mitt romney is rallying voters to put back the US at the center of politics.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
3 Sep 12
The united nation is not pushing liberty, but is in the group of the second group Romney talked about. We need to get out of the United Nation, and the nations that do push liberty and freedoms need to start keep up with their alliance.
The United Nations wants to bring the USA down and get rid of it, just like Obama is doing.
The United Nations is not friendly to the US, but is being dominated by marxist and Muslim country. We have lost our say in this. We need to tell the UN to stick it where the sun doesn't sign.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Sep 12
Mensab, the UN is not exactly having success in leadership. Why are there so many many wars and human rights violations around the world if they are effective? And I would remind you, that the supremacy of America ended both world wars, the supremacy of America led to scientific and economic break through for most of the world in medicine and other sciences. And the supremecy of America, for now, is holding back jihad accross the globe. I would remind you that it pays to have a strong America when you are attacked by a bully.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Sep 12
Here's what the UN has gotten us.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
4 Sep 12
From reading some of the posts to this discussion it saddens me that so many people don't believe America should be leaders in the world any longer. So many places and countries owe their well being and even their freedom to America and her leaders of the past. That leadership has degenerated in the past three years to such a point that it is almost extinct. We have no leader in the whitehouse rather we have someone who bows to third world leaders and apologizes for percieved wrongs without demanding apologies for real and undeniable atrocities commited against America. This president no more has the well being of America at heart as Iran does and I don't believe you will find very many Iranians who want America to thrive. The sooner we get rid of this abomination who calls himself president, the better.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
4 Sep 12
"The world is tried of America interfering in other countries affairs???? " That is absurd and senseless. May be the terrorist network is having that sentiment instead of the 'world' especially a free world make up by free people that can make up their own mind.

@lampar (7584)
• United States
5 Sep 12
If i am a strong man from Africa continent, i will definitely going to use that tagline, without America interfering in my REGION, i can stay in power for many more decades by impoverish many more in my CONTINENT while continue to receive aid from U.S. Or if i am a leader of a regime from middle east, i can use that too occasionally during mud slinging session with U.S during UN general assembly. Or if i am a president of Communist party from very far east, i will definitely love it if America no more interfering in the world affair, the vast eastern world will belong to my communist party forever not just the land but also including every inches of the sea and straits. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Sep 12
I agree. Of course those who want a weak America so they can be free to rule would not want America to interfere. Makes sense to me.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
5 Sep 12
I think WWII showed us that it is the madmen we need to pay close attention to.