I don't think there was a poison in the water supply General Hospital Soap opera
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
September 12, 2012 10:29am CST
I don't! Not after last night when JErry told Jax his story of dieing and all. I think Jerry needed the money...found the way to get it...TOLD the city he had contaminated the water supply so he could get the money he needed. Then.. once out of town with Alexis...for insurance....he'd have the money, and get his cure. Meanwhile...it stuck me...Alexis and JOslyn had these same effects when Jerry intentionally injected them with what he said was the "antidote". Well, they had the same symptons, dizzyness, fever etc.. and it lasted about 48 hours then they were fine! Jerry keeps saying he doesn't have much time.. and I thought he was talking about his health, but yesterday I think he meant that he didn't have much time to get out of town cause the 48 hours were nearly up... and as soon as the town's people don't start dying, bu start getting better...they will figure out it was a hoax...just a distraction for Jerry to 1..get the money he needed and 2.. time to get out of town and not be caught!
I think the bomb in the antidote brief case...I don't think it was set to blow at all! I think since John said he'd never seen anything like that before..there was "so much" wiring in there...I think Jerry made a mock bomb..with a timer to again...give him time and distraction...when John said there wasn't a green wire...that was the clue that it probably wasn't a live bomb. He'll cut the red today and the time will go off and no explosion!
The gun fight caused a leak in a gas barrel...which they showed caught on fire and was going toward injured Jax...hopefully they will have him able to roll out of the line of the fire...or have him fall into the ocean and not be recovered and assumed dead....again.
I think the explosion they hinted to yesterday was Jerry's boat...Sonny was on it last..he could have caused it to blow to distract Jerry into thinking Alexis was just blown up!
Altho this story is really good and exciting and fun...they always use it kill of those they no longer need...like the Q's "cook"...so far she is the only casualty in town.. and sometimes "kill" off a character whose contract is up and they don't want to keep the character...like Johnny..now that JAx is back and he and Carly can reunite. THey already had Ewen die, but that was not related to the tainted water..that was a gun shot.
So I guess today will tell alot....and Friday...all will be fine in PC and come monday...it will be like the incident never happened! They recover so quickly!!LOL!!!
1 response
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Sep 12
I am used to creating my own happenings as lately the show has been so boring! But this storyline is really good...habit kicked in! But it still could be fake. I mean..they got the antidote from Jerry and had enough to not only treat the entire water system of the city but also spray it from choppers all over the city! That was stupid! But I like Olivia too. I wish they'd let her and Johnny stay together... I liked them two together. I am looking forward to seeing what they do with her, soon to be revealed...(I hope!) pshyic abilities!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
23 Sep 12
It was pretty dumb wasn't it! And it ended so quickly with just...nothing! I like the Sam's baby story too... I hope it puts her and Jason back together!