treatment update

@daeckardt (6237)
United States
September 6, 2012 6:53pm CST
Hi all! I have been doing pretty well overall, but have had a few minor setbacks. I was not able to get a treatment this week because my platelet count was at 39,000 (needed to be at least 70,000 and normally is 100,000) and my hemoglobin and white counts were low as well. I have been scheduled for another blood transfusion on Tuesday and my "day 15" treatment that was supposed to happen yesterday will occur next Wednesday unless counts are still too low. I really don't feel bad about it since I know I am like a know...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. I just hope that everything starts turning around pretty soon. I am getting close to being off the oxygen now. While I was waiting for lab results yesterday, the nurse lowered my tank to 1 liter of oxygen and my sats stayed at 100% and then she took the oxygen off altogether for an hour and it was still at 100%, but when she tested it after I walked the hall it was down to 91% so my doctor told me to only use it when I was going to be out moving around. It is nice not having the leash on in the house any more. I can't wait to be rid of it altogether! I hope everyone else in myLot world is having a great time!
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12 responses
@marguicha (225708)
• Chile
7 Sep 12
Dearest Deb, I hope that you can get your treatment soon. Those counts really stink. I always dread what they will be when it comes to measure them. I know that it is best if the trestment is done when it should, but our body is not always prepared to reciebe it. The doctor gave me Neupogen to help with that when I had full chemo, but I had to buy it myself and it was so expensive that my famiñy had to help. I´m so glad your breathing better. In no time at all you will be getting your plant to give you batural oxigen. HUGS! We´ll get there!
@marguicha (225708)
• Chile
7 Sep 12
Sorry for the faults in writing. My glasses are downstairs
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I just wish I could go back to the once every three weeks schedule of treatments, even though that made me lose my hair, at least I didn't miss any treatments due to low counts. I just talked to my brother in Taiwan a few minutes ago and found out that he had surgery and the hospital there is a lot better than mainland China. His nose was packed because they scraped it out to help his breathing and they also cut something in the back of his throat to help reduce his snoring. He will be in the hospital for a couple more days and hopefully then he will be doing much better. He was saying his full cost was about $80 for three days because his insurance paid for everything except the private room. Have a great weekend!!!
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@marguicha (225708)
• Chile
7 Sep 12
My sister also hasd a nose surgery a couple of months ago. The doctors thought it was sinus, but she had a sort of benign tumor that was pulling her nostril to one side. So it was surgery, not to worry, but bothersome. I would not want to lose my hair again. But it came out very baby like and I´d love to have it thicker. We´ll see what happens when it gets longer. HUG!
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@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Wish I could just send you a load of platelets, I seem to make lots of them and every time they take them they make even more. My highest has been 568,000. I have had some positive things going on, that are not really my story to tell, but it has been a good evening. Hope you do well, and congrats on the o2 sats improving.
@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
7 Sep 12
They started contacting me and saying they were high about a year ago. I began doing donations a few months after that. I am not sure why mine are high, they were at about 450,000. When you give platelets your body decides you are needing more and so it kicks up to a higher production. I have not asked my doctor if I should be concerned. I know my brother used to have high platelets and donate them and so did my dad. I am also like them in that I am always warm, and I wonder if it is all part of the same thing. I know that 86% of the population can safely receive platelets that are my type--o+. I was so touched, the first time I gave they said it was so beneficial for the cancer patient that received them that they wanted me to come in as often as possible. I do. It is a half hour drive away from here, but it is a town where I like to shop anyway, so we will make a day of it. I give a triple unit of platelets in less than an hour. I clot back up nicely though when I am done, no excessive bleeding. No leg cramps, good hemoglobin. I feel very fortunate and healthy and I feel like it is a special blessing to give. Anyone who has 150,000 or more can give. I know some people try and cannot, though.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I know they can give people platelets because my mom had a problem where hers went away all the time. When she would get down to 4000 they would give her loads of them. How do they get that high??? I have always heard that normally they are at around 100,000 so I know that being as low as I am is not good, but at least I don't bruise from a simple touch. I'm glad things are going well for you. Have a great weekend!!!
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 Sep 12
I don't know if they plan to try to give me platelets or just let me build back up naturally. They say I can get treatments as long as my count is at or above 70,000. I just wish I could get finished with these treatments and be able to get back to just living! Oh well...
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Maggiepie, my client and fellow mylotter is in the hospital, and probably will be for at LEAST a couple more weeks. They have put in a permanent trach and she'll need more rehab and training to take care of her trach, but she does sound a lot better and stronger. She is always going to be on oxygen, but maybe now she'll be better able to get around her place.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I'm so sorry to hear about the trach. I have seen people with those and it seems like it would be a lot of trouble getting used to it...but I guess you can say that about any new thing they do to my colostomy. I hope that does help her get around better. I hope she is doing better and you are doing well as well!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I would think so, but she sure had better be planning on taking care of it herself, or I very well may be looking for another job!
