Why is Paul Ryan lying so much?

United States
September 5, 2012 7:37pm CST
I honestly am not attacking Paul Ryan, before he was selected for VP I thought he wasn't a bad guy. I am sure everyone on here knows that I don't like this policies, and his economic ideals are the exact opposite of mine. But, that doesn't mean he isn't a good guy. He seams to be a good family man, he answers questions when most don't, and he stands up for what he believes (even if I disagree with them you have to respect people like that). But, the more you learn about him the, more questionable comments you find. Some of these are just honest mistakes, and he has apologized for them, but others are out right lies (which shouldn't surprise us for a politician). But, the Marathon lie is what gets me. I have no idea what you would have to gain by lying about your time in a marathon. It isn't like there is a huge running community that would believe his claim, or would swing their vote to Romney because of this. Can anyone on here explain why you lie about something so trivial?
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12 responses
@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
6 Sep 12
Ryan also told a lie a worst or an exaggeration at best in his convention speech. He said Obama came to his home town and gave a speech where he hoped to save the local GM plant. Ryan then blamed Obama for the plants later closing. However, the truth is that Obama gave the speech in February when he was still trying to win the nomination. Four months later, GM announced that the plant was closing, as Obama was winning his parties nomination. The plant later closed in December, 28 days before Obama became President. If you want to blame Obama for things he did or didn't do, at least blame him for things when he might have had the chance to make difference.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 12
He said that if he were elected, his policies would keep the plant open. That's a promise, it certainly was taken as a promise by those who heard him speak. Squirming out of it with semantics is not a satisfactory answer. If I told you "Give me five bucks and you will have it back on Tuesday", you would consider that a promise and if I didn't come up with the money, you wouldn't be telling people I didn't lie because I didn't say "I promise".
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 12
Actually, not true. The factcheckers needed checking on this one, they lied. The plant closed after Obama took office, in 2009. He promised it would remain open and if necessary, plants would be retooled to remain open. Didn't happen. It's really that simple. Obama didn't come through on any promises, why get all worried about this one?
• United States
6 Sep 12
Rollo, from what I read, he didn't promise to save the plant. So he didn't lie.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
6 Sep 12
I have been wondering the same thing, but what worries me that if you lie about something so small as a marathon what else have you lied about. I mean to me it is just odd. I guess he wanted to make himself seem younger or something? I mean it was just a marathon. As you stated, no one was going to vote based on how fast he ran a marathon. Still, if you are willing to lie about something so meaningless, what else are you hiding?
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• United States
6 Sep 12
I just don't see what you would get out of lying about a marathon. Now, he has lied about other subjects that either suited his purpose, or tried to derail people looking into his record (the house insider trading bill is a prime example of this). But, I still don't know what was to be accomplished here.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 12
But why did Michelle say Barack's grandmother was the secretary in a bank, when she was, in fact, the president of the bank. She shaved a little money and private school tuition off of Barack's history to try to establish how poor they were, is it so bad to shave a little of your marathon time?
• United States
6 Sep 12
Rollo, I am not sure of what you are talking about with Barack's grandmother. But, if this did in fact happen, than you could see the benefit of doing this, not to say it is right. But, what good comes out of lie about your time in a marathon that happened decades earlier? As I said: It isn't like people are going to vote for him because he did really well in a marathon. The vast majority of Americans couldn't even complete a marathon, if you told me you ran one in five hours I would just be impressed that you FINISHED!!!
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
9 Sep 12
debater, I wondered the same thing. I didn't read much on it because frankly I don't care. But yes, what a dumb thing to lie about. It does of course beg the question what other things to lie about. I, like you thought him an upstanding man. Now I have to wonder. Bottom line I dont see the point and dont really care where or when he runs. and whether he ran a marathon. Pure silliness.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Sep 12
yes and it is too bad because you simply can't get a straight answer when they are in politic mode.
• United States
10 Sep 12
This reminds me of Sarah Palin feeling like she needed to answer everything question that was posed to her. We are all used to politicians answering question with political speak.
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
6 Sep 12
So you ding Ryan on his marathon lie but ignore the fundamental fact that our President basically lies every single time he opens his mouth. Very odd. But I guess you are happy with those blinders on.
