Does God Guaranty that all your Holy Books come from Him????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
September 8, 2012 12:44am CST
If you find God in your Holy Book, does that mean everything in your Holy Book comes from God?? Isn't this a Big Assumption???? Does God really guaranty every word is His?? Is policing that Holy Book really an intelligent thing to do?? God wants all His children to be able to stand on their own two feet rather than constantly having a crutch and being dependent. We are meant to Think, not blindly follow. God wants us to be able to see things as they are. That means no sheltering people from what actually exists in the world. Besides, if God stopped someone from writing their own part in that Holy Book wouldn't God be taking their free will to do so away?? God's system runs itself. It doesn't need constant babysitting as policing Holy Books would be. It's all based on our free choices. The only hate and punishment that exists in it are the ones we choose for ourselves. One can learn to rise above such things. Question is: Why doesn't everyone??
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14 responses
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
8 Sep 12
God has promised to save the Holy of change .. This tell you with confidence that the Quran has not changed and that permanent the word of God to bump up God before the Day of Judgment, Allah said in the Quran " It is We who sent down the Koran, and We watch over it."
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Sep 12
So you are telling me that anything that does not change comes directly from God?? Mankind has never liked change. To fight change caters to mankind's will. Change is a part of life. I can see where one might think God's book would be written in stone and never change, however one must first be sure the book came from God. Does a Being capable of creating universes have to resort to threats and intimidation to get His children to do something??? I think not, yet that is exactly what Holy Books do. Clearly, that is mankind. Consider this when you read that Holy Book. Simply because something does not change does not mean that it comes from God. If God would actually write a book, it would change. It would expand as our knowledge expands. You see, as much as you can learn from any book, there is always more to learn. God will not stop teaching you.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
9 Sep 12
The Holy Quran not changed because God Almighty promised us to keep it , but people changed , please understand me
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Did God tell you this directly or was it written in the holy book that says it's from God but was really written by mankind? There is a Big difference.
@livewyre (2450)
5 Nov 12
If I might answer from a Christian perspective? Christians generally become interested in the life of Jesus either through reading the gospels or by hearing someone talk about His life. It's not like one is looking for a God as such, but the 'problem' that Jesus gives us is 'who is He?'. Is he the Son of God?, was he a madman? or was he trying to con people? Personally I am left with the feeling that he was exactly who he claimed to be (never blatantly claimed it, but that's another discussion). That being the case, I note that Jesus quotes the Old Testament on quite a few occasions, and therefore I can feel a certain amount of confidence in those scriptures at the very least. I couple this with a general feeling that if God has left us this legacy in book form, then he can probably ensure that it stays more or less intact and accurate for a couple of thousand years - and if he can't, then he's not really god is he?? Of course you can't guarantee that all scriptures are 'Holy' and some books are still subject to debate (the book of James I believe is one of those), nonetheless the more I read, the more I see that it all ties together into one message. I also am led to believe that as more fragments of scripture are found, they all tend to 'prove' the authenticity of the texts we use today. You cannot of course persuade someone that your own Holy Book is the guaranteed Word of God, you can only encourage them to read and decide for themselves.
@livewyre (2450)
5 Nov 12
Of course, one takes on board direct evidence, and personal experience as well as what is written in scriptures - if it doesn't add up, one is not going to blindly accept it. Of course I have read the Bible, so I know that it says that 'all scripture is inspired by God' - this is the Christian view (the one that I am representing), Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God, given to men to write. It takes faith to read and accept the Bible, I find that if you approach the Bible with an open mind, then you are more likely to accept it. We learn about Jesus in two ways, naturally from the Bibke as this is the primary source of information on the subject, but also as you say from the person himself as Christians believe Jesus is present with us today. When you say that you tend to discover from the people themselves, are you not ignoring all historical figures? You don't doubt your own existence, yet you can't know your heritage if you can,t speak to your ancestors. When I answer these discussions, I try to make it clear that I am offering a Christian perspective, you on the other hand seem to offer plenty of 'corrections' (ie. suggesting that I may not have read the Bible and may not 'know' God) without actually offering any real argument. I would rather see you explaining your beliefs rather than trying to put mine down - let's face it, I'm not going to change my lifetime of thoughts and study based on a few comments inviting me to expand my horizons as if you thought yourself to be on some higher plane.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
6 Nov 12
You do not understand. I have been pointing to discovering God without beliefs or faith. It is not my intent to make choices for you. I place truth in the world. What you do with that truth is entirely up to you. If you choose to value beliefs, you will never have all truth. Reading the bible with an open mind just shows that it does not come from God. If you read with an accepting mind rather than a questioning mind, then I can see how many blindly agree with anything. Why is heritage important? Mankind takes from the knowledge ancestors gained in the past then builds on it. That is not the only way to learn. In this time based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. Study and understand why things are the way they are. If you study God's system and understand any of it, you will understand more about God than any belief system created by mankind. See the direction now??? Get the direct view instead of the view of others including all those ancestors and historical figures that some person writes about according to what they see not what is.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
5 Nov 12
If you have read the bible, how can you say that it comes from God? Clearly it does not. If you really knew God, this would be clear. As for Jesus,all you know about Jesus is what others wrote about him. I tend to discover who people are from the people themselves. Until then, I make no judgment calls. I do not want to depend on beliefs. Of course, one can study the direct evidence of someone's actions. One must be certain of whose actions one is studying.
