Loved Clinton's Speech!
By lelin1123
@lelin1123 (15594)
Puerto Rico
September 6, 2012 11:06am CST
Bill Clinton's speach last night was so good. I can listen to him for hours. He is so smart and I love how he broke down what would happen if mitt/ryan were to be elected into office. I think if everyone no matter your partyline heard his speech would know what to do on November 6th. It is pure common sense to vote for Obama/Biden. We don't want to end up going backwards in time especially for the females of this Country, along with the poor, middleclass, gays, straights, and all nationalities. It was plain and simple ARITHMETRIC for me what about you? Please only reply if you watched Clinton's speech. Thank you!
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14 responses
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
6 Sep 12
You are very brave to state this publicly on mylot. The rightwingers and tea party people will come out and try to destroy you. They did it to me and they gang up in a horrible way. So I do not answer any political posts any more. I do not live in the USA but my country is close and when the US sneezes then we get pneumonia

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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
6 Sep 12
Funny you should say that because I keep posting things on Facebook too and my sister called me on it. Saying, "you can't keep doing that." I said its a free country and I can definitely say what I want, where I want. My point in writing this is because people need to wake up to what will happen if mitt/ryan get into office. They need to believe that things will go backwards for many people. I think Obama has done the best job he could under the circumstances that he walked into. It kills me that there are people in this world that will vote against someone because of the color of their skin. The rightwingers and tea party people can try to destroy me but their words will not mean anything to me because I know the truth and what this great country needs at this time, and that is another four years with President Obama and VP Joe Biden. God Bless!
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@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
6 Sep 12
You were good up until the point is that "people will vote against someone because of the color of their skin." Isn't that as bad as the people who will vote for someone because the color of their skin? Who is really the racist?
The sad fact is that the economy is not improving. There is another recession in the very near future. In fact, on January 1st, it won't be a probability, it will be a reality. Even Bloomberg has stated this.
A few other sad facts are the number of people on food stamps, the decrease in wages, the hidden inflation that is driving up grocery, gas, and food prices, the number of people out of work, the number of jobs that are still going overseas, the fact that we are still losing more jobs than gaining, the fact that the majority of State budgets are in the red, the rising cost of health care, the record number of people on social security disability, education cuts, and so on...
But it is always fun when people ignore the facts to make blanket assumptions that really aren't true.
The fact is President Obama could have done better. He could have expended more effort in getting Congress to work together. He could have spent the last year actually doing his job than campaigning. He could have kicked Congress in the butt (like Clinton would have done) and got them working together. He could have been an actual leader instead of giving endless excuses on why he couldn't get things done.
Most companies wouldn't put up with an employee that keeps saying things aren't his fault, even though he is the one in charge. President Obama is our employee and he is not doing his job. That's more than enough reason to not vote for him.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
6 Sep 12
@ lelin
I have just watched the speech on UK television and I am in awe. He was down to earth and practical and just brilliant. I am going yo be brave and say that President Obama is the best person for the job. If you can be brave then I will be too.

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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Sep 12
Hi lelin, I agree that it was a great speech and although not an American, I follow politics very carefully and I think there is much truth in what he had to say. The right wingers have taken over Canada and still have three years left in their mandate, which is very scary. You live is a great and free country and it's good that you can express the way you feel, just as others have a right to disagree with you. It will be interesting to see the choice that people will make in November. The important thing in my opinion is getting out the vote. When you get a high percentage of people voting, you know that you have the choice of the people, no matter who wins - and that's what democracy is all about. Blessings.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Sep 12

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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Sep 12
See what I mean re being attacked? I am so happy that you did not respond in the same way

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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
6 Sep 12