• United States
7 Sep 12
Well, likely he was guessestimating his time based on his current mile time. Since it was only one marathon and it was quite a few years since he actually ran it, remembering the exact time isn't front and foremost in his mind. But then you know that mental math isn't always accurate by listening to President Obama try and do it with a teleprompter in front of him.
• United States
6 Sep 12
Sierras, I hear this claim often by right wingers, yet since Ryan was selected as VP his speeches have made the fact check people a lot of money. I am not trying to attack Paul Ryan, I just don't understand why he would say something that isn't true, nor will help his cause in any way. It just doesn't make sense.
• United States
7 Sep 12
Sierras, my point is that it makes no sense to lie about something so meaningless. I don't understand why he didn't just say that he ran a marathon and it was so long ago he doesn't remember his time and leave it at that. I think the most telling part of this is that he has NOTHING to gain by lying about this. At least if he was lying about something that could get voters you could say he was pandering. But, does his marathon time make you want to change your vote, or vote for him?
@crossbones27 (50178)
• Mojave, California
6 Sep 12
I guess he just wanted to sound cool, or he could be just a compulsive liar. He might have told so many lies that he don't even know what the truth is anymore. Just like Eric Cantor could not remember the lie that The Romney campaign is using about medicare.
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• United States
6 Sep 12
Cross, I think that many people in power have this lying problem, maybe it is all of that power?
• Mojave, California
8 Sep 12
It could be that, or they are in it just to have power, and not for what they are really supposed to be doing.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
6 Sep 12
You convinced me! I won't vote for him for some how he was untruthful or a mistake about his marathon time. Or Debbie Wasserman Schultz lie about Israel's ambassador claiming that what the republicans are doing is bad for Israel. She is caught in a lie and she is still digging in on it. Or her democrats lie that Romney and Ryan will take Medicare away from the seniors, when no above 55 will be effected. The left just keeps up these lies. Or how about Romney being responsible for a lady dying of cancer. I can continue but you should get my point by now. There is so much worse lies out there. Why don't you guys on the left bring these up? Why? Debbie still won't admit she is wrong and digs in on it. When the head of the Democratic party is proven to be lying through her teeth and the left is okay with it - this is a big problem Also, to let you know, the fish Ryan caught is only 12" long not 18"...that's even a bigger lie.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
6 Sep 12
Well said.
• United States
6 Sep 12
Fat, as my post states, I am not trying to attack Ryan personally, I just don't understand why you would lie about something like this. There is NOTHING to gain, and it only makes you and your running mate look bad. I hate to compare this to Palin, but it is hard to not make the connection when you look at what is going on (which Palin should be upset by the lack of media coverage on Ryan's mishaps, when they highlighted ALL of her's). I was trying to find out what you are talking about with Schultz, but couldn't find anything. I am trying to point out that there are much larger things to lie about, so why lie about this? You can talk about Schultz all you want, but when Paul Ryan was caught red handed by CNN when it came to the insider trading bill he continued to say he had nothing to do with it, but later admitted that the bill was changed by his office with help from republican lawyers weeks earlier. It isn't like this is the only lie that Ryan has told, they are starting to add up in alarming numbers. But, you still haven't answered the question of: Why lie about a marathon?
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
6 Sep 12
Nice try! "I am not attacking him personally" Why would you post this if you are not attacking him. Dah? Try googling wasserman lie Israel. First story is on examiner.com, second by New York Post, On Debbie Wasserman Schultz caught in lie on quote of GOP on Israel. "Why do people tell fish stories?" This is my answer. Kind of who cares?? But more important items like Wasserman Schultz is more disturbing and where is the MSM on this?
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
6 Sep 12
Name of the game I guess. It is something fairly trivial to lie about though. I use politifact a lot to check up on what candidates say. Paul Ryans track on Politifact record is as follows: True3 (14%)(3) Mostly True3 (14%)(3) Half True6 (27%)(6) Mostly False6 (27%)(6) False2 (9%)(2) Pants on Fire (9%) 2 If you go to this link http://www.politifact.com/personalities/paul-ryan/ you can read what each of the statements are Now they don't cover every thing these guys say, but it will give you a basic idea.