• United States
9 Sep 12
God inspired the writers of the Bible to tell us what He wanted us to know about Himself, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, what He wants His relationship with mankind to be, and how to achieve that relationship. Everything that's in the Bible is there for a purpose. The Bible sets out specific guidelines on how we are to love God and our neighbor and gives examples of what happens when we don't follow those guidelines, but it doesn't prevent anyone from choosing to ignore that advice. If you take away the Bible, doesn't that take away one of our choices and in turn our freedom to choose? God wants His children to know that they can come to Him with any and all of their concerns, and that the Bible contains His principles for living in this world. Since it's what one does with the advice they receive from the Bible, you could hardly call it a crutch. Reading and studying the Bible doesn't prevent one from thinking. On the contrary, it awakens one's mind to a world of possibilities. It's obvious from your comments that you need to read the various holy books to see that you are way off base with your assumptions.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 12
your quote:God inspired the writers of the Bible to tell us what He wanted us to know about Himself, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, what He wants His relationship with mankind to be, and how to achieve that relationship. My answer: Does God really micromanage the world in this way. I see no evidence of that. Mankind sure wants to. You are also taking the word of the writers of the bible that they were inspired. What else would you expect them to say?? your quote;If you take away the Bible, doesn't that take away one of our choices and in turn our freedom to choose? My answer: Who is taking away anything? Mankind chooses to value their holy books. Mankind chooses to Believe every word comes from God. Yes, there are many lessons people will learn around religion. So much has nothing to do with God. your quote;It's obvious from your comments that you need to read the various holy books to see that you are way off base with your assumptions. My answer: I want to say this in a nice way as not to hurt you. If you really knew God, you could see that everything in those holy books does not come from God. This is not an assumption. It is an observation. It is one that is very clear. Start by letting go of those petty things mankind holds so dear. When they no longer mean anything to you, you will discover there is a much better way, God's way. You have all my love and kindness!!
• United States
10 Sep 12
"Does God really micromanage the world in this way." -- It's not micromanagement, it's guidance. "I see no evidence of that." -- You would if you'd get out of the rut you're in. "Mankind sure wants to." -- That's why the Bible is so valuable. We have a guide that is better than mankind. "You are also taking the word of the writers of the bible that they were inspired. What else would you expect them to say??" -- Since there is wisdom in the Bible that's beyond the limits of mankind, I'll take the writer's word that they were inspired by God. "Who is taking away anything?" -- You must think your readers are stupid. You're one of the biggest enemies of holy books I've ever encountered. "Mankind chooses to value their holy books." -- In the case of the Bible, it's with cause. "Mankind chooses to Believe every word comes from God." -- When there's evidence that it does, why not? "Yes, there are many lessons people will learn around religion." -- I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about the Bible. There's a difference. "So much has nothing to do with God." -- You're right and that's why religion and the Bible are not synonymous. "I want to say this in a nice way as not to hurt you." -- I find that a funny statement since you and I are seldom gentle with each other. "If you really knew God, you could see that everything in those holy books does not come from God. This is not an assumption. It is an observation. It is one that is very clear." -- I do know God and that's how I know that the Bible is from God. If your head wasn't in such a negative spin when it comes to the Bible, and you'd make the effort to investigate the facts, you'd realize it too. I know you've said you've read and studied the Bible, but you're too ignorant of basic facts in the Bible to make that believable. Therefore, you either won't investigate the Bible because you're afraid it's the truth and you don't want it to be, or you know it's true and you're simply an enemy toward the real God. "Start by letting go of those petty things mankind holds so dear." -- If I cared about the petty things of mankind, I wouldn't be advocating the Bible. In case you haven't noticed, too many members of mankind don't have much if any relationship with God or the Bible. Do you love me enough to fulfill my wishes for you and investigate the Bible?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 12
