Obama's Speech
By Juliyan23
@Juliyan23 (600)
September 6, 2012 10:27pm CST
Actually I'm not into politics and I am not an American citizen.
But I've just watched his speech accidentally in my national tv . I was just planning to change the channel when suddenly I was hypnotized by his speech - it was about the imigrant , health, hope , and change.
And I do care about what he has said - I found myself almost cry fully of hope.
I do admit I don't really know what he has done what he has given to American citizen or even people around the world since he has been a President. BUT , what he has just said is the biggest motivation and inspiring me .
Would be "the politic" later as just simple to do as he said?

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8 responses
@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
Hi Adhyz. I'm fine thanks. How about u?
Oh yes, absolutely. Sometimes I feel hopeless when I saw our recent president was giving a speech. I did feel himself were hopeless to be a president
Obama talked vigorously - he was like speaking what was on his mind at that time with all his optimistic vision. Just like a person who has just gotten an independece status for his country, Soekarno.

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@adhyz82 (36248)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
iam back from Mosque now...
Every president of course have different characteristic..
No one is similar in our country..
I don`t know if it is good or bad for us..
We don`t need a speech if the implementation is not done by the government office..
i think in our time, we need only a humble leader but their instruction is effective for being this country prospery and better..
Note : I can`t send message by mylot feature..so i can`t replied your mylot message..so i use this discussion for asking you..Do you have facebook account or some like that??
@crossbones27 (50176)
• Mojave, California
8 Sep 12
Juliyan- I am glad his speech inspired you. I think we need more of our leaders who think the way President Obama thinks. You can probably see you have a couple of posts that are bashing our President. Now they will tell you that they are just being realists. In my opinion they are not though. They are just trying to bring people down so people will not like this President and this way he can not get reelected. They will try to tell you Obama is just full of false hope and he has no clue on how to run a country. When yet it was there point of view that brought the worlds economy to its knees.
If you read up on his policies, he has had to make very hard choices and it always comes at a price. Anything anyone does at that level will effect someone in a good way and some people in a bad way. It just the way the world works. All he can hope for is that it helps a lot more people than it hurts, and that he can find other ways to help the people it might of affected in a negative way.
The difference about this President and the people who want to see him get fired is, they are only looking out for their own self interests and President Obama is trying to look out for everyone. Even though they are trying to take his job away from him. So you keep on your path and you do not let these people bring down your spirits.
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@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
8 Sep 12
Thanks, Crossbones27
Yes, actually I didn't expect so many people would agree with me since I know that every man who has been in his power - then would be a lot of haters out there. Even the choice that he has decided for the best - it wasn't the perfect way. But I don't care about what it's called perfect if better is really bringing the great change.
I don't know why they are bashing Obama since I knew Bush was terribly leader - and Romney is on Bush side (I know Bush didn't talk ahead in the convetion due to avoid some issues) .
I'm sorry if my comment seem so naif or fool , I find it hard for me to talk what's really on my mind since this topic - the politic- is one thing that I hate the most . 