• United States
6 Sep 12
WOW, that is not a good record on telling the truth. But, I am sure most other politicians aren't much better. I still don't know why you would make a statement with nothing to gain from it at all.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
6 Sep 12
Maybe because he actually forgot? I forgot how old I was one time. I didn't actually lie about my age, I just forgot. Some things are not important, including this. But if you want to talk about lies, we can come up with some better ones. Not from Paul Ryan, though.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
6 Sep 12
They all have their moments: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/elections/2012/us-president/
• United States
6 Sep 12
Peavey, I believe that is the point of this discussion: Why would you say something like this when you know people will find the truth. But, this isn't his first lie like this. He did the same thing to CNN a few months ago, and we all know about Ayn Rand. Sometimes it is better to say you don't know if you truly don't know.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 12
I find sports to be the most important issue when voting. I don't know how anyone can overlook it. Although I think it's important for someone to know his marathon time to the micro-second, there is another sports' issue that I found even more worrisome. That was when Michelle Obama scolded Olympian Gabby Douglas for eating at McDonalds. I mean, that was a sports moment in history. Not everyone has the temerity to tell an Olympic medalist that she's fat.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 12
That's the second time you've intimated that what I say happened didn't happen, and in both instances they are on videotape. You need to get out more. And find a sense of humor.
• United States
6 Sep 12
Rollo, this has NOTHING to do with sports, it has to do with Paul Ryan's ability to tell the truth, and why he would lie about something to trivial. As I said, I am not trying to attack Ryan, but understand why he would lie about something that wouldn't help him in the least. I didn't hear anything about the McDonald's comment, but I think that what she eats is her business, unless her actions are hurting someone. In this case, they were not (if what you say happened really did).
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
6 Sep 12
I've said stuff that ended up not being true simply because I had forgotten what the truth was. I'm largely indifferent on this issue because I don't support Romney to begin with. If I did, then I'd be upset that he picked Paul Ryan. Ironically, you and I have this one thing in common, that Ryan seemed decent at the start, but for some reason he's fallen off the wagon. Part of it, is that the American public simply won't accept the reality of the situation. They've believed lies so long, that if someone really did say the truth, they'd be voted out instantly. Like Medicare for example. Everyone should know that the current system in not sustainable. Paul Ryan should be standing up and saying his plan is to gut medicare, which would be more accurate. Instead he said their plan is to "strengthen and stabilize" medicare, without saying what exactly they propose. Classic political double speak. Very comparable to the "hope and change" and "believe" crap Obama campaigned on. Oddly, I still completely support the economic policies that Paul Ryan otherwise supports, but that's still irrelevant because he won't be calling the shots. Romney the Socialist, will be making those choices. Even if Ryan wasn't making up completely irrelevant things like a 3 hour marathon run 22 years ago, when he doesn't remember at all how fast he made it, I think he'd be better of staying in congress and fighting the idiotic democrats there.
• United States
7 Sep 12
Andy, I agree that people can, and do forget the truth at times. What I struggle with here is what he would have to gain by even talking about this. It isn't like anyone really cares what time he ran, or really if he did at all (although, I know how hard it is to run a marathon, and I couldn't do it today). I thought Paul Ryan was a pretty decent man, I think his policies are a little extreme, but I think if was to team up with a more moderate democrat they could come up with something that could help the country. He doesn't appear to be a hard liner, but I think you are correct in saying that he would be better off staying in congress where people will care about what he says. When it comes to politicians lying, I agree with you that we are used to it. But, I do think that if the public knew everything that was going on it would be much harder to run the country. Most Americans don't know how bad the US economy was four years ago, and unless you paid close attention you wouldn't of known it. For better or worse, the government limited the information coming out of Wall Street for what appeared to be the betterment of Main Street.
• United States
9 Sep 12
I'd like to know why he requested funds from Obamacare, an act he vowed to repeal. He also publicly opposes stimulus money, but then requests funds. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/06/paul-ryan-obamacare_n_1862147.html http://www.thenation.com/blog/169757/exclusive-paul-ryan-quietly-requested-obamacare-cash
• United States
10 Sep 12
It shouldn't surprise anyone that a politician would try to get money from something they oppose. Why should they discriminate when it comes to spending our money?
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@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
6 Sep 12
Hi for get about politick when a person with there family there ok but when you see Paul Ryan on you tube is like watching Sat night live he probly has a writer write his speaches that I think come from the Kosh Bo ( they say the name sound like coke) they gave a lot money to the Rommeny campinege me i saw the dages in Wisconsin I think Paul Ryan think he not lying when you can see he his thank to him Im vote all Dem this year by party line ok have a grat day