your quote:Do you love me enough to fulfill my wishes for you and investigate the Bible? My answer: I have already done that. So much of it simply does not add up. When I brought issues up that did not add up, you could not address them. The reason you couldn't is because your bible is written by mankind. The fact that they value many petty things comes out in their view, No matter how you blindly accept your beliefs, they are not the truth. Even taking someone's word that what they say comes from God is an act of blind acceptance. Why do you stop at beliefs?? Why don't you search for the facts?? your quote;You're one of the biggest enemies of holy books I've ever encountered. My answer: Enemies??? Pretty petty. Need a little Blame here?? I advocate the truth. If truth reveals holy books do not come from God, why does that mean I'm an enemy?? In spite that holy books all come from mankind, they aren't all bad. One can find some goodness in all of them. Is it wrong to suggest that people filter out mankind's part in order to get a view of God?? your quotes;You would if you'd get out of the rut you're in. If your head wasn't in such a negative spin when it comes to the Bible, but you're too ignorant of basic facts in the Bible to make that believable. simply an enemy toward the real God. My answer: Seems you aren't a happy camper. Come now. What is the real problem?? Do you really want to be free but religion has made you fear God if you don't abide by their stories and beliefs??? Ask yourself. If this really God they show you??? Search your soul on a quiet night after everyone has gone to sleep and the house is quiet and still. Deep down, we all know God. Stop getting your answers from others.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Sep 12
"Does that mean everything in your Holy Book comes from God??" If you want to know the answer to that question, you should gather the evidence. "Isn't this a Big Assumption????" If you refuse to look for evidence one way or the other, isn’t it just as big an assumption to think otherwise? "Does God really guaranty every word is His??" If the evidence shows that our Holy Book is from God wouldn’t that guaranty every word is His? "Is policing that Holy Book really an intelligent thing to do??" Whether you love them or hate them, Holy Books have a great influence on us. Policing them is necessary to learn if they are true. Your eternal life may depend on it. "God wants all His children to be able to stand on their own two feet rather than constantly having a crutch and being dependent." Does God want no relationship with man? Should His guidance be considered a crutch? Has man proven he can stand alone without God? "We are meant to Think, not blindly follow." Only those who believe what they’ve been told, with no evidence to back it up, are following blindly. "If God stopped someone from writing their own part in that Holy Book wouldn't God be taking their free will to do so away??" Do writers allow others to add to their writings? If man added his thoughts to God’s word without God’s permission, it becomes tainted. "God's system runs itself. It doesn't need constant babysitting as policing Holy Books would be." God doesn’t need babysitting or policing, but through his free choices and without God’s guidance, man has proven that he does. That is why learning from God’s word is so important. Without God’s guidance, man’s free choice might be the reason he doesn’t rise about the hate and punishment that exists.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
11 Sep 12
You can count of me just as much as I can count on you.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Sep 12
Then you will give up all anger and hate you have for me? You will smile and be Happy? You will feel nothing but Unconditional Love when you think of me? Show me the results, bestboy. You have all my Unconditional Love and Kindness, bestboy. You have had it from the very beginning. Does your religion teach you this?? That is God's part. You can forget everything else in your holy book if you can Love Unconditionally.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Sep 12
All God's children will learn not to Hate in time. Even the most stubborn person will understand hate once it returns to show them what their actions and choices really mean. God's system is teaching us all to Love Unconditionally. One would think everyone would want to go straight to the Unconditional Loving, however many choose to learn many hard lessons. Still, it's not the mistakes or path each takes that counts. It's always been the Results. Can I counts on Results from you, bestboy???
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 12
I am not going to say much. I read Christian's Bible also Muslim's Koran. If I have a chance to read Hindu's and Buddha's Holy books, I will read them too. I just want to know what those religion teach their people and I could always benefit from the good advise and ignore the bad ones. They are all made by mankind, according to their believe of God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Sep 12
If you drop a pebble in the water, the ripples expand almost forever. You have the ability to do just that. I was merely speaking of the wisdom that you do not realize that you have. Yes You!!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
13 Sep 12
your quote:I could always benefit from the good advise and ignore the bad ones. My answer: Ah Yes, True Wisdom. Your quote:I am not going to say much My Answer: You say more than you realize. Your quote: They are all made by mankind, according to their believe of God. My answer: Sharing your wisdom will lead people to God.