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@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
8 Sep 12
Yes, I watched it live. The guy really nailed it. ARITHMETIC. I see you have collected the usual motley assortment of right-wing crazies. Let's see if I can get this straight. The prosperity while Clinton was in office was a result of the actions taken by George H. W. Bush and the recession after Clinton left office was Clinton's fault. the recession obama inherited from W is Obama's fault. These guys never accept responsibility for screwing up in a big way. It is always somebody else's fault. We are short a trillion dollars in revenue because of tax cuts? Well, that is because the tax cuts weren't big enough. No WMDs in Iraq? We never said they had them. Some people are incapable of handling reality. If the facts disagree with ideology--the facts must be wrong.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Sep 12
I know when Clinton was in office I was so much better off financially. Then when Bush was in office not so much so all due to 9/11 and being laid off of work for almost a year. I worked in the WTC at the time of the attacks and got out just in time. Now with President Obama in office I have been better off and I truly see things are getting better. I know its slow going but this is why I believe he deserves another four years. Especially also because he was able to kill Osama Bin Laden something that Bush couldn't do in all thoses years in office. For me it was because he was not looking for him. Why would he, he was friends with his family.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
6 Sep 12
Hi s speech was great!!! I enjoy a lot
he one of the best speaker around
and every thing he said was fact
the right wing nut will try to chnges
his words around they are trying to do it now
and you are right is is plain simple arithmetric
im going to see if his speach is on you tube to send
to some friend who are not on fb they were right now
they do not want to vote for any one they live in wisconsin
maybe I can get her and her mom to vote to the left
with this great speech ok have a great day.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
7 Sep 12
Yes he was great and I just hope and pray people realize what is at stake. If they watched the speech and have common sense then they do realize. I'm just so afraid not a whole lot of people have common sense across this country.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
6 Sep 12
It is simple arithmetic if you use the right number to start with.
First you start with a growing economy when President Clinton was elected. After the Clinton tax hike the economy grew at a slower rate than expected and real wages decreased. While the economy did grow from 1993 to 1997 it was not what was expected. Once he worked with the Republicans and reduced the Capital Gains tax from 28% to 20% the economy grew by 1/3 over the previous year and real income increased by 1.7% rather than declining.
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
7 Sep 12
He did not work with the republicans. The republicans forced him into signing it. He did not want to do it, but he didn't want to look as a do nothing president. Good things Newt and Dole knew what to do because Clinton was too busy molesting interns.
This is a good point to show why we need to decrease taxes, instead of Clinton saying we need to increase taxes as he eluded to in his speech.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
6 Sep 12
I also enjoyed Bill Clinton's speech yesterday. 'Twas nice to see the man is still very charismatic. I especially liked his facts stating and simply "arithmetic" pitch.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
7 Sep 12
Me too! It was a great point and very funny!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Sep 12
I am Canadian but if I were American I would not vote for Obama. When Clinton was president, he cooperated with the Republicans and cooperated with them, but Obama will not. He wants his way and no other. He wants everyone in America to pay for those who will not and cannot pay for their healthcare. Consequently you will all get poor healthcare. If you want to see your future, just come up here and see how long it takes you to wait for a necessary operation. And I do not think americans should pay for a woman's elective abortion.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
6 Sep 12
So you are going to vote for Obama based on President Clinton's speech. Here I thought it was Obama running for office not Clinton.
But let's look at some REAL ARITHMETIC...
5$ Trillion dollars spent just by President Obama.
NO Federal Budget the entire time President Obama has had office.
Obamacare won't keep health care costs down.
Afghanistan is worse. Egypt is worse. Syria is worse.
Americans are going to pay more than ever before for health care.
Medicare recipients are beginning to see major problems in just seeing a doctor.
More people on Food Stamps than ever before.
Still an 8% unemployment rate.
Gas prices are higher than they were in the Bush administration.
Grocery prices are higher than ever and are going up again due to inflation.
We aren't energy independent.
CO2 levels worldwide are increasing.
Energy prices are rising due to restrictions on coal and fossil fuels. People forget that this is cheap and affordable energy. Without cheap energy, the poor can't afford their electricity bills. Solar and wind are just too expensive to be affordable.
The unemployment rate is still at 8%.
Wages have dropped since he has been President.
Still losing more jobs each month than are being gained.
The list goes on...
Now what part of that really makes common sense for re-electing President Obama?
Unfortunately, as good as President Clinton's speech was, it doesn't negate the economic facts or the economic realities.
There is no doubt President Clinton is a good speaker. But the realities really speak for themselves. No endorsement is going to change the basic fact that President Obama has been demonstratively a poor leader who spent all his capital on a health insurance bill that benefits the insurance companies more than benefits the American people.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Sep 12
Still voting for Obama/Biden in November.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
10 Sep 12
Like I said earlier I was voting for Obama/Biden way before Clinton's speech. I believe there are alot of people voting for our President based on what the republicans did the eight years before our President received the garbage left behind by Bush. I also believe that there are alot of people who will vote based on the color of the skin of the candidate, unfortunately. All due to being racist, it is out there and in 2012 its quite disgusting. However, I believe there are many more women, gays, miniorities and common sense people who will vote to re-elected President Obama and Joe Biden.Not to mention the number of republicans who have decided to vote for Obama/Biden. I'm a 55 year old white female voting for the best candidate to take us through the next four years. Also he unlike Bush was able to get Osama Bin Ladin killed, the person who tried to kill me on 9/11. That alone would have sealed the deal for me!
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
10 Sep 12
So your qualification for voting is that he gave an order to Seal Team Six to kill Bin Laden?
Is that his only real accomplishment?
What is his plan for the next four?
Better yet, what do you expect him to do with an Congress that is likely to be as uncooperative as it is now? What if he actually has even more Republicans to deal with? Are you willing to put up with another 4 years of blaming the Republicans for everything? At some point, that just isn't going to fly.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Well, I see you have some responders who did not read your discussion properly and I have to chime in here. I heard part of it and he's a really great speaker but what I want to say is regarding your remarks about how people react to your politics. You see it here in this discussion with people disagreeing with you when you obviously want to talk with kindred spirits. I know how that feels! I belong to a board of musicians and used to enjoy political discussions with them until the past 6 years when everyone became to partisan and unable to separate party with personal philosophy. I know how you feel when you say people tear you apart for your opinion. I quite posting in that particular room--they were 98% liberal and I'm a conservative. We just could not have a civil discussion because they were so adamant and refused to accept a different point of view. And here I see the same thing in reverse!
I respect your opinion and you're entitled to it. I'm just mainly posting to tell you that you have support for your opinions from a Tea Party admirer (there are no chapters near me or I'd be a member) and Republican--actually, I'm an Independent that is forced to be a registered Republican so that I can vote in the primaries. If there was no disagreement allowed, we would still have a king and queen and be living in tyranny.
So you keep on offering your opinions. Don't let anyone intimidate you. That's what this country is all about. If someone doesn't like it, they don't have to read it. That's freedom and I thank God for it.

