Which comes first Microeconomics or Macroeconomics?
By socballais
@socballais (71)
September 12, 2012 9:02am CST
Is it possible to venture into Macroeconomics without studying Microeconomics? Is Microeconomics a prerequisite course before studying Macroeconomics?
60 responses
@MariaLineth (3)
16 Sep 12
yes it is possible to directly study MacroE, teoretically, because it is in general a different area of economics. But I am sure that it is good to know more than just MarcoE also. And no: I am now attending a MaE course, and got in without any course in MicroE.
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
for me.
no.microeconomics should come beforehand,it is irrelevant to undertake microeconomics before going over any areas of macroeconomics.it is the fundamentals of knowledge and basis that supports economics in general.it is from microeconomics where we can get the smallest ideas that will correlate with natural system and the science of dealing economics in general.
yes.is it strongly advisable and necessary to study microeconomics before going through with macroeconomics.microeconomics deals with the individual areas whereas macroeconomics signifies terms of whole system especially with reference to general levels of output and income and the interrelations among sectors of the economy.
jemelee mae colinares.
ab econ 2b:)
@entinocarlbryan (5)
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
hiya ako sa english mo teh!! hahah
"moose" - Adam G. Sevani
@KimberlyPalamos (3)
15 Sep 12
all of us know that microeconomics is the study of the behavior of small economic units, such as that of individual consumers or households. While macroeconomics is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of the whole economy. So for me,it is not possible to venture macroeconomics w/out studying microeconomics and of course i agree that microeconomics is a prerequisite course before studying macroeconomics.although in some universities they allow students to take up macro first before micro, but in our case, its not good that we will took macro first before micro because we are majoring economics.And also it would be easy for us students to understand macro because we had already studied the background of micro.
@zsaecaldre (9)
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
Micro and Macroeconomics are equally important. One cannot study the whole without studying the parts. They both provide fundamental tools for any finance professional and should be studied together in order to fully understand how companies operate and earn revenues and thus, how an entire economy is managed and sustained.
To understand how aggregate markets operate, we must first understand the behavior of the firms,consumers,workers,and investors who constitute them. Thus macroeconomics have become increasingly concerned with the microeconomic foundations of aggregate economic phenomena, and much of macroeconomics is actually an extension of microeconomic analysis. Principles of macroeconomics can be more thoroughly appreciated after the rigorous reasoning of microeconomics has been mastered.
I believe that in order to really understand macroeconomics, we must fully understand microeconomics, so YES microeconomics is a prerequisite course before studying macroeconomics.
-AB econ 2A, Ecaldre
@solveralyn (1)
• Philippines
16 Sep 12
As a student, taking up the course Economics.. i suggest micro first since it deals with the individual and firms and gives you the basic needs for macro.This will give a good overview on how an economy works as a whole. So much for that, it also covers the concepts of Supply and Demand in details which necessary for taking Macroeconomics.Yes Microeconomics is a prerequisite course before studying Macroeconomics since its a "prime avenue" so that we can build a more successful
preparation for macroeconomics..
@radja1925 (6)
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
yes it is possible to venture into macroeconomics without studying fist microeconomics,but it will be much more difficult and will not be easy to learn if we will not study first microeconomics..fact is that macroeconomics is the whole,while microeconomics is a part of the whole.
@radja1925 (6)
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
yes it is possible to venture into macroeconomics without studying fist microeconomics,but it will be much more difficult and will not be easy to learn if we will not study first microeconomics..fact is that macroeconomics is the whole,while microeconomics is a part of the whole.
@samarrojasmin (2)
• Philippines
27 Sep 12
for me macroeconomics because it is possible to do well in macroeconomics without first taken microeconomics. However it would likely be easier take microeconomics and then macroeconomics. The hard part of macroeconomics for most people aren't the concept.That was my opinion and other my have different experiences than me(I personally find introductory macroeconomics to quite easy to grasp,although I did take micro and study macro before I took the course.
@josenelcanonigo (3)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
the study of the behaviors an economy at the aggregate level of a sficific subgruop or individual which is called microeconomics for example, a macroecnomist migth consider the industrial sectors ,the services sector or the farm sector but he/she will not consider spicific part of any of those sector.studeis include inflation unemployment and industrial production often with the aim of studying the effect of goverment policy on this factors.
@jonalejaneth (4)
• Philippines
29 Sep 12
for me microeconomics comes first, it is because we all know that it looks at the decisions of individual units. It also focuses on the choices made by individual decision units such as house holds producers and firms. resource allocation decision are made by individual entities in a market economy.
@jonalejaneth (4)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
For me, it is not necessary to take either microeconomics or macroeconomics first because both courses gain information about supply and demand from the beginning. In both courses you learn reinforcement in the fundamental principles of economics.