@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
13 Sep 12
Now, I am confused...
@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
8 Sep 12
Hi, Gos does not play dice with the Universe. Everything is in order, in their right places, following the laws of their intended paths: the orbit of the planets, the composition of the stars and yes, the way people should live their lives. Its all written down in a Book, so that, forgetful that we are, should not go astray from that path. Yes, we do have the capability of doing away with it. The only problem is the abuse and corruption of the gift of free will, the sole gift bestowed upon us, denied to angels and devils alike. Having this gift, we became the subject of their covetousness and they would do everything in their power to drag us down to their own level just for the sake of it. Thus, we can never really rise above it all, unless someone go down and help, and us letting be helped do it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Sep 12
your quote;Gos does not play dice with the Universe. my answer; Very good!! God knows what He is doing. Holy books may exist but that is not God's system. Further, is it really fair to take the free will choice away from the person who is writing that holy book the way they want it to be?? God doesn't selectively control anyone's free will. Religion has taught you to see evil in everyone. I see the goodness. Those who choose evil only do so simple because they do not fully understand all sides of it. People who do not understand will choose evil regardless of any holy book. If holy books did not exist, people would still move each other toward goodness and since the majority of people on Earth are good, the world would move that way anyway. Free will can not be controlled or compromised. If you do, it will undermine true learning and the acquiring of true wisdom. As far as needing help,God will send lessons, however God will not do it for us. We are living our lessons. We will be able to stand on our own two feet without crutches. Just like all the stars and planets work by themselves, God's system doesn't need the babysitting policing holy books would require. We are meant to discover and see things the way they are without constant sheltering. Do not shelter your children from the evils of the world. Teach them how to deal with it instead. That is the way to get your children strong and capable.
@urbandekay (18278)
8 Sep 12
Thing is Einstein from whom the dice quote comes came to accept that he does all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Sep 12
That's Great! urbandekay. Scientists are also starting to discover there might be order in disorder. The real answer is that when one reaches a certain level of knowledge then that which looks crazy all makes perfect sense, It is the lack of knowledge that makes one think God is rolling the dice when in the big picture everything works doing it. If it were really a gamble, a big mess would show up when your luck didn't hit. Hmmm?? There is much more to discover for us all, isn't there??
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
9 Sep 12
Yes God has guaranteed the last holy book He has sent to be free from corruption. I find this a wonderful argument "if God stopped someone from writing their own part in that Holy Book wouldn't God be taking their free will to do so away?? " I hope you are against all the laws in the country you live in because those too are meant to take away the free will of people. Please correct me if I am wrong :)
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
15 Sep 12
Good day bird123, I am so sorry for responding late. you said God does not need protecting. I agree. But the people need protecting, we have demonstrated the need by making laws. So God has protected His Word for us. Before God sent His words which were corrupted by mankind. That itself showed that mankind needs Gods protection for His message to stay pure. Of course God is much much higher than mankind and he can make sure His word is protected from corruption. As far as man made laws are concerned, It seems a good idea to have all kinds of freedom. But what will be the impact in a long run?? A lot of people will forget that Freedom comes with Responsibility. For instance Freedom of speech sounds good. But what if I start abusing you? Or if I start preaching hate. I am using my right to freedom of speech but am I allowed to say whatever I feel like saying? Tomorrow somebody can demand freedom to kill. If they are free to say whatever they like, why they are not free to do what they feel like doing? Please look around. How much damage we could have avoided if people had used their freedoms wisely. That is why we need laws. To protect ourselves and others.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Sep 12
As I said. mankind has a long way to go. I'm afraid mankind hasn't reached the upper level of the education chain. Yes, people will protect themselves, That is expected. Consider though, when freedom is restricted so is the creative view of others. God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. How many views are eliminated by restricting others? Still, people will make laws to protect themselves until such point where the intelligence level of people will not require it. As for God writing and protecting holy books, that's not happening. If holy books were crucial to God's system, God would make sure everyone had their copy. At this point books would not be needed just implant the knowledge. That is not what it's all about. It's not about following and believing. It's about God educating His children so they acquire not only great knowledge but great wisdom. Like all parents, God wants His children to be able to stand on their own two feet. How could one ever do that if the world is sheltered from us?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Ah. we have a Thinker here. Very very good. You are right.Laws in countries are meant to take people's freedom away. They are made in an attempt to protect society. What I find disturbing is that little effort is used to solve the problems. Why is it so much easier to lock people away and think that is the fix?? I'm afraid there is a long way for mankind to go. As for God, God does not need protecting. God teaches us all what our free choices really mean in spite of what mankind chooses to do. Intelligence makes the right choice. Given enough education, a rule book or a book of laws are not needed. With this in mind. restricting our free choices would deter our education. Now, we wouldn't want that, now would we?? Yes, I know. God is at a much higher level than mankind. He can do this. On the other hand, if mankind would work on the problem more, maybe there will come a time when laws would become obsolete.
