How much considerate you are?

@deserve40 (1656)
September 5, 2012 12:25am CST
In many cases we find that people are expected to support us but they really do not support. That makes us feel sad and we start disliking such people. However, if we carefully consider the position of the people from whom we were expecting the support, we find that they were not able to support due to some valid reasons. But for this we have to consider their situation under which they did not extend their expected support to us. So, how much consider are you in such conditions? Please share your experience and suggestion on this subject.
6 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
6 Sep 12
I am a considerate person and my friends knows about it. but sometimes I also run out of resources that no matter how much I tried or wanted to help someone my capacity is limited. As long as I have the ability and capacity to help others,I always try my best to extend.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
7 Sep 12
It is really good thing that you try to help your friends and you extend your support to your friend to the fullest of your capacity. This a sign of a good friend. It is rightly stated that "A friend in need is a friend indeed". Thus you are a friend indeed. However, as rightly mentioned by you, limitations are there for you and so is for everyone in the world. So many times you would not be in a position to help your friends and family members eventhough you had all the intentions to do so. Now this very thought and understanding makes more and more considerate towards our friends and relatives and even towards all unknown people. When we know that we may not be in a position to help someone due to our limitations, we indirectly understand that others may be in the same condition and so they may not help us. But if this understanding is clear in our mind, we will never have any complaints against those who failed to help us. Perhaps this understanding is one of the most important feature of every human which makes a person free from all sorts unhappy feelings against those who did not help the person. Thanks for sharing your views here friend...! Have a nice time...!
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
7 Sep 12
Exactly, it takes one to know one. I have written an article regarding this matter, let me share it with you. Enjoy the privilege of helping others Helping other people is not an obligation, it is a human instinct dictated by the pureness of one’s heart. Exactly as you read, helping other people is not an obligation; it is what your heart dictates and what your mind conceives. You must remember it’s not every day that you may find the chance of helping a stranger. It is not every day that someone come and asks for your favor. It’s not all the time in a day that people come for your kindness, so why deny the opportunity of giving yourself the ability to help that’s in your hand. Whatever help you give is your privilege, because by helping the others you are helping yourself to improve. You are giving yourself the chance to prove that you don’t need supernatural powers to save someone. Through helping the less fortunate you can tell yourself you are blessed than the others. Helping those in needs brings pleasure to your heart, that no wealth can compensate and no amount of reward to make you proud. Do not regret for the money you’ve spent and never count every minute wasted if ever you failed to save someone after giving your best. The value learned from such experience is, you proved yourself you are not selfish. That is one of the most important reasons of your existence, to live and help. Because, the season is not always the same, what if one day you find yourself standing on the brink of crisis and the first person who offers a hand is the least you have in mind. Help sometimes is offered by a stranger who is your angel in disguise. Therefore, be an angel in disguise to anyone you can reach whenever you stretch your hand to help.
@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
i think we need not be angry if the person we expect support has failed to. we need to analyze the circumstances that prevented him from doing it. it maybe that he was also in a tight situation or there are factors that makes him incapable of doing it at that particular time of our need.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
6 Sep 12
I fully agree with you that we should be considerate with the people. However, it is worth checking how many times we are considerate even with the most loved person in our life. Many of the problems in human relationship occur due to this lack of understanding and lack of consideration. Thanks for the response friend...!
@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
It is better to be around people who are considerate people because they can be trusted and dependable. It is difficult to be around narrow-minded people. I love people who are considerate but first you need to be considerate with them too and don't demand so much from others, sometimes demanding a lot can be irritating too.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
6 Sep 12
It is always desirable that you are with the people who are considerate. Presence of such people because they will make you feel comfortable. As they are always considerate, you will not fear if you do not act as expected. Thye will consider your position and understand why you have acted in different way. But the problem that we do not find too many people who are really considerate. In my opinion most of the people are considerate but many times they are in different mood and they do not considere your position. So if you can manage to remain with the people who are considerate and broad minded, I think that you are very lucky person. Thanks for the response friend...Have a nice time...!
• China
5 Sep 12
I always keep this old saying in my mind"God help those who help themselves".So actually I always do not expect someone else can support me,but if they willing to offer their support,that will be great.I think we always should learn to deal with the problem by ourselves,face the reality and get through it.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
5 Sep 12
Very good idea...! We should be self dependent as far as it is possible. I agree with you that we should try to do our work without expecting anybody's help. If someone is ready to help us, it would be advantageous to us but if there is no one, we shuld learn to solve our problems independently. However, there are many situations, where you need support. I believe that however you might be very powerful person but you will need support of other at some point of life and at that time you start looking for the help of someone whom you love, trust. Hapyy MyLotting friend...!
@Otanetix (508)
• United States
5 Sep 12
I try to be a considerate person when I see person needs some assistance. When I help someone, I do not expect any type of award in return. For people who do expect something back, I feel that they are missing the point of helping someone. When you someone, it is because there are no conditions attached, which means to don't expect anything to be given to you. You should help because you want to help them regardless of receiving something for your good deed.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
6 Sep 12
Your understanding about helping others is really worth praise...! When we help others we should not expect anything in return. It is called "selfless help". You are in a position to help someone and so you are helping others and for that you do not expect to do anything in your favour. Here you want to help others for your own satisfaction that you have done something good, something which your heart says should be done, something makes you feel better... In our religion it is preached like this "DO YOUR DUTY AND DON'T THINK ABOUT RESULT" . Nice thoughts...have a nice time friend...!
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
5 Sep 12
As the second to the youngest in the family, I am very much considerate when it comes to my family. My father had a mistress and he has a daughter with her too. :( But unfortunately, we can't do anything about that anymore. All of us graduated from university and have our own job except for my youngest sister. She is still in her 2nd year college. As a father, I think it's normal to give financial support to her. But my father is not giving her tuition fees anymore and even my sister's pocket money. I don't feel any hatred towards my father with that, what I feel is pity. I pity him of his situation. Why? Because he still needs to support the child that he had from his mistress. I know that he is not obliging himself anymore to give tuition fees for my sister because we already have our own job. We can support my sister towards her education. That's really happening. I just pity him instead of hatred. He doesn't have any job right now and he is kinda old to put up his own business. But until now, he is always finding a way to earn money. I am considerate with my father.