What are the necessary factors for you to "HELP" others?

@deserve40 (1656)
September 8, 2012 10:47am CST
We help many people in our life and in turn we also get the help from many people. It is quite common thing that people ask for your help and you do favour them with a help. Sometimes you do not help them giving some reasons or even without giving reasons you just say "No" for the help. So which are the factors necessary for you to "HELP" others?
11 responses
@deazil (4730)
• United States
8 Sep 12
I like helping. If someone asks for information or has a problem that I can access information on, I will. Mylot is a good place for that as I do many searches online for myself. So if people are looking for something I can readily find it. I am knowledgeable in certain subjects and am pleased to be able to share this knowledge. If I see a person in a store parking lot or a neighbor struggling with something, I will offer help. I don't mind. I have provided financial help in the past, when I could afford it. You have to be careful who you help. Not everyone who is seeking assistance really needs it. Sometimes it is hard to discern whether or not help is actually needed. I go with my gut instinct and don't mind helping others.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
" nupur " : you seem to be great believer of "Karm". I am also of the opinion that we should do our Karm and leave other things to God. If we do good things to others then in some or the other way we will get good things from others. (If not from the same person then from some others.) I suggest you to read a small book "Karma No Siddhant" if you understand Gujarati. It is very samll but quite inspiring book. It was great pleasure to read your views here. Hope to read more from you her on other subjects.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
9 Sep 12
You keep making good discussions and I will be there!
@nupur123 (392)
• Hyderabad, India
9 Sep 12
Yes,but it hardly matters if u have a clear heart. If u u helping one with a good sense that it does not matter whether the person need it or not. U should do ur karm else leave it to God.
• Philippines
9 Sep 12
I tried my best to help people if they need one, but the question is, what factors I look not to do it. Well, for one, I will not help people who just depends on other people's help and won't do a thing for themselves. I am not consenting lazy people to be spoonfed.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
10 Sep 12
So you would like to help the people who are in real need of your help and not the people who can do the things themselves. It is right thing not to offer your help to those who are capable enough to do the same things by themselves because if you still help them, they may become lazy and habitual to getting help from others. They won't like to work in future. In such cases your idea of help the person will be defeated. Nice thoughts friend...! Have a nice time...!
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
9 Sep 12
I offer help whatever way possible for as long as it would not create conflict with my home responsibilities, and if doesn't concern a big amount of money coz we are struggling too.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
You are right "jenny". For helping people, one more factor which plays important role is our responsibilities. If my family members need my company and if I am not able to give them enough time, I cannot think of going out to some place and help the needy persons. In this case needy persons are there in my family and so I should not go out to find needy persons. One more important factor is our financial conditioin. If I do not have enough money, I cannot afford to give some amount to the needy person. So for helping others with money one has to obtain financial stability. Thanks for your addition to this discussion. Have a nice time...!
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
9 Sep 12
I regard how important this people mean to me as number one factor. And the next is how serious the thing is. I think this is enough and do as nice person if they really need your help. I always remember to be nice and that's how my dad had told me.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
So you check how important that person is to you and then you decide to help him. It is good enough to have due consideration to the need of the person also. You have been rightly taughtly to be a good person always. Only good people can help others because they want to reamin good to others and that is very essential for all humans. Thanks for you response.... have a nice time...!
@nupur123 (392)
• Hyderabad, India
9 Sep 12
Helping others doesn't mean that u need something from in return. I helo people in many ways like give food to the poors. I even donate charties. I provide clothes to the people who r in need of them. Now tell me what will i get from them un return blessings.........
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
So nupur, you help others not for getting any returns from them. Infact they may not be in a position to give you in return except the blessings. I think that the blessings of the needy person are one of the greatest things which they can give and the greatest thing we can get from them. So selfless help of the needy person is your moto. I am hope that you would be in great position to help people in need for long long time. God Bless you...!