@runsgame (2031)
• India
21 Oct 12
i am sorrry it seems you are totally confused. gods holy books are like laws of principles which is appearently followed in the earth. in the divine it is framed and the vedas / holy books are reflexing it . try to beleive the holy books . god bless you
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Confused I am not. All holy books are written by mankind. If it was important to God to supply a rule book, God would guaranty everyone got a copy and could read it. That is not happening. Perhaps, you should branch off in a new direction. Discover God for yourself and understand what God is really doing. This world is a Masterpiece!! Oh yes, God doesn't need a rule book.
• Thailand
8 Sep 12
My holy books do not come from a god and there is no god in them.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Sep 12
Chaing_Mai_boy. You are correct. All Holy Books come from mankind. On the other hand,who God is dwells in all His children. A bit of God is in all Holy Books even though it arrived indirectly so to speak.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
8 Oct 12
There is not a single Holy book that comes from God... Each one of them are written by man.. Yes there are some things in the bible that are true.. There are a lot of passages that have been change to suite the writers need, or what the flock outta believe.. but behind it their are selffish desires... God is true loving and forgiving... The holy bible is full of that, but also hate, war, deciet, and so much negative activities... So for the most part I look at the bible as a history book..There are certain things that should be repeated in the future then there are other situations that should never be repeated!!! Its like a guide, but not a gps that tells u each turn in the journey you should take... There is a lot of its ok in this situation but read in another part of the Holy bible its a sin... People choice to follow the bible instead of their own choices for one major reason that branches into more branches... Fear... fear of doing the wrong thing.. fear of failing God.. failing of rasing their children wrong... Faith should have nothing to do with FEAR... That is why many straw or never recieve God graces...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Yes, perhaps that is one of religion's greatest evils, creating fear. What makes things worse is that religion starts teaching people fear at a very early age when children can be hurt for life. Religion does not know what they are doing. They create hard lessons for themselves. It is so sad the picture many paint of God. Clearly they do not Understand God at all.
1 person likes this
• Mexico
10 Sep 12
Hi bird: At least for some people who are very fundamentalist about the truth of their religion, the answer is yes. In my humble opinion however, I think that religions must be analyze according to history and the events that affect the humans that take part of them. The most important thing about a religion is the message and the values not every single word. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Sep 12
Yes, God is in every Holy Book. We must all learn to filter out mankind's contribution. God wants all His children to Think. As long as people do that, there is no need for God to police all those holy books. One would have acquired wisdom when one can see the difference between God and mankind in those Holy Books. Once again, to blindly follow or accept is a mistake many will learn from.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Not all so called holy books are from God. God sent a vision to King James and inspired him to have the Holy Manuscripts translated into english so the people could read and understand what God wanted us humans to understand. He hired 70 translators to do Gods will. When they had finished they wrote a letter at the front of the King James bible and said they had done their best. There was a Queen called bloody Mary she killed people that tried to share the bible. Look it up on the net. If you want to hear the truth about Gods word listen to this man he can teach you so much.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Sep 12
Did God tell King James to go on a Witch hunt and gather up all the other bible version translations at the time? It wasn't pretty. It wasn't in a Godly fashion either. When you are a King, it's easy to get rid of the competition.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
11 Nov 12
I think the reason why we don't is the same reason why we use money rather than work to pay for the things we purchase.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Nov 12
You mean it's all about Accounting???? Mankind will evolve to do without that. Of course, there is a very very long way to go.
• Indonesia
9 Sep 12
The Holy Book from God can be proved, by sciences, history, etc. And the real Holy Book from God will be guarded by God Himself from human corruptions, contradictions and will never changed meaning because of the translation. If ur holy book possed one of those things abouve, u may need to doubt it, is that really from God??? Or just some group of ppl assumption???
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Sep 12
There is no doubt that much history can be confirmed in many holy books. Science tends to conflict in many ways though. God's system requires no holy books nor any time wasted guarding such books.