Missing School Days ??

school days - R u missing your school days
@ash777 (40)
September 8, 2012 1:18pm CST
This is to all graduate or post graduate students.At school levels we are eagerly wants to finish the school life and want to go for higher studies.And now we are waiting for a job after higher studies.Our responsibilities are increasing on ages going.Beyond the ages are we really missing our school days ??With the most careness of parents and teachers.Just remember the funny moments and teasing experiances.Everyone had their many memorable and first experiances are when we were at our school life whether it is happy or sad ;love or cheat ;fun or fear ; anything.....R u missing your school days ??
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5 responses
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
9 Sep 12
It was 1969 when i completed degree. I started working from the day of my last exam as typing instructor. salary was Rs.1 per day and we may get typing charges if any work domes. Unemployment was not a problem then. People who have completed degree should be in touch with their subject, prepare for aptitude exams, read newspaper, read general knowledge, develop communication skill and confidence level.
@ash777 (40)
9 Sep 12
hii sir,nice to know about your experiances.all young generation including me have to take these kinds of posts seriously.now a days no one is ready to work without a payment to their status.and thus unemployment become a serious issue.For you sir, your olden days are entirely different from todays era.And i think you missed it very deeply.
@shivanisd (387)
• India
8 Sep 12
hi ash777, yes Im most definitely missing my school days. Everything was so innocent back then and now that Im grown up everyone wants to take a shot at me and hurt me- I hate this atmosphere of mistrust and one-upmanship. When i was working some of my colleagues were extremely off- putting and callous. I hope one day people will realize the value of innocence and the gentler way of living life. thnx shivani.
@ash777 (40)
9 Sep 12
everyone will realize the world without relationships and attachments are useless.after our busy life we have to reserve something wchich cannot buy with money wchich is packed with emotions and memories and all of us have to rethink when taking a decision wchich may break up an relationships.Here we miss our olden days !!
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
8 Sep 12
Oh how I miss my college days. I miss hanging out with my friends, drinking with them, just laughing and being carefree. We still hang out up to today, but its just not the same. Its so hard to get everybody together because of responsibilities that we have now. Most of us have our own family now, so its not that easy to just go out and hang out.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
8 Sep 12
I miss somethings about my school days. I certainly miss a lot of people that I used to hang out with back then. I also miss being in choir and singing and performing. I also really loved cooking in home economics and learning how to make new things, and I miss having gym class every day. I would love it if someone would make me get up and exercise everyday at a specific time, that would be awesome, then I would have no excuse not to exercise.
• China
10 Sep 12
Hello ash777, i miss my school days very much. At that time, we were so young,so poor and want to finish the degree as soon as possible, and then get a job to support my family. Now i get my fantastic job and not very bad pay, but i find that i'm not happy at all. i don't dream big any more,the free days never come back. Luckily, i still know what i really want and keep moving forward. you know what's the most important thing about the school days? Friends. Although we can't be together all the time right now, we still keep in touch with each other. Dream and love, thats what i miss about the school days.