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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Sep 12

@millertime (1394)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Clinton said the same thing that all democrats say in their speeches. He tried to scare everybody into voting for their party by telling them all the bad things the republicans will do if they get elected, even though it's all hogwash. Even the fact-checkers had to admit that what he was saying about the republicans and what they want to do was not accurate. That doesn't stop a politician from saying it though.
He was trying to further the democrat party line and get Obama supporters all fired up and feeling good, which is exactly what he did. Political speeches, especially at a party function and in this case the biggest party event they have, are nothing more than a pep rally. I paid no more attention to his speech than I did any of the speeches at the republican pep rally.
Now they can get on with the actual campaign and go head to head in the debates and maybe people can decide which way they want the country to go.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
10 Sep 12
Well FOX NEWS also said that Mitt/Ryan were telling a bunch of lies. For FOX NEWS to state that it has to be bad.
@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
6 Sep 12
I think Clinton brought up a lot of good points. More or less he said everything Obama Can't say. Obama can't keep saying the that he would of have gotten a lot more done if it were not for Republicans blocking his every move. So Clinton did it. He also did a great job of explaining the difference between the 2 sides policies.
The great thing it was pretty truthful, unlike those speeches in Tampa.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Bill's indiscretion is not even comparable to women being paid $.77 on each dollar men make for the same exact work. Thanks to Obama caring, being a woman is no longer considered a "preexisting condition", and we will no longer have to pay higher premiums. Under the republican platform, it will be criminal to abort a fetus in the case of rape, incest, and if the woman is in danger of dying during child birth.
@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Did you want me to list all the republicans currently holding office who had affairs, while championing the sanctimony of traditional marriage and family focus?
@Fatcat44 (1141)
• United States
10 Sep 12
Say what you want about the other republicans, but it still doesn't change the fact that Bill molested his internships. This has nothing to do with other republicans.
And the point of the .77 cents show how ignorant you are on what really is going on. In the same job, women and men make around the same. In general women make less because they are working the secretary and clerk jobs instead of the higher paying management jobs. They are stretching the truth on this.
And it is not true about incest and rape...the dems are putting words in the republicans mouth. And your child birth does not make sense, because there are c-sections for this...I think you mean something else here, but I am not sure.