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
7 Sep 12
I watched both the Republican National Convention (RNC) and I watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC), and I was more moved by Obama's speech than I was by Romney's speech. Romney's speech was very depressing. It didn't feel like he was giving people much hope, and I don't like that voucher system that he is offering. I have a grandmother who relies on Medicare, and if that were to be taken away from her, she would go bankrupt and wouldn't be able to get any care at all.
With Obama, he addressed so many issues, and he explained everything. I felt like he was laying out his plans, and he was telling people that things were going to be okay. He also said, "Here is what I have done so far... and here is what I plan to do if you re-elect me." It felt very inspirational.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Your grandmother's Social Security is not in danger. The Ryan plan does not change anything for those 55 and older. And the voucher program is voluntary, anyone can choose it or decide to stay with the government's plan. IF something isn't done quick, that's when your grandmother's Social Security will be in danger as the program is failing and will be broke soon.
As for inspiring speeches. Hitler was an inspiring speaker too. And look how that turned out for everyone. It isn't about slick speeking skills, it's about putting the country on a path to solvency.
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@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
Well, actually I haven't watched Repblican National Convention. But I heard a rumour that , yes - Romney's speech was very depresing , a negative one fully filled by black campaign. But I'm not into seeing his speech , since I know Bush was from RNC, rite? And I really hate his policy and strategy while he was a president , it just created an image how his party isn't an inspiring one.
Oh yes - I heard Obama said about voucher on medicare. Medicare turn into voucher care? He seemed hate on that offering . Actually I don't really know what medicare does about - and why voucher was an issue that Romney said it would save Medicare form bankrupt. I'm lost in this case.
But , yes.. Obama explained everything well , he could calm down all people from many issues. I also touched by his saying " The change .. is you " and he started telling about the imigrant , the soldiers, all .
@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
And yes - It all felt very inspirational :)
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
7 Sep 12
Obama talks a good game but very rarely backs it up. I could only watch about half the speech before I couldn't stomach any more of his garbage. He lies at every turn. Here are some of his mistakes.
"I'll close Guantanamo."
“I will remove earmarks from pork projects before I sign any bill.”
“I promise 100 percent transparency in my administration.”
“I promise no new taxes on a family making less than $250K a year.”
“I will allow five days of public comment before I sign any bills.”
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today...."
“I will end income tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”
"I will bring all of our troops home within one year."
“I’ll put the health care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table.”
"Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's."
"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something."
“I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."
“I promise that I support traditional marriage-1 man-1 woman."
"Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go."
“…today I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.”
"I'll resign if I don't cut the deficit in half by the end of four years."
"I'll unite the people of this great country."
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
9 Sep 12
And here is a list of his lies. They seen to outweigh his promises.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Keeping promises doesn't mean anything. Was Hitler great because he kept his promise to kill the Jews?
No. If you make a crap promise, you are not wonderful for keeping the crap promise you made.
So I don't give crap that Obama kept his bad economy ruining promises. That's not a plus.
When Hoover in 1928, promised to impose protectionism, and hike tariffs on all imported goods. After he was elected to office in 1929, they proposed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.
May 1930 Hoover received a petition, of 1028 US economists across the country, pleading that he veto the Tariff saying there would be huge economic and monetary effects that could ruin the US economy for years.
Hoover ignored the economists, and a promise made, a promise kept, signed the Smoot Hawley Tariff and the country was in an economic depression for more than 10 years, exact as the economists had predicted.
So with all due respect, you can bag your crappy promises kept. Bad promises that are kept, are still bad promises.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Ten pages of promises kept.
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@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
8 Sep 12
Hello my friend Juliyan23 Ji,
Well, if you could let me know those inspiral words , what Obama told. I only herd saying, what he did and what he intends to do if he re-voted to Power. But there is vast difference in telling befor e election and acting after occupying hot seat. This factor is common among all oliticians globely. So they are defeated afterwards. While opposition always criticises while sitting opposit, but when they come in power, they re[eat same mistakes. So the change of Guard happens.
May God bless You and have a great time

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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Last I checked, Obama-Care was passed.
Last I checked, Obama Stimulus was passed.
Last I checked, Obama gutted Welfare Reform.
So regardless of what the Republicans have prevented, a ton of economy ruining legislation has passed.
Further, the economy doing better is irrelevant. We should be completely recovered by now. Instead we are still doing poorly.
Merely being better than it was in 2008, doesn't mean it's as good as it should be. And the truth is, it isn't.
Even Obama's own economic team said we should have recovered by now, but we have not. Why? Because Obama has been screwing with the economy so much, just like Hoover and FDR, which is why were are in a slump, just like Hoover and FDR.
Same actions, same results.
The economy would recover if the government did absolutely NOTHING. The economy is a naturally caused systems. You don't need anyone from government to tell you to buy stuff. Nor do people need the government to tell them to sell stuff. Well guess what sparky? Those two things right there, are the fundamentals of any economy, and shockingly, they happen on their own.
Government blowing tons of money, is causing tons of debt, poor spending practices, and eventually will demand higher and higher taxes. And high taxes ALWAYS causes a slow economy.
Do you know what the average monthly income *AFTER TAX* was in Greece even BEFORE the 2008 crash? 700 Euros. That's just under $900 a month. That wasn't the poor people in Greece... that was the average. That was the middle class monthly income... just $900 a month.
We're heading towards that right now. As taxes MUST go up to pay the insane debts your precious Obama racked up, our incomes will decline, and we will end up like Greece.
So unless your lady bug magic, can magically make the $6 Trillion dollars in Obama created debt go away... you can stop complaining about the Republicans, you've got your own mess to clean up.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
9 Sep 12
The mystery remains to me how his policies are ruining our country when the republicans refuse to pass any of them...
Even Mitt Romney says the economy is doing better under Obama when asked about it.
"Of course the economy is getting better."
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Adolf Hitler was a great speaker as well.
Obama gave great speeches four years ago too.
I believe that the other side simply comes down to people not wanting to change America into a socialist society. There are still plenty of us that believe our great freedoms come with great responsibility. Some of us still believe in the "American Dream" where somebody with just a dollar in his pocket and a great work ethic, can make it big. Some of us still believe that we should take care of ourselves and each other with out the government forcing charity.
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
7 Sep 12
I think that some politicians improve their skills by speaking in front of the people. They learn how to speak and how to make promises. In fact word has a great power and can motivate the audience. On the other hand, when politicians arrive at the power, not always they can do all what they had promised.
@Juliyan23 (600)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 12
Yeah you are absolutely right - even when they said they have done as their promises , the result wasn't like we expected before. Isn't a person called politician if she/he isn't selfishly holds the power