• Philippines
9 Sep 12
I think it depends on what kind of help is asked from me. If it's monetary, I gotta have some extra cash, of which I should be able to let go just in case the borrower is unable to pay. If it's problem solving or advice, I need to have a clear head and a healthy mind because listening and giving psychological help can be draining. What I'm trying to say is, it's important to help those who are in need but we also need to preserve ourselves and balance so we may avoid ending up feeling bitter.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
So for you the type of help which is required by others is important. In each case you would try to make sure that you are in right position to help others. I think that this is good policy. If someone ask me for the financial money and if I have empty pocket, how am I to help them..! You have rightly stated that while helping others, we have to keep our position in our mind also. We need to take care of ourselves also. If you do not have enough resources with you and then if you try to help the people with the same, then you are inviting troubles and soon you would be looking for the help from others...! This would not be a happy situation at all. Thanks for sharing your views here. Have a nice time...!
@marguicha (221454)
• Chile
8 Sep 12
I help my loved ones, if I can. I used to help more people, but I donĀ“t have the energy anymore. So now, my help is more like advise if they ask for it.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
Looking to your age, I think that if you are in a poistion to help few people then also it is great thing for you. At old age if people are able to take care of themselves then also it is a great help to their friends and relatives. My mother is of old age but fortunately for me she is able to take care of herself and I greatful to almighty for that. Because of her being capable enough to help herself, I feel much relaxed. I need not worry about her every now and then so I am able to concentrate better on my other responsibilities. It is a great pleasure to read your views here. Please do share more and more here. Good Bless you...!
@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
8 Sep 12
hi friend helping others is really a great deed and i really love to help others more and more because in our life not only money matters our relationship with others and our good deeds are counted so we have to help others and also we need help from others because many times you do not have any knowledge about a thing so friend help others and get help is good and if some body no give us proper help then we are not able to earn online so friend be happy to help others .
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
So you want to help others so that you may be helped by others. I do agree with you that to get help from others it is quite necessary that we help others whenever possible. However, as rightly stated by you, we must have knowlede of that subject so that we can help others. If we are not knowledgeable, then we cannot help others. So one thing is sure that you must have sufficient knowledge to help others. I think that with limited knowledge we should not try to help others. Our actions may cause trouble to other person whome we want to help and so we have to be absolutely sure that in trying to help a person we are not going to cause any harm to that person. Nice to have your views on this subject. Hope to read many more opinions on different subjects here friend...!
@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
8 Sep 12
Depending on the need of the person concerned. Honestly i am now a little wary in helping people for i have several experiences that i discovered i have given help to the wrong person and for a wrong purpose. That is i was deceived a number of times by those i have extended help hence now though i feel guilty at times but i refuse to give if i don't trust the character of the person seeking help.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
It is very difficult to decide if a person is really in need of help or not. But I think that it is not good thing on the part of the people who take help of others unethically. You have rightly stated that many people are found to be the people not in real need and still asking for help. I am of the opinion that if you are sure that the other person is in really need then only you should try to extend the help. It will save you from so many troubles. Many times people pretend so nicely that we get trapped in their conspiracy and we suffer just because we tried to help them. Have a nice time friend...!
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
9 Sep 12
I help those people whom I can see who are helping themselves. I will not tend to help a person if I can see that she/he is just spending time with friends doing nonsense or having a drinking spree with his group while his/her family is starving.
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
I like your idea very much "ARIES". If the person himself is trying to do something then the help has some meaning otherwise, you may make the person feel that things can be done just by taking help of others. This will result into waste of time for you and in future the same person will not like to work for himself. You may make him dependent by helping him once or twice and that would not be the purpose behind helping him in any case. Thanks for sharing your views here. Have a nice time friend...!
9 Sep 12
As long I have the capacity to help I must help. Man must live helping each other which is necessary to have harmonious relationship thus making our heavy burden lighter. I always extend a helping hand to those who really and badly needs my help especially in terms of financial difficulties. But, sometimes I must have some precaution because many times I've been abused they come for help but they used the money in gambling, to buy some substance which I knew from some friends and sometimes they use member of their family who is sick to ask help when in fact they are all well. So please be careful ! you might be the next victim.....
@deserve40 (1656)
• India
9 Sep 12
Yes, you are right in that case...! If you help financially and that money is going to be used in wrong way, then your purpose of helping is not served. We always try to help others as we know that it is good thing and with our help if a person will have some sort of relexation in his life then we must help him. If we help people without due consideration then our help may be used in the ways we would never like. Many times we have to blame ourselves for that situation as our money or efforts are used in wrong way. It is sad that many times our help becomes curse for others because they may even become adicted to bad things. It was pleasure reading your views here. Hope to see more ideas in your posts friend...!