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
7 Sep 12
glad your breathing is better at least. i hated it when i had to walk around with the tubes getting all tangled and all. i to strived with everything i had to get off it. i finally made it just hope it lasts longer, sometimes i worry about having to get back on it. at times stress will have a big factor on our health. hows your kitty?
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I can't wait to be totally rid of the oxygen. I think my doctor really thought it might only be days, but I guess I got dependent on it like a blankey for a baby or something. My kitty is doing fine, but I don't really know if she ate her medicine or not so I guess I might need to bring another sample in to the vet to get rechecked. But I think I will wait for some other sign that something is wrong rather than just checking. Have a great weekend!!!
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• United States
7 Sep 12
Hope everything goes well with you, my best wishes to yu.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Thanks for the response! I saw you visited my blog. I hope you liked it. Have a great weekend!!!
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Wow this... I do not know how to begin. My mom has been dealing with cancer for about 3 years now off and on. She SEEMS to be doing well but the doctors say it is "incurable" Well let me tell you i had no beliefs of this because I have my faith in God. I do not CARE what doctors say I believe that my Father will anser my prayers. So anyway, I want to pray for you and I will and I hope that Father will answer my prayers for you too. My mom is doing pretty well considering what Doctors want to say. She is in high Spiritits... she does not tell me much about her treatments. Sometiems she can't get one, like you. but I always have her in my prayers. I will keep you in mine also.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I guess the main thing is how is her quality of life. I think if I was told I was incurable I would go somewhere else because traditional western medicine doesn't look into all possibilities and only looks at what the pharmaceutical companies are pushing. I have been told that ovarian cancer recurrences tend to be chronic and I can accept that. If it looks like treatment isn't working any more and it is making me sicker than the disease itself is, then I might look into other options sooner. I hope I go into remission at least long enough that my doctor lets me travel so I can look into medical tourism to see if I can find a better way. I pray that your mom stays in high spirits! That is half the battle and gives her the best chance!
@AmbiePam (96728)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Still thinking about you!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 12
hidaeckardt I hope th e blood transfusion will bring up your red and white cell counts so you can have your treatment. You do sound upbeat which is alway s good so the doctors sa y in regards to Cancer survivors.Its good you will soon be off the oxy gen soon too.I am having an okay time just being here mylotting today.Its hot again here in So uthren California' but what else is new? I am hoping that soon you will reap all the venefits from the treatmens and be totally well again
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I also hope that the red cell counts improve. They don't add white blood cells so they just have to build back up. I am more worried about the platelet count since that was the problem that eventually killed my mom. I know what you mean about always being hot in southern California. I remember those days even though I haven't been there since about '97 or so. I'm glad we finally got rid of our month of 100 degree days here in MO. Unfortunately the drought killed most of the corn crop here but at least we got some rain both last weekend and today. Thanks for the response!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Sep 12
Good news, bad news, huh? Life just sort of seems to be that way... I'm winding up a birthday party for the twins that started yesterday at 4, and ends when all the girls who slept over have been picked up. Then I can decompress.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
10 Sep 12
Just out of curiosity, how old are the twins? If there was a sleepover either they are in grades school or older. I hope that went ok. I guess it is just a matter of taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly...Have a great week!!!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Sep 12
12 and their older sister is 15.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
7 Sep 12
I have no language to express my sympathy to you. Honestly I feel for you. I believe you will overcome and hope you will be with us us for long time.
@stk40m (1118)
• Koeln, Germany
7 Sep 12
the sooner you get rid of it altogether the better! It may take time though until all the paramerters are set to the correct values. Speaking of which... setting the parameters... that's something I've been quarreling with, too for the last two 1 1/2 years. I'm programming a software which still needs some parameter fix done. It's getting better bit by bit, a few setbacks in between, but so far it has always worked in the end whenever I wanted to implement a new idea. It's just a question of time. Waiting can be very hard but it is an ''experience'', in your case it is a ''life experience'' and we must go through it to reach the goal.
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• United States
7 Sep 12
You do have a lot of challenges and you do seem to be handling them well. I only had to go through chemo and radiation once each and it was a challenge for me. I was babied through it though, I didn't go to work and no one was expecting anything from me. I remember the white count blood test before the chemo and crossing my fingers. I just wanted it to be over with it. I never needed oxygen and I feel for you but really glad you don't have to have it all the time. My father fought lung cancer last year and that seemed to be the one thing he did NOT want to have to do. I don't know how you feel about that cliche - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but I know in a way it is true!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Sep 12
It is definitely true! My brother keeps telling me that he could never deal with some of the things that I have dealt with over the years, but I am a strong person and have always been. I know that all these little trials are making me stronger and I just have to remember that saying. Thanks for the reminder!
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