Best compliment ever!

United States
September 12, 2012 8:01am CST
A woman commented on my unfinished painting yesterday, "That painting is gorgeous! You can walk right into it!" I was beaming with delight. What are some of the best compliments that you have ever received?
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12 responses
@ajk111 (2495)
12 Sep 12
The only compliment my wife has ever told was that i looked better from a distance. You should take a photo of your painting and start a discussion on mylot about art so that we can share it. Looking forward to seeing it.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Sep 12
hi ajk okay i am going to give you a are a great mylotter as you do respond to a lot of my discussions and other too.I think your wife was just teasing you so there.
• Philippines
13 Sep 12
Mine was when someone said I'm his teacher. This was after I taught this fellow English, which inspired him to learn more so that someday he can be like me. I did this so that he can be my assistant or he can work on his own as an online worker.
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@jricky1 (6800)
• China
13 Sep 12
A comment that really makes us happy is that when you found things you love being appreciated or just accepted. I just can not imagine how excited i'm. So i appreciate that feeling and hope we can get more on the rest of our life, just keep going.
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@Pegasus72 (1898)
13 Sep 12
Mine are alway about how young I look and that there is no way I can have a 21 year old soon to be 22 year old, as well as people always thinking that my grandaughter is our daughter. It is funn, but makes me feel really good.
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• Thailand
12 Sep 12
Oh very nice for you to have a nice compliment from the others of your work. That is the best price we can get after our hard work... When people notice and give a nice comments it could be more than a reward of penny. i am a singer and a performer since i was 6 years old and until i am keep on flattering my self by receiving a lot of compliments from guest or audience right after my performance. What i am right now, and how i become a great singer modesty aside, is because of the people who is giving me the constructive criticism and nice comments and i am glad and happy to receive those most of the time, that just makes my day...worth...
• United States
12 Sep 12
Wow!!! I also like to paint but my skill is only for drawing T__T good for you! :) Keep it up! ;) I also received compliments from other people. Recently, it is about supporting our clients. My boss complimented me on how to assist our clients. It is so heartwarming that my efforts are being known. :) Hehehehe. NOTE: Always stay our feet on the ground in receiving good compliments to others! :)
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Sep 12
jo vgdesigns that was a lovely compliment as it will buoy up your artistic confidence and you will become better and better. My best compliment ever was from a nurse when I was recovering from having a sebaceous cyst removed from my shoulder. she told me I had the prettiest eyes and that they were blue green and my white long hair set them off beautifully.that made me feel really good about myself at 84
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
24 Nov 12
Heheh...danger question for me because I am a forgettable person no remember the compliments but I notice my husband's relatives many time told to my MIL your daughter is law is good and smiely women and freely talking women nothing is in her heart all shows. Innocent women then I feel wow!!! I am good women.
14 Sep 12
Well for me i cannot paint nor draw but i know i am good looking as i believe i was created in God's image and when somebody tells me that "You look great today", i really appreciate that.I think telling someone they look great is the greatest compliment you can give,for i know that it really feels good and it goes a long way in easing the burdens we carry in this life.
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
14 Sep 12
when i was still young i used to draw whatever i had in mind and i just enjoy it, until i had some informal schooling about art, and receive lots of compliments to my work which of course made me happy,.. unfortunately my wife doesn't appreciate art at all that's why i don't do art often anymore, i miss those days when i just do art to enjoy even if nobody is appreciating them,...
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
12 Sep 12
Wow. That must be a good painting to have such compliment. Me? I also got a compliment with my hair. My hair has natural curls and I let it rebonded. But after 6 months the curls are starting to be back again. :( I feel so ugly that time and losing my confidence again with my hair, but one friend told me that my hair looks gorgeous and it rocks. Haha. I was happy that time. :)
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• Philippines
14 Sep 12
I write fictions online. One of the most touching comments I've gotten was how I was able to help them get through a bad day. I find this kind of remark more satisfying than read words of compliments that my stories are good or my writing is remarkable. I guess reaching out to people and helping them cope with life make my writing more worthwhile.