@fuachristian (3)
25 Sep 12
Well you must take micro first because it will learn you the basic ABC of economics,you know that the micro means study of individual three and macro is the study of hole forest. so its important to take micro to make easy your life in macro.
It is not necessarily to take micro before macro or vice versa it is not just matter. you well learn about supply and demand in both courses in the beginning and in each the assumption is that you have no prior knowledge. in both courses you learn and gain reinforcement in the fundamental principle of economics.
@florefie (2)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
In my own opinion macroeconomics consider the performance of the economy as a whole. many macroeconomics issues appear in the press and on the evening news on daily basis. when we study macroeconomics we are looking at topics such as economic growth ,inflation,changes in employment and unemployment , our trade performance with other countries. the relative success or failure of government economic policies and its decision..
@HaidyBalbuena (3)
• Philippines
26 Sep 12
I'll be direct with the question.
As a student in the Tertiary or Collegiate level, is it actually possible to venture into Macroeconomics without studying Microeconomics (in a collegiate course).
Hence, Microeconomics is a key area being focused and conversely discussed during the entire year of Senior High School.
It is even more rigidly discussed in the Senior High School as it takes the whole year to finish a book on Economics which talks the microeconomics at the most simple ways, possible. All sorts of homeworks styles and classroom exercises are adopted by the teachers especially in the private high schools just to attain a higher percentile of subject understanding and for the subsequent memory retention.
After all, microeconomics in college (is supposedly to) literally assume the role of a refresher course or introductory for few individuals whose understanding on economics is very poor.
Besides, microeconomics can be simply learned at home - a sort of self-studying. Hence, its outline technically illustrates only the Household (HH) - Business Firms (BF) relationship which is effected and discussed within the context of theoretical and real economics mechanisms such as the Law on Supply and Demand, the Production Resources and Functions; the different markets, etc.
Microeconomics as a prerequisite course to Macroeconomics in the collegiate level doesn't really assumes the "prerequisite" essence - where a knowledge of an individual is really important provided that he/she doesn't have any key idea on a certain subject required for a Bachelor's degree. Again, this is because there is already an obvious understanding in any high school graduate - only that they are immature and lazy to refresh their learning on a subject discussed for an entire year.
Besides, the notion of a 'prerequisite microeconomics' in collegiate level can be assailed by the mere fact that universities/colleges adopts the traditional school mindset.
However, if you are a real beginner on the subjects of Economics, it is best advised and really preferable to take and study Microeconomics first hence, it en-houses the fundamentals of the whole Economics viewpoint and learning.
Thus, my stand is: Microeconomics as a prerequisite course before studying Macroeconomics depends on the level of your learning phase.
24 Sep 12
Yes,because by itself Macroeconomics is only half of Economics.For more than half a century,Economics has been divided into two branch;Macroeconomics and Microeconomics.Microeconomists examine the economy in the large focusing feedback from one component of the economy to another and studying the total level of production and employment.
In contrast,Microeconomics which was probably the subject of your last economics course,deal with the economy in the small.Microeconomists study the markets for single commodities,examining the behavior of an individual households and businesses.
@haroldauticio (2)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
we first know the basic and introduction of ECONOMICS before we go further to its contain... In a logical way, we should first to crawl before we able to to walk... its a brief and concise perception .
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
For me I would study macroeconomics first because its study the overall working component of the the national economy like input,output,Inflation ,and GDP while microeconomics is the study of the Individual components within the economy ,such as household and firms ,supply and demand.studying macroeconomic first seems to be best route as its more intensive and extensive and sort of sets the stage for introduction into the specific sectors involving the economy micro once you get that down the micro portion will be effortless. the field of economic is broken down into two distinct areas of study microeconomics and macreconomics However I,always thougth microeconomics was a pre-require first.
@delacruzB (3)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
the first come is the microeconomics from the greek world (micro)meaning from a small of economics is a branch economics studies the behavior of individual while macroeconomis are the studies of the behavior of the aggregate economy. macroeconomics examine economy -wide phenomenon such as change unemployment, national income, rate of growth GDP inflation and price level ...
@rolave23 (2)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
For me, it is possible to venture into macroeconomics without studying microeconomics because just like when you have identified the main problem(macroeconomics), you would think of the reasons(microeconomics) why you have that. So you would think of the probable causes up to the least one which you think had been the reason to that problem. That's why i can say that microeconomics is not a prerequisite course before studying Macroeconomics.
Based on what i stated above, it does not matter which comes first microeconomics or macroeconomics, although both are important in the field of economics.
@jheniegallano (2)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
in my own opinion it is possible to venture macroeconomics without studying microeconomics because macroeconomics is the study of aggregate fluctuations and growth while microeconomics is the study of the economics behavior of small economics units of individuals.