United States
September 9, 2012 1:20pm CST
I just need to vent. This computer is driving me bananas. I will have a new one up and running this week, but until then...grrr! I count on this to make money each day through article writing. The articles are timed - such as 2 hours, 4 hours, etc. I can usually make them in time barring family emergencies. Yesterday, due to family issues, I had no chance to write. Today, all was fine, and I got an article assigned and was flying...and then, when I was about 600 words in to the 850 I needed to write - this computer froze. It froze. And I tried every trick to unfreeze it - they would work - for a minute - and then it would freeze again. I tried sending an email to the person I write for. It took over twenty minutes between freezing and unfreezing just to compose it! I got it out, and kept trying to work. I wanted to restart, because usually if I do - it takes care of the problem. Trouble is - by restarting, I lose about ten minutes of time. It would have taken less time to do that - I realize that now. But each time my computer unfroze I had hope that it would last. My bad. Next time I'll just restart the d*** thing. This thing is nearly seven years old and on it's last legs anyway. Can't wait for my new one!
3 responses
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
9 Sep 12
In the meantime have you tried to delete programs and files you don't need on the computer and free up some needed space? You can also run a program called ccleaner which deletes all temporary internet cache etc and can easily free up 200mb of space for you or more depending on when last you run a clean. Best of luck!
• United States
9 Sep 12
Yeah, done all that - it hasn't made a difference. I'm such a computer geek so I usually know what to do - all I need is a cooperating
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
9 Sep 12
200mb? that is too much. normally whenever i delete once or twice a day i delete some 6mb files. that is also good suggestion.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
9 Sep 12
I recommend you buy HP laptop for $500/600. it will be good.
@Ollanna11 (371)
• United States
9 Sep 12
Remember to copy and paste your work onto a document. This way you'll avoid the agony of starting from scratch. Good luck!
• United States
9 Sep 12
I try to remember but often Once my new computer is here and set up, I'm hoping not to run in to this frustration time and again!
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
9 Sep 12
you are from usa whee normally people do not use computers for this lengthy period. great. you have a lot of patience, perseverance. wish you all good luck such that the computers allows timetravel to make travel within the travel time allowed. good day. relax. play with children. watch tv.
• United States
9 Sep 12
I am practically tethered to my computer most days. We are a very computer oriented family. There are five computers here - hubby has two (he made his Mac himself!) and a windows computer that is running the old XP. My daughter has one, and my son - a brand new one - a gaming computer. And I have mine. Also, my son has an ipad, and my daughter is getting the new Kindle Fire HD. After I get my new computer up and running I am going to save for a small mini netbook because I want something portable.