This dandruff kills me!

September 10, 2012 12:10am CST
I have this dandruff for a long long time. I tried every medicine I know to at least lessen my dandruff. I even expended a big amount of money to buy "nizoral" products but nothing has changed. I also tried different anti-dandruff shampoos yet nothing also changed. I really really hate this. It's so disgusting that I couldn't wear dark clothes because the flakes becomes so visible. Does anyone here know how to cure dandruff? Wish I could find an answer to this problem through you guys. Thanks ahead.
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7 responses
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
11 Sep 12
Have you tried sulfur 8 shampoo and you can also try vinegar rinse. I used to have dry scalp also oiling your scalp really helps reduce dandruff , I have some good information on my blog you could follow .
• United States
12 Sep 12
No it is not dangerous for your skin , my brother start using it a month ago . It also help stimulate hair growth .
• Philippines
12 Sep 12
OH...I see. given the availability of these, I will try this one.
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
10 Sep 12
nizoral really works for me, in fact is its the only product that does as long as i use it once a week.
• United States
10 Sep 12
Have you checked it with a dermatologist? It could be that you have some sort of an allergy to something. You might consider changing your diet and lifestyle.
• Philippines
10 Sep 12
Never tried sending my self in a dermatologist. I find it costly and so I just chose to try and try some known dandruff killing products. I really don't know what to do.
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
i think dandruff is the cause of fungi. so you have to us the products to kill the fungi then your dandruff will be gone. for the first week use nizoral twice, then use head & shoulders in between. after the first week you can reduce the usage of nizoral to once a week then use a diff brand of anti dandruff shampoo. switching from one brand to another really helps. but continue to use nizoral once a week.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
10 Sep 12
Use fresh lemon juice - rinse it on your scalp every 2 days for the first 3 or 4 weeks. You hair would be better off. If you have hairfall too, you can use eggs(weekly once) which is quite rich in proteins. I have personally used a combo of these to get rid of dandruff and also stop hairfall. I admit the smell of the eggs on the head wont feel great but then, it is a much better and healthier solution I found out than using those chemicals which almost do more harm than the good.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
10 Sep 12
Oh. In case you had the hair rebonding, best would be to ask your dermatologist or your hair stylist. If they arent after money and sales of products for which they get commissions, they would be the right people to follow.
• Philippines
10 Sep 12
I tried putting lemon on my scalp, but it didn't took too long because I felt tired putting such regularly. Now I wish to try putting lemon juice on my head but I'm afraid I might just ruin my hair. I just had my hair re-bonding and I'm afraid the chemicals might affect differently with lemon. I wonder if it wouldn't cause trouble on my hair?
• Indonesia
11 Sep 12
Dandruff can be a very annoying. Sometimes I also have problems with dandruff,if dandruff appears it means that the hair / head does not clean, or maybe I tie my hair so often that my hair do not have chance to breathe. I will wash my hair with anti-dandruff shampoo. There are many kinds of anti-dandruff shampoo, but not all the shampoos are suitable for me. There are shampoos that reduce / eliminate my dandruff but some are actually exacerbates my dandruff. If you can not find the right shampoo for your hair, I suggest you to consult a doctor. My advice, do not tie your hair too often. Wash your hair every day with a shampoo that suits your hair. Do not tie your wet hair.
• Philippines
12 Sep 12
I tie my hair often actually. Maybe that's another reason.I will try my best not to tie it now.Let's see if it helps.Thanks a lot.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
11 Sep 12
I had the problem of dandruff but not a very severe one. I have used aloe vera to rub on my head and it was good for me since the dandruff reduced a lot. This was in the summer when I used to sweat a lot and I think it was majorly due to the sweat that i had dandruff.Now in the monsoons it has almost disappeared and I am glad. I think you must try aloe vera since it is herbal and natural with no side effects. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
• Philippines
11 Sep 12
I am currently trying the lemon juice. I just started last night and I am going to observe a one week natural treatment. If these wont work, I guess I gotta try aloe vera. Thanks for sharing too. How I wish this flakes would be gone the sooner.
@cattibre (160)
• United States
10 Sep 12
I used to have dandruff from time to time. What helped me was using olive oil on my hair once a month or so. You may want to do this at night and make sure you are not going anywhere the next morning. Just put it in making sure to message the scalp and let it set for about 20 minutes. Lightly wash your will have an oily look still. Put a shower cap on to sleep so you do not get oil on your pillow. Wash your hair again the next morning with a mild shampoo. Don't know if this will help but good luck.
• Philippines
10 Sep 12
I will try to buy olive oil. I don't know if this costs high? I'm afraid it does. But I will try this in time. I guess I shouldn't worry more on money. My scalp itches badly and the flakes just show off. It's kinda embarrassing to think that I am a lady. Well, anyone who does have a dandruff, boy or girl, would actually feel the same as I do.
11 Sep 12
You need to have a good long rest. It is a sign of stress! A week after I resigned from work, my dandruff were gone!